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A story for my English class.

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A story for my English class. 2006-03-09 15:24:42

We have to write a story, Dorothy Parker style. So the character has to say the complete opposite of what he thinks. Please read this story and tell me if you find any grammar, style or spelling errors and on what I can improve. Seeing as English is my 3rd language I would like you guys to examine this, it's not done yet by the way and I don't really have a title, so if you could think something up, that would be great:

The music was pumping…techno as usual, the stroboscopes were flashing enough to give someone who isn’t epileptic a seizure. Yep, everything was just how it should be; drunken teenagers -some even on XTC or any other drug they could get their hands on- dancing like zombified monkeys to the hell blazing bass of the 10 feet high speakers behind them. As usual, I make my way to the bar where they serve the usual 5 buck beer with vodka mix. But hey, what would you expect from a club where only students are welcome…yes that’s right…students, and we all know what students are…yes….poor and filled with raging hormones. Tonight wasn’t about the booze, about the music, about the all out fun…tonight was the time ‘to get my freak on’, as they say in the urban rap/ hip hop culture. I’ve tried everything; blind dates, internet dates, animal dates…you name it, I had done it. But tonight would be my lucky break, or so it should be. As I walk up to the bar I get the same old question: ‘so you’re alone?’ Of course I always reply in the same manner: ‘No, my girl is out there dancing somewhere.’ ‘Well then shouldn’t you join her?’ ’Nah, I trust her.’
In fact, I would trust any girl if she were actually my girlfriend. The bartender didn’t seem to be convinced as he knew that if I would have a girl I would be either dancing with her or inducing large amounts of unknown pills, so that they would boost my serotonin, dopamine and noradrenalin levels, until I and my girl would hit the cosmic waves of love.
Just as I was in this semi-delightful thought, an actual female walks up to me…now, I think it was a female, unless the bartender put something into my drink. So you’re average, stressed out, female student, who has absolutely no life except eating, drinking, sleeping, studying and taking drugs. Blond hair, blue eyes, half dehydrated. Usually I wouldn’t lower myself to such an extend of dating a junkie, but hell, I was too damn desperate.
So she asks me: ‘Hey, you want to dance?’ The only thing going threw my brain at that moment was:’ OH BOY, OH BOY, OH BOY, OH BOY, OH BOY, OH BOY.’ So naturally I answered yes.
After having danced for about an hour, I noticed that she was getting tired and so I offered her to go sit somewhere alone and have a drink. She agreed and we went back to the bar. The look on the bartenders face slightly amused me as he saw me walking up to the bar with a girl. Two gin tonic please! As soon as I turned my eyes back to face her I see this big pink tablet in front of my face, with ‘special K’ engraved on it. Ah yes, Ketamine. It’s used to sedate horses, but I guess humans like to feel mellow. Yeah one very nice way to get you calm…and eventually make you sure you don’t wake up.
‘You want to try?’ she asked.
Oh I want to try…yeah, I want to try it as much as I want to get hit by a truck, thrown of a building or get attacked by a swarm of killer bunnies. God what the hell are you doing!? Are you a total moron, don’t take the damn pill! You don’t know where it came from, the next thing you know you might be listening to god, while he tells you how much of a blistering fool you are!
‘Oh yes, give it to me baby!’ I answered, not sure if I would live to see the sun rise over the maze of skyscrapers and the smog of carbon dioxide hanging in the moist, warm air above the traffic.
I swallowed the pill, and that is the last thing I remember. Everything from that moment is a total blur.
So now I am lying here, in a dumpster. Yes, I am lying in a puddle of vomit and blood -with no shoes on, a heavily beaten body and no money or any papers for that matter- while watching 3 flies hovering above my head, faintly attracted by the scent of rotting flesh. And then a bright white light shines…is it heaven, is it hell…no it’s just some crazy bag lady shining a light into my eyes to check my pupil responsiveness.
‘Are you alright, young man?’
Do I look okay? ARE YOU BLIND, YOU MAD COW? Do I look like I just decided to make this dumpster my second home? Either you are a total retard or the pill actually transferred me to another dimension by the use of fluctuating cosmic waves…I think I’ll just assume that you are a total retard.
‘Oh no, no, no and no again…I am perfectly fine, yes you see I am an actor and you are standing in the way of my shot.’
‘Then where are the cameras?’ the old lady asks.
‘In the walls.’ I answered with the utmost calm. ‘And now, if you won’t displace from your current position, right out of this alley I will have to use my hands to pull your intestines out with such great force that you will remember me even in any reincarnated form that comes after this soggy old body of yours.’
The lady ran as if someone put hot charcoal up her behind.

