Let me guess... You hate Spiders right?
Let me guess... You hate Spiders right?
Do you know what sucks? As a kid I always loved spiders. Then in 5th grade my class was watching a movie and there were a bunch of spiders and all the boys were like "COOL!" And all the girls were like "Ewww AHHHH!" and I thought they were cool. But I felt uncomfortable being the only girl that liked them so I told myself everything creepy about them and acted creeped out and joined in with the "Ewww! AHHHH!" And to this day I'm still so fucking scared of spiders. I can't stand it. I've been trying to force myself into picking them up when I see them, or getting really close, and just not screaming.
I just thought I'd share that. Sorry if you don't give a shit. I just think it sucks and it's weird how the human mind works.
Some say it is bad luck to kill a spider.
The saying goes back to Jesus being a baby and King Herod was lucking for him. They say a spider built a web to hide the baby Jesus.
As for me, I don't really mind spiders anymore. It may sound weird, but we have a general respect for one another now.
When I see one, they pause as like they noticed I've seen them and then I'll just go about my business and then they'll see that I'm cool and continue on their way.
If they are in a awkward place, I'll even go out of my way to get them to crawl on something and then put them back outside instead of kill them.
I still freak out if I run into a cobweb or something, but if a spider is on me I just gently brush it off.
About that Goliath Bird Eater, well, I will lose all my cool if I ever just happen to stumble across one of those.
Spiders are smaller than you and can barely harm you. Especially in homes and places with lower temperatures. Why do they still scare us? Who knows. I am personally scared of them IF they are a threat. Otherwise, Phalangida (daddy longlegs), Saltigrad (jumping spider) and other household arachnids that are harmless don't scare me. Just as well as they don't come near me.
Newgrounds is probably the most gayest thing I ever heard of.
I fucking hate spiders too, I'll kill them all when I get the chance.
I think the reason why most people are scared of things like snakes, sharks and spiders is because they have no facial expression other than a dead look glance. That's why people get freaked out by crap movies like halloween, the guy has a still face with no expression and he's the main object of fear.
Either that or it's because they all begin with S?
At 4/28/05 06:34 AM, Lotus wrote: Either that or it's because they all begin with S?
S is for scared.
Seriously that's another thing to bring up. Hmm....You could evaluate off of that.
Newgrounds is probably the most gayest thing I ever heard of.
a brown recluse spider isn't even close to being the size of a tarantula...but oh, look what it can do.
here's what one guy's hand went through after recieving a tiny spider bite.
At 4/28/05 07:01 AM, StealthSteve wrote: a brown recluse spider isn't even close to being the size of a tarantula...but oh, look what it can do.
here's what one guy's hand went through after recieving a tiny spider bite.
Ohhhh! Fuck that! Never again will I help a spider out the house now after that. Damn.
At first when you go down, it is like "meh, not so bad. Might hurt alot though" But I mean really, that last picture was terrible. Yuck!
You know it had to be terrible. Who says "yuck" anymore? Exactly. It was that bad.
At 4/28/05 08:10 AM, GreenLanturn wrote: Ohhhh! Fuck that! Never again will I help a spider out the house now after that. Damn.
At first when you go down, it is like "meh, not so bad. Might hurt alot though" But I mean really, that last picture was terrible. Yuck!
You know it had to be terrible. Who says "yuck" anymore? Exactly. It was that bad.
Some interesting facts you might want to know about the Brown Recluse:
Most households with brown recluses never experience a bite
90% of all brown recluse bites heal without severe scarring.
Many brown recluse bites cause just a little red mark that heals without event.
Despite all the hoopla surrounding the brown recluse, there is still not one PROVEN death due to brown recluse bite.
I used to live on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi, they are common down there. It usually doesn't get as bad as those pictures, if you get medical attention within the same day. From the looks of it, that guy went a couple of days before getting help.