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Writers Crew

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Writers Crew 2004-06-02 17:02:37

I'm a writer in search of an artist. Other writers can join and artists can join if they need one of us. I know there are plenty of you that have good ideas but just can't convey them, such is my problem. Well this is it.

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-02 17:07:54

my writing skills aren't that great, but i'm a good voice actor? need for that?

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-02 17:15:31

This goes in the flash section. Just letting you know.

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-02 17:16:33

At 6/2/04 05:15 PM, Aasha wrote: This goes in the flash section. Just letting you know.

got a point there, but he might make this into a real writers club if he does it well.

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-02 21:34:01

Yes. Well, I won't need a voice actor quite yet. I'm still trying to line up an artist. Basically I have one story already written about a monk that evenges his master. I was originally going to turn this into a comic but I missed my submission deadline. I just need a good artist. The story is rather solid, at least a 3.40 on the NG scale. It'd be rated "M" so we could get away with violence and curse words. And as for actually turning this into a writing outlet, that's what this is for. I want all of the writers that can't draw and all of the artists that can't write to come here and form super teams. Because no one wants to see crappy flash, right? Any writers here sell your story! Any artists contact me or any other writer here and show us your handiwork! This is the Writers Crew.

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-02 21:48:47

At 6/2/04 09:34 PM, Snerd wrote: This is the Writers Crew.

Finaly! I'm no good with Flash (but I'm a good artist)
and I do like writing!

"I Hope you brought a fork... You'll need it."

~Cryptic Rick

BBS Signature

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-02 23:47:08

Hell yes dude! I am so in! Go to my website and go the the "De Scirpts" part of the site! I got millions of ideas and I even helped write the plot for Super Rambo Brothers 3

So can I join?

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-03 02:12:23

Well Snerd...I um...have a thing about someone using my characters so only if you'd promise to not keep anything, then um... I do have some stories I might let you use... I warn ya though...the story is copywrited. I had planned to make it a comic but never actually got around to it. ^^;;

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-03 06:49:22

I reply to as many posts as I can in one diatribe so here goes. Anyone that is a writer that can't draw or isn't good at flash can join. Anyone that is an artist that isn't good at flash and can't write can join. Any flash artists that can draw, can't draw or can't write can join.
Now to the one that wants to know of copyright. I was actually worried about some artist ripping me off. I want steal anyone's stories, I'm here to make good "business" not steal peoples ideas.
If any writers, flash artists, or artists feel uncomfortable with this situation and feel they need to ask me a question outside the posts, I'll make an e-mail address later in the day and put it here. But please, no spammers. It's going to be a throw away Yahoo! name. Ok well I hope this cleared up anything that needed to be addressed. Any more questions and I'm your man.

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-03 06:54:44

Okies... Well.. it's much too late/early to give you the stories now. I'm quite tired and have 2 hours to sleep. I will Join I guess ^_^. In fact I was just talking about how airheaded I was about doing flash before. I shall be back um... maybe after 11pm. (my work stinks)

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-03 07:26:43

The only reason I'm even on here is because I can't get back to sleep. I was awakened at 5:58 this morning (EST) And I could never get back to sleep. Oh well I'm sure the day will be boring enough to get me to sleep.

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-03 07:32:34

the e-mail I was telling you all about for only members of the writers crew (if you're not a member, please join) is:

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-03 07:35:46

No spammers. This is for only those who have serious e-mails. Spammers will have their mail returned in a big attachment later at a time of my choosing. I got this idea when Kramer got a lot of junkmail and sent it back to the credit card companies in a big folder. Thanks, Seinfeld!

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-03 12:14:43

Writers Crew, ASSEMBLE!
Sorry, I just felt like Cap'n America.
Well, kids, it appears as if no one here cares for our plight. So you writers track down some artists, because that's what this club is for. Not harassing artists, just finding artists. Well this will be my last post until we get a response. If the club goes down, we'll respawn under Writers For Hire. Got that? ok, kids!

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-03 13:31:47

found it! im good at writing and drawing, go to carecter club (they spelt it wierd) and see my work, and in the faq there at the bottom are great drawers!

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-03 13:41:52

Thank you, snare. You have saved my poor lil post form annihilation.

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-03 13:45:36

At 6/3/04 01:41 PM, Snerd wrote: Thank you, snare. You have saved my poor lil post form annihilation.

yeah,well you didnt answer my question

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-03 14:02:10

What question?

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-03 14:27:45

At 6/3/04 02:02 PM, Snerd wrote: What question?

er i forgot to ask it, and what do you mean by i see what you mean in ths TCC?i was gonna ask can i do some stuff

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-03 14:30:25

Sure! what do you wish to do?

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-03 14:36:32

I'm leaving the BBS for the day. I'll return tonight. Any questions you have please right an e-mail to my address below or just save them for later.

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-03 19:16:01

Hey Hey people? How is everybody? Anyways, we need to get the name of the Writers Crew out to more people. Any ideas? Here are somethings I have been thinking of:
1. Make a flash movie

Thats all I got so far. You guys got any ideas?

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-04 11:23:15

That's what I'm trying to get done but no artists will sign up. So if you or any one else out there is an artist that needs a good writer, I'm your man. I say this now because no other writers have stuck with us and it's basically me blowing smoke out my ass. (it's a neat parlor trick) I'll work sci-fi, comedy, drama, action/adventure.

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-04 11:52:17

At 6/4/04 11:23 AM, Snerd wrote: That's what I'm trying to get done but no artists will sign up. So if you or any one else out there is an artist that needs a good writer, I'm your man. I say this now because no other writers have stuck with us and it's basically me blowing smoke out my ass. (it's a neat parlor trick) I'll work sci-fi, comedy, drama, action/adventure.

i told you im doing artwork, but im not gonna join, and i can write thank you very much aswell so i could do both!

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-04 14:45:41

Go to my other post on Anti Nintendo Crew and you'll understand why I don't care.

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-04 20:35:34

i wanna join, i've thought of a lot of ideas for flash movies but i cant make flash and i love writing stories, so how can i join the crew?

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-04 20:44:51

My friend, you just did. All you have to do is say you want to join. You've done that so you're in. If you want to quit simply say so or just don't show up anymore. You can send me an e-amil at the address below if you have any questions. Just don't spam. If you do it will be returned in a huge attachment at a later date (malicious ain't I?). But soon an artist should come along and we will get a chance to show our works.

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-07 09:26:25

For Christ's sake are there no artists on NG? I can write just about anything and it'd be good. I have tons of ideas that would make good stories. If you want something original I'd be happy to pull something outta my ass to please you! Good God! Now if you're an artist, please join up. We have some members that would love for you to work with them.

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-07 09:51:08

i write and do interviews of bands and stuff like that...and wrote the only FAQ for a band...but thats about it. Seems like your going in a different direction though...

Response to Writers Crew 2004-06-07 13:17:09

Like I said earlier, we need to prove that we can actally write shit. No artist wants to get a scirpt from some no name crew, we need something to show people we aint full of shit, and I think I have an idea. . . .
Watch this flash
Maybe we could put something together like that, since no one here is an artist, and I dont talk that takes too much skill, I think we could pull it off.