Response to A story for my English class. 2006-03-09 15:26:05

Response to A story for my English class. 2006-03-09 15:27:07

Couldn`t find anything wrong with it, I really liked it though. Awesome story!

Response to A story for my English class. 2006-03-09 15:27:07

At 3/9/06 03:26 PM, CaptinChu wrote: I'll read it when it's here.


Response to A story for my English class. 2006-03-09 15:34:45

I read it, and it had lots of imagery. A couple of grammaticle errors, but assuming English is your third language, you did very nicely.

Interesting.... but I still feel it leaves the reader vague. I like it!

Response to A story for my English class. 2006-03-09 15:57:20


Wear a helmet.

The music was pumping…techno as usual, the stroboscopes were flashing enough to give someone who isn’t epileptic a seizure. Yep, everything was just how it should be; drunken adolescents -some even on XTC or any other drug they could get their hands on- dancing like zombified monkeys to the hell blazing bass of the 10 feet high speakers behind them. As usual, I make my way to the bar where they serve the usual 5 buck beer with vodka mix. But hey, what would you expect from a club where only students are welcome…yes that’s right…students, and we all know what students are…yes….poor and filled with raging hormones. Tonight wasn’t about the booze, about the music, about the all out fun…tonight was the time ‘to get my freak on’, as they say in the urban rap/ hip hop culture. I’ve tried everything; blind dates, internet dates, animal dates…you name it, I had done it. But tonight would be my lucky break, or so it should be. As I walk up to the bar I get the same old question: ‘so you’re alone?’ Of course I always reply in the same manner: ‘No, my girl is out there dancing somewhere.’ ‘Well then shouldn’t you join her?’ ’Nah, I trust her.’
In fact, I would trust any girl if she were actually my girlfriend. The bartender didn’t seem to be convinced as he knew that if I would have a girl I would be either dancing with her or inducing large amounts of unknown pills, so that they would boost my serotonin, dopamine and noradrenalin levels, until I and my girl would hit the cosmic waves of love.
Just as I was in this semi-delightful thought, an actual female walks up to me…now, I think it was a female, unless the bartender put something into my drink. So you’re average, stressed out, female student, who has absolutely no life except eating, drinking, sleeping, studying and taking drugs. Blond hair, blue eyes, half dehydrated. Usually I wouldn’t lower myself to such an extend of dating a junkie, but hell, I was too damn desperate.
So she asks me: ‘Hey, you want to dance?’ The only thing going threw my brain at that moment was:’ OH BOY, OH BOY, OH BOY, OH BOY, OH BOY, OH BOY.’ So naturally I answered yes.
After having danced for about an hour, I noticed that she was getting tired and so I offered her to go sit somewhere alone and have a drink. She agreed and we went back to the bar. The look on the bartenders face slightly amused me as he saw me walking up to the bar with a girl. Two gin tonic please! As soon as I turned my eyes back to face her I see this big pink tablet in front of my face, with ‘special K’ engraved on it. Ah yes, Ketamine. It’s used to sedate horses, but I guess humans like to feel mellow. Yeah one very nice way to get you calm…and eventually make you sure you don’t wake up.
‘You want to try?’ she asked.
Oh I want to try…yeah, I want to try it as much as I want to get hit by a truck, thrown of a building or get attacked by a swarm of killer bunnies. God what the hell are you doing!? Are you a total moron, don’t take the damn pill! You don’t know where it came from, the next thing you know you might be listening to god, while he tells you how much of a blistering fool you are!
‘Oh yes, give it to me baby!’ I answered, not sure if I would live to see the sun rise over the maze of skyscrapers and the smog of carbon dioxide hanging in the moist, warm air above the traffic.
I swallowed the pill, and that is the last thing I remember. Everything from that moment is a total blur.
So now I am lying here, in a dumpster. Yes, I am lying in a puddle of vomit and blood -with no shoes on, a heavily beaten body and no money or any papers for that matter- while watching 3 flies hovering above my head, faintly attracted by the scent of rotting flesh. And then a bright white light shines…is it heaven, is it hell…no it’s just some crazy bag lady shining a light into my eyes to check my pupil responsiveness.
‘Are you alright, young man?’
Do I look okay? ARE YOU BLIND, YOU MAD COW? Do I look like I just decided to make this dumpster my second home? Either you are a total retard or the pill actually transferred me to another dimension by the use of fluctuating cosmic waves…I think I’ll just assume that you are a total retard.
‘Oh no, no, no and no again…I am perfectly fine, yes you see I am an actor and you are standing in the way of my shot.’
‘Then where are the cameras?’ the old lady asked.
‘In the walls.’ I answered with the utmost calm. ‘And now, if you won’t displace from your current position, right out of this alley I will have to use my hands to pull your intestines out with such great force that you will remember me even in any reincarnated form that comes after this soggy old body of yours.’
The lady ran as if someone put hot charcoal up her behind.
‘Well, it’s time to get up.’ I told myself
My muscles seemed to be in some phase of denial, they refused to move. That’s just great, a 28 year old with a body having a midlife crisis. Eventually I got up. As I walked home all of the people stepped aside. I can imagine how that had to look from the air, a dense crowd breaking up for some guy who looks like Rambo who had been beat up by alien and predator at the same time and then lost his job, just so that his so called friends could dump him in the middle of the city…wait where was I…oh yes, the crowd would totally break up. Hahaha, ha.
Oh well might as well make the best of it:

I feel pretty,
Oh, so pretty,
I feel pretty and witty and bright!
And I pity
Any girl who isn't with me tonight.

Pity…don’t make me laugh, if I pity anyone right now it would be me. Damn that girl from last night, I hope she is lying in a ditch somewhere chocking in her own vomit. Yes, that’s what she deserves, a death where her longs get ripped apart by her own stomach acid. Look at me, I feel like crap, I even have to modify the lyrics of the gayest song ever.

‘Boy am I happy, YOU HEAR ME WORLD? I AM HAPPY!’

I’m going insane, I know.

Eventually I got home and it hit me…

I missed my finals. Life is a bitch and I forgot to wear my helmet…


-En fin-

Response to A story for my English class. 2006-03-09 15:59:29

Good job -akula-

Response to A story for my English class. 2006-03-09 16:09:04

At 3/9/06 03:59 PM, Dissection wrote: Good job -akula-

ty, did you read the finished part or just the first part?

Response to A story for my English class. 2006-03-09 16:17:59

I wrote a story in my sixth grade social studies class and I still have it. It is about Sunni Ali who was the Songhai (African Empire) leader who strengthened it and stuff like that.
Once upon a time, Sunni Ali was at his Throne counting all of songhai's gold. Suddenly, a stranger from north africa came in with a huge Wagon. He said, "Sir, in Exchange for all of songhai's gold, I will give you all of Libya's salt!" Sunni Ali said No. Then, the stranger threw all of his salt at him and stole the gold. He ran for five minutes when an elephant ate him and the gold. Sunni Ali later ate the elephant and then he killed himself. He was later reincarnated to be George Bush. Everyone else lived happily ever after, because everyone thought Sunni Ali was a butthead.
I got a C on it.

Response to A story for my English class. 2006-03-09 16:29:34

I really like it, But I found two spelling errors in the last big paragraph. You spelled "choking" wrong, it's not "chocking." And then you spelled "lungs" with an "o" instead of a "u." But other than that, it seemed pretty good grammatically, and it was an interesting story!


Response to A story for my English class. 2006-03-09 16:33:51

At 3/9/06 04:29 PM, -Wake330- wrote: I really like it, But I found two spelling errors in the last big paragraph. You spelled "choking" wrong, it's not "chocking." And then you spelled "lungs" with an "o" instead of a "u." But other than that, it seemed pretty good grammatically, and it was an interesting story!


Ty, I fixed it. I kinda get tired at 22:30 pm while studying Latin.

Response to A story for my English class. 2006-03-09 19:31:58

i did find one spelling mistake taht i don't think has been mentioned yet. well its more of a gramar mistake, its that you put "threw" instead of "through". it should be going "through" his mind, "threw" is the past tense of throw. lol just to let you know.

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Response to A story for my English class. 2006-03-19 20:24:31

Gotta hate those swarms of killer rabbits!

Response to A story for my English class. 2006-03-19 20:29:58

Very good story. There were a few things you could change, such as ' to " and a few places where you should have written out the number instead of writing 3, but other than that, it's really good.


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