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BEEBO author NG Mag interview

928 Views | 11 Replies

Hey, all. Been away for a couple weeks... computer problems... real life business... things like that. But I did get ONE nice NG thing done during that time as well: I interviewed fabulous999, creator of BEEBO, African Detroit Cop, Funkeytown, the Suicide Bomber Game, and many other nifty flash games and movies.

As anyone who has checked out my pull-down fave authors or fave movies lists in my profile knows, fabulous999 and his BEEBO series are my gods here on NG, so it was a great experience. There's no way to get feedback in the form of comments underneath an interview on NG Mag or anything right now, or even to know how many people have checked it out yet. So I thought I'd inform the general BBS population, since I know there's a lot of other BEEBO fans out there.

It's not the most informative interview ever, but I think it's okay. Check it out if you're so inclined!


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to BEEBO author NG Mag interview May 7, 2004

At 5/7/04 07:06 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Hey, all. Been away for a couple weeks... computer problems... real life business... things like that.

I already commented on the interview in some other thread, it's a good read, check it out.

Response to BEEBO author NG Mag interview May 7, 2004

Just leave it to gfoxcook to ask long winded questions. Very intresting read though.


BBS Signature

Response to BEEBO author NG Mag interview May 7, 2004

Yeah I have mine posted to, with Dave of RAB. But I did that a while ago. I really need to write something else... I'm just to lazy.

I've been refurbished and reissued, prepackaged and precooked, decontaminated and deloused, but I still smell, sound, look and feel like shit.

New to the video game forums?

BBS Signature

Response to BEEBO author NG Mag interview May 7, 2004

At 5/7/04 07:13 PM, Tremour wrote: Just leave it to gfoxcook to ask long winded questions. Very intresting read though.

Lol, verily. Good job though.


At 1/16/09 06:14 AM, Jonas wrote:

: Altr remains the only reason the BBS is here. It waits for him to post, and cries when he ignores it's unlubed asshole.

BBS Signature

Response to BEEBO author NG Mag interview May 7, 2004

Thats cool.

Response to BEEBO author NG Mag interview May 7, 2004

At 5/7/04 07:10 PM, KittyRoadTrip wrote: nice i had fun reading it
At 5/7/04 07:22 PM, Mysterio-619 wrote: Thats cool.
At 5/7/04 07:13 PM, Tremour wrote: Just leave it to gfoxcook to ask long winded questions. Very intresting read though.

Heh. What did you expect?!?!? Anyway, thanks guys.

At 5/7/04 07:10 PM, jonthomson wrote:
At 5/7/04 07:06 PM, gfoxcook wrote: Hey, all. Been away for a couple weeks... computer problems... real life business... things like that.
I already commented on the interview in some other thread, it's a good read, check it out.

Other thread? ... :::looks:::

Ahhhhh, I see lightning followed my "relay teh info!" instructions from our e-mailingness. I'll get over to level up! in a bit, but I don't think I can catch up on it. ;_; Anyway, thanks!

At 5/7/04 07:21 PM, _altr_ wrote: Lol, verily. Good job though.


Woot! That's all I seek... the rekindling of old BEEBO fans' flames... and the recruitment of new BEEBO fans to join the existing legions! #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to BEEBO author NG Mag interview May 7, 2004

``I've been threatened with lawsuits and I've been threatened physically in the past, I thought it best to retain some level of anonymity and secrecy as to my whereabouts.``

If Illwillpress took threats as serisouly as Fab, he'd live on the moon by now haha.

ONe thing I didn't like all that much was that you really tried to go in-depth with the episodes, but he obvisouly just made half the things in there out of randomness and leazyness :/ But you kept on asking little details. Well you could have done worst :P
We want to know more goofy stuff. I want to be more entertained dammit. Ask really cool questions, like his haircut and his favourite color of underwear.

Because pretty soon, all the interviews will do themselves with the same questions : / Make more tasteless jokes. Make him talk about his family. haha.

Good job nonetheless, waiting for the next one.

p.s. try to talk less than the interviewee ;)

BBS Signature

Response to BEEBO author NG Mag interview May 7, 2004

At 5/7/04 07:31 PM, -poxpower- wrote: ``I've been threatened with lawsuits and I've been threatened physically in the past, I thought it best to retain some level of anonymity and secrecy as to my whereabouts.``

If Illwillpress took threats as serisouly as Fab, he'd live on the moon by now haha.

