At 5/7/04 07:31 PM, -poxpower- wrote:
``I've been threatened with lawsuits and I've been threatened physically in the past, I thought it best to retain some level of anonymity and secrecy as to my whereabouts.``
If Illwillpress took threats as serisouly as Fab, he'd live on the moon by now haha.
LOL! Probably, yes. But IllWillPress didn't make a suicide bomber game and name it after an Activision title, either. You'll notice he mentioned not only the threats side but also the LAWSUIT side of it.
I doubt any company has ever wanted to sue IllWillPress like that, since his movies don't really make any mention of specific companies or anything.
ONe thing I didn't like all that much was that you really tried to go in-depth with the episodes, but he obvisouly just made half the things in there out of randomness and leazyness :/ But you kept on asking little details. Well you could have done worst :P
hahah. Well, it was fun finding out whether the way he does sound effects with his voice is due to style, laziness, or randomness, and things like that.
But yeah, I was hoping for a bit more about specific BEEBO eps (like 6), but the man is simply a random genius. #;-}>
While that means we won't get any hint beforehand about what part 10 will contain, it DOES mean that we'll be wonderfully surprised, eh?
We want to know more goofy stuff. I want to be more entertained dammit. Ask really cool questions, like his haircut and his favourite color of underwear.
LOL! If you want to be entertained, you should read one of Stamper's interviews. #;-}> Especially his Marc M one (I love that guy's flashes, and after I reviewed them a month or so ago, he AIMed me and we talked a lot... that was fun... but reading Stamper's talk with him was INSANE!).
If you don't know what I'm talking about, check THAT one out. If you read that one and STILL need to be entertained, I don't know what to tell you. So read mine and then read his, or vice versa, and you'll get a good mix of seriousness and fun:
Because pretty soon, all the interviews will do themselves with the same questions : / Make more tasteless jokes. Make him talk about his family. haha.
Have you read actual interviews in magazines? Of course the same questions get asked. That's fairly common. What makes different interviews special is how the SUBJECT of the interview responds to those questions.
If I'd just asked silly questions and made jokes, that would have been fun and all, but I'm sure that some BEEBO fans (as I would have) would be disappointed not to learn as much as they could about the guy behind the movies and how they're made and "boring" things like that.
Besides, after you read the interview, dry as it may be, you're supposed to go watch BEEBO 1 through 9 and enjoy THAT, yanno? THERE'S your entertainment. #;-}>
Good job nonetheless, waiting for the next one.
I don't have any in mind right now, and I'm quite busy, but... if someone wants me to interview them, or liljim gives me an "assignment," sure... there'll be a next one, then. #;-}>
p.s. try to talk less than the interviewee ;)
hahaha. Man, I can't control how much the interviewee says in response. Aside from a few answers, fabulous999 simply lets his movies do more talking than he does. I had all the questioned typed up in advance... so if I'd edited them (on the fly) to be shorter to match his responses (so far), then the interview would have rapidly become a one liner followed by his one liner, and back and forth and died really quickly.
That's not exactly great, either, is it?