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Mermaid research


(Fzd)school homework

We couldn't have the autonomous robot have the creature kill or detect it :(
Would love to kill a mermaid...

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This is an awesome piece of art. It's more realistic that all the other artwork on new grounds, since it could be, more or less, what a real mermaid would look and act like. However, I would tell you not to believe in everything you see on T.V.! I heard that you believe in mermaids because of the special that animal planet did (I think it was animal planet), that is not wise. I would like to believe that mermaids really do exist, but I can't say for certain if the footage is faked for views. If the footage is real, then it would look more human-like thank your picture. However, few more millions years of evolution and you will probably get something similar to your picture. Anyways, brilliant research Robot. You really do have a talent for it, maybe you could become a robot designer one day. Over all, I will have to say that this artwork is worthy for five star rating!

No way. I basically discovered FZD today and now stumble upon your work. I watched a video in which Feng mentioned something about suggestive violence in concept art not actual violence. So unfortunately no mermaid killing today haha.

I can't advice on the technical aspect of concept art, it's not my area of expertise. I do character design in my own time but nothing like this. However i do like the visuals. The only thing i can mention is this fictional creature feeds on and gets hunted by existing creatures. Can't quite put them in the same catagory.

Good luck.

Flowers10 responds:

Mermaids are real man!

and thanks!:)

A philosopher whose name I cannot recall once said that we humans cannot make fantastical creatures without merging together a bunch of pieces from other things and/or creatures that are known to us. I have to say that this here "mermaid" of yours is pretty much like that, a merger of bits and pieces from different existing things, an evolutionary approach to a creature of myth that could have quite a bit of trouble if it existed in the real world. Please, think about that while I hereby praise your art style, for I have made incursions in the usage of digital techniques of painting and this serves as a great inspiration for me. Long story short, you rock at art style, but keep an eye on your concept.

Flowers10 responds:

Arent nearly all all famous monsters basically animals stitched together? werewolf, dragon, Wolpertinger, etc. This is because we won't be able to relate to the subjects, if we have no idea what they are. And most seem to be humiod even, like all aliens. if they didn't look humanoid they wouldn't look intelligent. So its necessary to do this stitching together of animals so the audience can relate, and the concept can communicate. I'm stil very interested in critique on how it could work better in the evolution tho!

Great stuff. I love the way You made that ship. Nice idea.

As an engineering student, various design elements of the unmanned submersible bug me. As somebody who has taken many biology related lower division classes, various anatomical elements of your mermaid bug me. As somebody who barely passed english composition, various spelling and grammar related problems bug me.

Seems like the only thing I can compliment you on is your use of brushes and color gradation to give texture and depth to the concept art.

Flowers10 responds:

Haha, its a good thing this is fiction, made for film/video. not real life.
All it has to do is look cool, and communicate. I'm still very interested in what i could improve tho, so i could avoid making the same mistakes in the future. A pm with that would be awesome :D And about the spelling/grammar i already gave up on that haha

Credits & Info

4.52 / 5.00

Aug 23, 2014
1:35 PM EDT

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