LOL! Probably, yes. But IllWillPress didn't make a suicide bomber game and name it after an Activision title, either. You'll notice he mentioned not only the threats side but also the LAWSUIT side of it.

I doubt any company has ever wanted to sue IllWillPress like that, since his movies don't really make any mention of specific companies or anything.

ONe thing I didn't like all that much was that you really tried to go in-depth with the episodes, but he obvisouly just made half the things in there out of randomness and leazyness :/ But you kept on asking little details. Well you could have done worst :P

hahah. Well, it was fun finding out whether the way he does sound effects with his voice is due to style, laziness, or randomness, and things like that.

But yeah, I was hoping for a bit more about specific BEEBO eps (like 6), but the man is simply a random genius. #;-}>

While that means we won't get any hint beforehand about what part 10 will contain, it DOES mean that we'll be wonderfully surprised, eh?

We want to know more goofy stuff. I want to be more entertained dammit. Ask really cool questions, like his haircut and his favourite color of underwear.

LOL! If you want to be entertained, you should read one of Stamper's interviews. #;-}> Especially his Marc M one (I love that guy's flashes, and after I reviewed them a month or so ago, he AIMed me and we talked a lot... that was fun... but reading Stamper's talk with him was INSANE!).

If you don't know what I'm talking about, check THAT one out. If you read that one and STILL need to be entertained, I don't know what to tell you. So read mine and then read his, or vice versa, and you'll get a good mix of seriousness and fun:


Because pretty soon, all the interviews will do themselves with the same questions : / Make more tasteless jokes. Make him talk about his family. haha.

Have you read actual interviews in magazines? Of course the same questions get asked. That's fairly common. What makes different interviews special is how the SUBJECT of the interview responds to those questions.

If I'd just asked silly questions and made jokes, that would have been fun and all, but I'm sure that some BEEBO fans (as I would have) would be disappointed not to learn as much as they could about the guy behind the movies and how they're made and "boring" things like that.

Besides, after you read the interview, dry as it may be, you're supposed to go watch BEEBO 1 through 9 and enjoy THAT, yanno? THERE'S your entertainment. #;-}>

Good job nonetheless, waiting for the next one.

I don't have any in mind right now, and I'm quite busy, but... if someone wants me to interview them, or liljim gives me an "assignment," sure... there'll be a next one, then. #;-}>

p.s. try to talk less than the interviewee ;)

hahaha. Man, I can't control how much the interviewee says in response. Aside from a few answers, fabulous999 simply lets his movies do more talking than he does. I had all the questioned typed up in advance... so if I'd edited them (on the fly) to be shorter to match his responses (so far), then the interview would have rapidly become a one liner followed by his one liner, and back and forth and died really quickly.

That's not exactly great, either, is it?

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to BEEBO author NG Mag interview May 7, 2004

At 5/7/04 07:43 PM, gfoxcook wrote: You'll notice he mentioned not only the threats side but also the LAWSUIT side of it.

bah, anyone with serious lawsuit stuff could find out where he lived easily. no?

hahah. Well, it was fun finding out whether the way he does sound effects with his voice is due to style, laziness, or randomness, and things like that.

Yeah I like that sound effect question though. And the answer. :)

LOL! If you want to be entertained, you should read one of Stamper's interviews. #;-}> Especially his Marc M one (I love that guy's flashes, and after I reviewed them a month or so ago, he AIMed me and we talked a lot... that was fun... but reading Stamper's talk with him was INSANE!).

yeah I like Stamper's style. foshure. I wish Stuporman would do some, I think he'd be good at doing that sortof stuff. And maybe allpro, for hilarity's sake.

check THAT one out. If you read that one and STILL need to be entertained,

I always need to be entertained. ALWAYS

Have you read actual interviews in magazines? Of course the same questions get asked. That's fairly common. What makes different interviews special is how the SUBJECT of the interview responds to those questions.

well I'd say you can't expect something really original by asking "what's your inspiration, what motivates you etc etc."
I mean those are so boring : /
omg fav food fav color :P
Not saying I would know how to ask better questions haha. Ok maybe I would... maybe I would.....

