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Mac6 - July

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Mac6 - July 2006-07-19 12:59:12

Welcome to the

Monthly Audio Contest 2006 - July.

This is a basic and simple Audio Contest, wich will be held once every month.
Every new MAC will have a theme to follow, to narrow the submissions down a bit (for example, next month might be an "actionloop" contest, or whatever). However, this first ever MAC shall be an OPEN contest, every style is welcome. This mean we actually WILL put "Trance vs Country" if that´s the how it´ll go. Personal taste of the judges therefore most likley will play a part this month (expect other contest/judging styles the next few months).

The only price we have to offer to begin with is a sig pic.
For starters, Metalcan will be making the sigs, and as most of you might know, he kick ass when it comes to making sigs!!!

The Point Of Wearing Sig Pic:

To make this simple price valuable, it is encouraged that everyone who participate, and everyone who just feels like it, wear the sig pic for a couple of days, a week, or so. Link the sig pic to the winners audio page.

This way, the AF community will show the rest of the BBS (well, from those who are active in other parts of the BBS than the AF) that "WE", audio frequenters, exists, we are well organised and armed >:(
And of course, there will hopefully be an attention-impact for the winners audio page, if many ppl are representing this.
However, the glory is eternal.

Entering the Contest, Basic Rules

1 - Check the Rules for Submitting Audio to the NGAP
2 - Make a song according to these rules
3 - Submitthe song to the NG Audio Portal
4 - Go to this thread and post a link to your songpage. Most important detail is your songs name, of course.
5 - Only songs submited to the AP in july 2006 will be accepted in the contest
6 - ONE song only each month / user. Don´t come around with crappy alts.

The judging this month will be as follows;

- Judges are supreme, and will not listen to whining or other bullcrap. Bribing is permitted, if the $ amount is minimum 100US$, and I (Rucklo) gets 110% of that minimun amount.

- The scoring will be from "0-10". Every judge will give their favourite submission a score of ten.

- The guidlines for juding is just like one would review a song in the AP; Clarity, Diversity Originality and Effort. However, these are guidlines only, what might be good to consider when judging. There will only be ONE score of the song, like earlier mentioned.

- This month there will be as many judges as needed. I will PM around and ask some of you. And if noone wants to judge, i´ll f*in judge all submissions myself >:(
If you think you are qualified judging, PM me.

- If there are many contestants, "cross judging" will take place. Meaning not every judge will judge every single song, but every song will be judged by at least two different judges. If this is needed, more information of exactly how the judging will be will be presented in this thread.

Piece of cake, huh?
I shall assume most of you guys have submited something July, if not, well, start making a song :)
If you have any bright ideas of some sort for the contest, just put them here. There are already many ideas waiting to be realised in case this "first" MAC gets a good responce, be sure ;)

In the beginning of next month MAC6 August will be announced. Expect a loop-session contest of some sort! :)

as many of you guys might know, there have been several contests attempt before. This is not hte first monthly audio contest, but its the first in its kind. The last contest took place in march. It was started by Khuskan, and finnished by Superdrummer 146.

Good luck!

Wakka wakka

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-19 13:58:06

Just out of curiosity, is this for real? Even if it is, I cannot submit this month because I am out of town and nowhere near my comp that has FL =(
Well I suppose that maybe next time I can enter a "contest" assuming that this does work and is a real deal you have planned.

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-19 14:18:51

At 7/19/06 01:58 PM, -OCON- wrote: Just out of curiosity, is this for real?

This is for real indeed, I am currently PMing loads of ppl to spread the word :)
Also, like mentioned, there are loads of ideas and actually stuff ready already for future contests...

I cannot submit this month

And you haven´t submited anything already? well, that sux.. but there´ll be more... one every month :D

Wakka wakka

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-19 15:02:18

At 7/19/06 02:18 PM, Rucklo wrote:
I am currently PMing loads of ppl

Everyone who have gotten a PM from about this contest is on a list that i´ve gathered. It´s basicly people who are active in the Audio Forum.

Whenever there´s something interesting to say, i shall PM each and everyone of you. There will be a heads up when a new MAC is up and running, and of course also to announce the winner of the previous one.

If you have not gotten a PM from me but you wish to get it, PM me and i´ll add you on the list. Everyone who participate in this contest will automaticly recieve a "MAC news PM".

If you have recieved a PM from me and do NOT wish to recive any more, please PM me back and let me know, and I shall remove you from the list.

Wakka wakka

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-19 15:34:27

You can participate with any audio you have submited in july, but ONLY submissions submitted in july will be accepted. However, this do mean that you can re-submit a song and participate, but i really dpont see the point in doing so. A song that is re-submitted, and that do not have many changes from the original will most likley recieve a lower score. If you have a song from last year that noone heard however, kick it in! :)

Wakka wakka

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-19 16:16:49

Sounds fun.

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-19 16:31:59

What is your definition of "full song" ?
As in, is there a Length-Requirement that must be forfilled?

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-19 16:50:05

I am happy to announce that I will be participating in this month's contest. It's nice to see another one put together.

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-19 17:25:14

At 7/19/06 04:31 PM, _Arbiter_ wrote: What is your definition of "full song" ?
As in, is there a Length-Requirement that must be forfilled?

I second that, since the having a song over 4 minutes can turn to shit quality due to the 4mb factor.

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-19 17:40:04

So we just post a link to our song in this thread to enter?


Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-19 17:44:54

Awww, CRAP. The song I wanted to enter was submitted the last day of June >: (


Maybe you can let it slide? :' |

sorry for double-posting, GARSH!

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-19 18:27:33

hahaha, i shall participate in this contest, i am making a new song for it right now. it may not be my normal style, but then again, it may! bwahahahahaahahahaha!

Im god, fucking deal with it!

BBS Signature

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-19 18:29:39

I feel I can be an adaquate judge... if you don't read this within the next 12 hours + respond i'll just PM you. ^^

Although the majority of my music is classical I listen to all types of music from dirty south to country to jazz to techno to spa.

I'll review fairly and firmly (wtf... firmly?) ^^

If you dun want me thats fine... i'll just compete instead XD

One question: If you are a judge one month can u compete the next one?

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-19 19:00:52

btw, if u havent listened to any of my stuf, im a metal head lol

Im god, fucking deal with it!

BBS Signature

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-19 19:29:28

If this helps at all with the time length requirement quality issue:

Anyone who has a piece they feel is effected by a quality reduction, can send me a copy of their song at whatever bitrate they want via email (davidorr@davidorr.net) and I'll host it off of my server. Upload it to Newgrounds too, but for the judging the judges can simply download it and then hear a high quality version of the song.

Up to Rucklo since he is hosting the event, but I'm more than willing to donate some of my webspace if it will help out the contest.

BBS Signature

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-19 20:04:45

I'm in, if there are not enough judges, I would like to do just that.

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-19 20:07:49

I'd like to participate in this contest.

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-19 21:28:21

At 7/19/06 09:14 PM, Deflektor76 wrote:
At 7/19/06 08:07 PM, _Arbiter_ wrote: I'd like to participate in this contest.

He never said anything about the theme being pirates, mate.

BBS Signature

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-19 22:01:37

heres my entrie into the contest folks : http://www.newground..817957&sub=56307 the song is misantropia

Im god, fucking deal with it!

BBS Signature

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-19 22:15:23

At 7/19/06 04:31 PM, _Arbiter_ wrote: What is your definition of "full song" ?

As for this contest, there is no length requirement or anything. Do know that the judges for this contest are normal NG users, just like you and me, so they will judge your material according to what they hear. If your quality is 64kbps, it might lower the score, since lots of elements wont be clear enough... But that´s up to the judges! This is not only the "first" (" "signs because this HAVE been attempted before...) MAC, it´s also an experimental thing. Whatever the people feel is right here, we shall try to shape the upcoming contests for what the crowd likes, and also what we feel is right for NG in general.
And by "we" I mean everyone who participate, one way or another.

At 7/19/06 05:40 PM, MusicalRocky wrote: So we just post a link to our song in this thread to enter?

That´s it. Just make sure it´s all 100% according to the rules for actually SUBMITING audio here on NG!

At 7/19/06 05:44 PM, MusicalRocky wrote: Awww, CRAP. The song I wanted to enter was submitted the last day of June >: (
Maybe you can let it slide? :' |

Unfortunatley, no. To be fair to everyone, we shall follow the rules that are set, even if its one day miss only :( Make a new song, im sure you hve loads of cool material ppl haven´t heard yet, just dying to get mixed down ;)

At 7/19/06 06:29 PM, MusicalSerenity wrote: One question: If you are a judge one month can u compete the next one?

Of course, there´s no "once a judge always a judge", in fact, i think it would be cool to have different judges depending on what kind of contest there is.

At 7/19/06 07:29 PM, DavidOrr wrote: I'm more than willing to donate some of my webspace if it will help out the contest.

That´s really cool man, but for this first basic thingie, we´re gonna keep it simple. Whatever rules there are for submitting audio here on NG are valid, meaning, to be able to participate you have to submit your song to the NG AP. However, there are ideas that might require hosting from other sites, but stay tuned for that.. :)

There seem to be lots of interest of judging.
Everyone who wants to judge, PM me, and I shall put you in a "judge list".

At the end of this month, namley the last of july, i´ll check how many people actually wants to judge contra how many contestants there is (meaning, if you want to judge AND participate, i suggest you submit just in case. If there are shitloads of contestants and few judges, we´ll simply clear your submission, no worries...).
If there are enough people who want to judge, I´ll introduce the "cross judging system", to get a more fair judging. I´ll get more into that tomorrow, if anyone is interested in how that will work. Now i´ll better go sober up. Yooop!

I am keeping lists of stuff here, so basicly, it would be awsome if there are enough judges so that I won´t have to judge myself. In that way, we´ll really split up the responsibility and this whole contest will be OUR contest, as I hope and would like it to be!!!

Wakka wakka

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-19 22:24:36

this is a great Idea.

I will try my hardest to submit something

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-19 22:42:02

Well... here is my submission for this contest, ^^ im excited =D

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-20 00:03:50

Wait ,so let me get this straight; unless I missed something, there is no theme, just make a song and submit it here. I read your post about 5 times and still am missing some things I believe from being a little over-excited. Can we post more than one song and is the genre open?

I will try to submit at least one song. I love audi contests and there are too few of them. Thanks.

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-20 01:41:37

After getting enough entries, Ruckie will begin the contest with a theme, but within the theme, all styles are excepted. That means, if the theme is piss drunk and angry, I can submit just about anything my potential will allow that fits that theme.

Report Songs|Submit Ideas|How Erkie reviews|

94% of posts made in AF since 2005

BBS Signature

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-20 01:42:22

sure i'll get to work then thx for the pm we should do this

Keeping it real with fake computer music since 2006


Lime Tea

BBS Signature

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-20 03:34:13

Hypoallergenic Slime is doing well consider it my submission for this contest good luck everybody

Keeping it real with fake computer music since 2006


Lime Tea

BBS Signature

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-20 05:23:34

At 7/20/06 12:03 AM, Scribbler wrote: Can we post more than one song and is the genre open?

Like Erkie said, all styles are accepted in this first contest. The reason for that is first of all to get as many artists to participate as possibly, and secondly, july is allmost at an end already, so to come up with a theme at this point would be stupid... i wouldn´t expect that many contestants.... unless the contest would have launched at the beginning of august instead. Now were doing it this way, and next months audio contest will have a theme. Like earlier mentioned, it will probably be loop-based... Hopefully we can rack up some different awards as well... There´s a few things going on, we´ll see... taking one month at a time her :)

It´s one song/arist. And no crappy alts allowed :)

I will try to submit at least one song. I love audi contests and there are too few of them. Thanks.

Eeexcelleeennt..... >:)

At 7/20/06 01:41 AM, Erkie wrote: That means, if the theme is piss drunk and angry, I can submit just about anything my potential will allow that fits that theme.

That´s a great idea! :)

We have somre really cool contest entries so far guys, just keep keep em coming and this is gonna get really interesting!!!

Wakka wakka

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-20 05:41:49

i will try to get something submitted for this contest, i've a few tracks at home which are unfinished so i'll have to get bk and polish them off. ive got 10 days to get home mixdown and get sorted, i think it may be possible.

Goodluck everyone, and Rucklo.....I LOVE YOU!!!


Yes peeps, I have albums out, go listen.

BBS Signature

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-20 11:31:13

I got some crazy song going down in my lab... It's for the comp. LjCoffee if you read this the collab is still going on. Just have to equalize and shit. I'm sending you 2 rns.'s

Response to Mac6 - July 2006-07-20 12:51:04

I submitted a song to newgrounds that 6:46 long. Use iTunes and experiment with the import preferences controls.