If I'd just asked silly questions and made jokes, that would have been fun and all, but I'm sure that some BEEBO fans (as I would have) would be disappointed not to learn as much as they could about the guy behind the movies and how they're made and "boring" things like that.

how bout half and half? :p
Beebo fans.. man that takes me back.

THERE'S your entertainment. #;-}>

but what if I already seen them : (

hahaha. Man, I can't control how much the interviewee says in response. Aside from a few answers, fabulous999 simply lets his movies do more talking than he does. I had all the questioned typed up in advance... so if I'd edited them (on the fly) to be shorter to match his responses (so far), then the interview would have rapidly become a one liner followed by his one liner, and back and forth and died really quickly.

omg are you blamming him O.O


Maybe try to cut the "well I remember that.. and I though it was great" kinda stuff.

BBS Signature

Response to BEEBO author NG Mag interview May 8, 2004

At 5/7/04 08:35 PM, -poxpower- wrote: bah, anyone with serious lawsuit stuff could find out where he lived easily. no?

True enough, but some companies might only be targetting people infringing on their properties in certain states due to easier prosecution or some specific law or something. If it delays them finding out where he really is for any period of time, then them not knowing immediately where he's from probably would help.

hahah. Well, it was fun finding out whether the way he does sound effects with his voice is due to style, laziness, or randomness, and things like that.
Yeah I like that sound effect question though. And the answer. :)

Well I'm glad I did SOMETHING right. #;-}>

yeah I like Stamper's style. foshure. I wish Stuporman would do some, I think he'd be good at doing that sortof stuff. And maybe allpro, for hilarity's sake.

Depends on who they'd be interviewing, as well, but sure, love to read interviews conducted by them.

I always need to be entertained. ALWAYS

That's kinda sad, man. ;_;

well I'd say you can't expect something really original by asking "what's your inspiration, what motivates you etc etc."
I mean those are so boring : /

But people wonder about the answers, so they can't be that boring to most people. Maybe just to you. #;-}>

omg fav food fav color :P

I really, really, really hope you were joking there, because along with "if you were a tree.... what kind of tree would you be?", those are some of the most cliched, lame interview questions EVER. #;-}> I was interviewing a flash artist, so I asked about his flash. If I were interviewing a CHEF, then perhaps "fav food?" would be a good question. #;-}>

how bout half and half? :p

That's doable, yeah.

Beebo fans.. man that takes me back.

!?!?!?! Meaning there are few left now?! Take that back, damnit! #;-}>

THERE'S your entertainment. #;-}>
but what if I already seen them : (

See 'em again. You can't honestly tell me you don't enjoy BEEBO now as much as when the eps first came out, can you?! I mean, sure, nothing replaces the first time you saw 'em, as I mentioned at the end of the interview text... but the hilarity, to me, never dies. His comedy endures for years... much longer-lived than some stuff I can think of off the top of my head.

omg are you blamming him O.O

Blamming? O_o

If you mean dissing... no, I was just stating a fact. He gave fairly concise (short, to the point) answers to my questions, whether they were long or short questions. If I'd made all my questions too short, then the interview would have run out of steam a lot sooner, IMO.

I'm a longwinded bastard, so... while I might take longwinded as a compliment, I know that to most people, short, concise statements are the ideal, and thus that was actually more of a conventional compliment to him, not any sort of a slight.

Maybe try to cut the "well I remember that.. and I though it was great" kinda stuff.

You got me there, man. My girlfriend said I acted like too much of a fanboy at times in the interview, but hey... I can't help it. He created BEEBO, damnit. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to BEEBO author NG Mag interview May 8, 2004

At 5/8/04 02:47 AM, Dobio wrote: I found it funny how you'd ask HUGE questions, and he'd give you one line in reply. :-P

yes yes, Pox and I have already been over this. #;-}> It would have been worse, I believe, for me to just gut the rest of my questions in response to that trend, than to continue on with the planned questions I had typed out.... and so I did. Continue on with the preplanned questions, that is.

Good interview, I wouldn't mind interviewing someone someday....I'll look into it.

Thanks. And hey... sure, I'd love to read a Dobio-conducted interview sometime. Got anyone or ones in mind?

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature