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Top 50 Blammers List

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Response to Top 50 Blammers List Jan 21, 2004

I dropped a spot? No.............!! This cannot happen - *runs to the portal and analyze......

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Jan 21, 2004

At 1/21/04 06:56 AM, D0GMA wrote:
At 1/21/04 05:33 AM, SuperDragon wrote:
At 1/21/04 01:10 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
gfox you forgot about my promotion to Elite Guard Corporal, or is it to low to be worth it? Just wondering...

You quoted the congrats section as "XPTO"... what the heck did XPTO mean? O_o

Anywho, Dogma pretty much covered all this, but... congrats on making 3000 posts, at least! There, feeling better? #;-}>

As you might notice from the title of the thread, this is the Top 50 Blammers list. At EGCp, you have a total of 2,500 combined blams and saves. The people listed here are just blams and the list starts at 5,152.

That's the short answer, yeah.

By the time you can get on this list, BTW, SuperDragon, it'll probably be more like 6000 blams needed.

It's not that you are "beneath" notice. It's that to include people below ~4k blams entails tracking hundreds of people. When i was running the 51+ list, I had "only" 250 people in the Elite Guard whose ID info I had to manually pull up and enter into a spreadsheet every 2 to 3 days ... and that's likely more than doubled since I stopped. If gfox were to include all EG ranks, it would take hours just to gather the information for posting.

More like half a day. "hours" doesn't really tell the full tale. #;-}>

Last I checked (that'd be yesterday, when I ranked up), I believe there's around 436 people in the EG now, BTW. Good thing you stopped doing the full list when you did! LC's top 100 is certainly more manageable.

At 1/21/04 08:09 AM, XkwiziTOnE wrote: I dropped a spot? No.............!! This cannot happen - *runs to the portal and analyze......

sorry, man. Chaotic1 was just too strong. You gotta beat him back down if you wanna survive. Just keep in mind that chaotic1 and alexsmolik are the only two people to ever pass me on the top 50 list. They're tough bastards, and they're right behind you on the combined list--the exact situation in which they were able to pass me while I was sleeping. WATCH OUT! #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Jan 21, 2004

At 1/21/04 11:57 AM, gfoxcook wrote: sorry, man. Chaotic1 was just too strong. You gotta beat him back down if you wanna survive. Just keep in mind that chaotic1 and alexsmolik are the only two people to ever pass me on the top 50 list. They're tough bastards, and they're right behind you on the combined list--the exact situation in which they were able to pass me while I was sleeping. WATCH OUT! #;-}>

Yea i am saying, he sneaks in and makes a serious point that only cause damage. Yeah i am keepin my hands filled with these two and they are making me run for my money seriously tough......I better keep on my toes and use the power of the Where is? / How To? to keep me strong and not fall off.............*swings light saber and shouts* "May the Sworts be with me!!!!!" *then runs and get some coffee and Red Bull*

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Jan 21, 2004

i will be on this list, and it wont take forever either.

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Jan 21, 2004

At 1/21/04 02:06 PM, XkwiziTOnE wrote: Yea i am saying, he sneaks in and makes a serious point that only cause damage. Yeah i am keepin my hands filled with these two and they are making me run for my money seriously tough......I better keep on my toes and use the power of the Where is? / How To? to keep me strong and not fall off.............*swings light saber and shouts* "May the Sworts be with me!!!!!" *then runs and get some coffee and Red Bull*

heh! That's the spirit, man. You'll be fine, I think. At least, on the combined. Gotta watch out here, especially since he's passed you already.


oh, one thing though... that's Schwartz, not Sworts. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Jan 21, 2004

my estimate, is that i will be the first hommy on that list with more saves, than blams.

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Jan 22, 2004

At 1/21/04 11:50 PM, BIGMANBRAINY wrote: my estimate, is that i will be the first hommy on that list with more saves, than blams.

Well.... By the time I made this list to go along with the top 50 saves list in July, my blams had passed my saves (just a few weeks beforehand).

I would have been on this list, had I been making it yet, when my saves were higher than my blams, as the list began when I was already ranked #18 in blams.

BUT... you will certainly be the first person in the top 50 blammers SINCE me to have more saves than blams, and the first person to be listed on this list as having that.

And you'll be the only current person, that's the main thing. As long as you can ensure your saves stay higher, that is, because you're going to need at least 800 or so blams to get here. So just make sure your saves stay ahead of your blams till then.

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Jan 22, 2004

At 1/21/04 06:31 PM, gfoxcook wrote: heh! That's the spirit, man. You'll be fine, I think. At least, on the combined. Gotta watch out here, especially since he's passed you already.

Yea i know....sniff



oh, one thing though... that's Schwartz, not Sworts. #;-}>

Yea what you said...........*runs into the closet and watches Space Balls* yea what you said..........

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Jan 22, 2004

At 1/22/04 09:03 AM, gfoxcook wrote: And you'll be the only current person, that's the main thing. As long as you can ensure your saves stay higher, that is, because you're going to need at least 800 or so blams to get here. So just make sure your saves stay ahead of your blams till then.

thats the hard part! people are submiting a higher crap to good stuff now than ever befor. or maby im just watching the board more closely and catching all the junk befor it gets nocked off. but whatever, i think ill still have enough, and im flying accross the blam/saves list!

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Jan 24, 2004

BIGMan you will probably pass me on the blams/saves list before no Time...



[] The Top Reviewer Since 2002 [] COMIC >> WAYNES WORLD

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Jan 24, 2004

At 1/21/04 11:50 PM, BIGMANBRAINY wrote: my estimate, is that i will be the first hommy on that list with more saves, than blams.

Well, I also have more saves than blams. Actually ... No. I'm a neutral. So I have as many blams as saves, even though I have more blams than saves. Woa it's all confusing. So basically, I don't have many Blam points compared to the rest of the list, but the others don't have many Protection points either !
Hehe, that makes me rather "equilibrum".
Even though I'm not satisfied by my rank here.

I play lottery. I always lose.


BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Jan 24, 2004

At 1/22/04 01:09 PM, Dobio wrote: Man, I couldn't figure out how people can get more saves then blams if they vote regularly on everything. I mean, there is just so many more blam points out there....

Well, I USED to get more saves than blams... it mostly happens if A) you're more likely to vote higher than a movie deserves when it's a borderline case that could go either way... and B) you tend to catch most saves when you're at the computer, but a lot of blams escape you because you don't vote quickly enough.

both are/were true for me, but it was mostly B. Even right now, I think there's like 20 entries I haven't voted on yet because I've been distracted by Wi/Ht? and the BC IRC channel... and thus I'm probably missing several blams, but no saves. :::goes to the portal:::

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Jan 31, 2004

At 1/21/04 01:10 AM, gfoxcook wrote: The Unofficial Newgrounds Top 50 Blammers List -- as of 01/20/2004 at 22:44 CDT

Bring this topic back from the dark, murky depths of page 2 - can we expect an update in the near future? Don't know if you mentioned a date in the protectors topic, and I think since the last update we had the blamming spree when the portal was turned on, although I could be mistaken. In fact, I'm pretty sure this last update I'm quoting from included it.

I'm so indecisive :-)

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Feb 1, 2004

The Unofficial Newgrounds Top 50 Blammers List -- as of 02/01/2004 at 03:45 CDT

Congrats to:

Crono- on his promotion to Elite Guard Supreme Commander (5th)
chaotic1 on his promotion to Elite Guard Colonel (13th)
D0GMA on his promotion to Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel (16th)
alexsmolik on his promotion to Elite Guard Colonel (14th)
Captain_Bob on his promotion to Elite Guard Major (20th)
_altr_ on his promotion to Elite Guard Major (18th)
stafffighter on his promotion to Elite Guard Major (19th)
_lightning_ on his promotion to Elite Guard Captain (27th)
nimmer on his promotion to Elite Guard First Lieutenant (32nd)
YoinK on his promotion to Elite Guard Captain (28th)
Sturmpanzerwagen on his promotion to Elite Guard Second Lieutenant (41st) &
LockClock on his promotion to Elite Guard Praporshchik (~52nd)

since the last update of the list.

List Stats:

The Top 50 Blammers currently have 485,906 blams (+13,071)
The Top 50 Blammers currently have 278,795 saves (+8,706)
The Top 50 Blammers currently have 764,701 combined b/p (+21,777)

174.29% is the Top 50 Blammers' overall blam-to-save % (-00.78%)
63.54% of the Top 50 Blammers' combined b/p are blams (-00.11%)

Welcome to:

Rabindarath, who has now become a double-lister quite quickly, and who seems to be ready to establish a firm claim to this list.
dl_Monk, who has once AGAIN become a double-lister. Here's hoping this time is the last time he'll have to re-enter a list!

Farewell to:

Nostrant, who would have stayed on the list had there been just one new entry... but there were two. Farewell!
DarkJaymz, who hadn't a chance to stay.


GuineVir is now the ONLY totally stagnant blammer at the bottom of the list (all the way up to Mr_Chuckles, who should be secure for some time). So, unless someone new storms the list really fast, both Rabindarath and dl_Monk should be able to save themselves a quick exit off the list they just made, if they can pass GuineVir soon. Now, as I predicted, Nostrant and DarkJaymz did indeed go, and I said it would happen because of Rabindarath and "someone else." That someone else turned out to be dl_Monk making his 6th entrance (give or take a couple) to one of my lists, oh he of the hovering-around-#50-spots-on-all-three-top-50s. HOWEVER... Artificial WOULD have been at #50, had it not been for him. So look for Artificial to make an entrance next update. We'll see if it's GuineVir or dl_Monk who takes the fall then.

Greg's Notes:

12 rankups this time, compared to 6 and 11 and 7 and 14 and 16 and 4 and 8 and 6 the last eight times (total of 84 for the blammers list!). 10 are on both lists, the other 2 are only on this list.

In an interesting twist, ramagi seems to have asked one of the admins (or else they did it spontaneously!) to slightly alter her blams and protects. Her blams dropped 100 from 22,763 to 22,663 and her saves rose 100 from 13,237 to 13,337. I have a feeling the 13337ness was the reason. #;-}>

You may check out the most recent Top 50 Protectors List by clicking the link I just posted. Enjoy comparing the lists to each other and to the Top 50 Combined B/P List. People on both the Top 50 Blammers List and the Top 50 Protectors List are denoted with ***.

List Column Legend

rank = this update's rank
prev = last update's rank
blams = approximate # of blams as of the update time
b2s% = blam-to-save % (i.e. ratio of blams to saves, or: blams/saves x 100)
b/p = approximate combined blam and protect points as of the update time
*** = on both the top 50 protectors and top 50 blammers lists
name = username (not current name in all cases due to some who change their names often)

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Feb 1, 2004

rank / prev -- blams / b2s% / b/p ---- name
01 01 -- 26,896 192.50% 40,868 *** fixit
02 02 -- 23,102 302.07% 30,750 *** TheJoe324
03 03 -- 22,663 169.93% 36,000 *** ramagi
04 04 -- 21,512 247.72% 30,196 *** Crono-
05 05 -- 16,982 129.58% 30,087 *** RyoHahn
06 06 -- 15,003 165.83% 24,050 *** thisisasignin
07 07 -- 14,633 260.33% 20,254 *** NemesisM66
08 08 -- 14,567 119.71% 26,736 *** gfoxcook
09 09 -- 13,623 140.26% 23,336 *** Recon_Rebel
10 10 -- 12,112 198.82% 18,204 *** Stormwarden
11 12 -- 11,722 180.73% 18,208 *** chaotic1
12 11 -- 11,671 119.99% 21,398 *** Bila
13 13 -- 11,405 157.57% 18,643 *** XkwiziTOnE
14 15 -- 10,577 196.67% 15,955 *** D0GMA
15 16 -- 10,352 137.13% 17,901 *** alexsmolik
16 14 -- 10,242 306.37% 13,585 ---- courtday
17 17 -- 09,701 260.78% 13,421 *** Sonic_Youth
18 19 -- 09,188 185.62% 14,138 *** Captain_Bob
19 21 -- 09,146 180.00% 14,227 *** _altr_
20 22 -- 09,080 145.28% 15,330 *** leeboy105
21 18 -- 08,865 169.86% 14,084 *** stafffighter
22 20 -- 08,834 117.07% 16,380 *** DrMSM
23 23 -- 08,461 181.29% 13,128 *** _lightning_
24 24 -- 08,384 172.37% 13,248 *** Majin_TopMan
25 27 -- 08,035 264.66% 11,071 ---- nimmer
26 28 -- 07,966 150.73% 13,251 *** biteme2514
27 25 -- 07,850 154.35% 12,936 *** helldoll81
28 29 -- 07,780 156.51% 12,751 *** YoinK
29 26 -- 07,735 175.28% 12,148 *** Newgrundling
30 30 -- 07,429 242.22% 10,496 ---- Syme
31 31 -- 07,089 117.35% 13,130 *** poxpower
32 32 -- 06,874 178.13% 10,733 *** HAQnSPITT
33 34 -- 06,856 154.90% 11,282 *** RageVI
34 33 -- 06,765 174.72% 10,637 *** staphita
35 35 -- 06,566 245.73% 09,238 ---- AdrenalineMJ
36 36 -- 06,518 127.45% 11,632 *** vuorimies
37 38 -- 06,360 175.93% 09,975 *** Sturmpanzerwagen
38 37 -- 06,192 184.56% 09,547 *** Denvish
39 44 -- 06,065 224.30% 08,769 ---- LockClock
40 40 -- 05,915 194.70% 08,953 ---- MielipuoliMieli
41 39 -- 05,764 131.33% 10,153 *** Mr_Chuckles
42 41 -- 05,670 138.29% 09,770 *** HeRetiK
43 42 -- 05,588 207.81% 08,277 ---- ORKarate
44 43 -- 05,563 218.50% 08,109 ---- Hice
45 48 -- 05,529 114.00% 10,379 *** XwaynecoltX
46 47 -- 05,508 192.39% 08,371 ---- Scaper-X
47 46 -- 05,505 247.08% 07,733 ---- dustynickel
48 45 -- 05,446 270.81% 07,457 ---- GuineVir
49 51 -- 05,319 143.83% 09,017 *** Rabindarath
50 52 -- 05,298 153.08% 08,759 *** dl_Monk
rank / prev -- blams / b2s% / b/p ---- name

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Feb 1, 2004

At 2/1/04 07:16 AM, gfoxcook wrote: The Unofficial Newgrounds Top 50 Blammers List -- as of 02/01/2004 at 03:45 CDT

GuineVir is now the ONLY totally stagnant blammer at the bottom of the list (all the way up to Mr_Chuckles, who should be secure for some time).

Don't say things like that! It's bad enough knowing that since the last time I made a note of how far away from the list I was I've only been gaining about 3 blams a day, then you say the bottom of the list is all nice and healthy! Must... get... blams...

For the record:
(1/2) - Me: 3615, #50: 5298, Diff: 1683
(15/1) - Me: 3319, #50: 5045, Diff: 1726
Diff reduction - 43, days - 17, reduction per day - 2.53

Come to think about it, getting less than 20 a day isn't really that helpful.

My sums must be wrong or something... fuck it, let's get started on the review list :-)

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Feb 1, 2004

At 2/1/04 07:17 AM, gfoxcook wrote: 15 16 -- 10,352 137.13% 17,901 *** alexsmolik

YAY ! I levelled up one rank ! Celebration times come on ! lol.
It's amazing these days, you know, in my sig I keep records of how many blams and saves I have. Well, for the past few days, I think my saves thingy moved from 4 or 5, whereas the blams ... Maybe a 100 or something !

I play lottery. I always lose.


BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Feb 1, 2004

04 04 -- 21,512 247.72% 30,196 *** Crono-

The one thing i hate about being High on a list...

you dont get to pass many people :(

heh.. i might pass ramagi in a few weeks.

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Feb 1, 2004

At 2/1/04 07:43 AM, jonthomson wrote:
At 2/1/04 07:16 AM, gfoxcook wrote: GuineVir is now the ONLY totally stagnant blammer at the bottom of the list (all the way up to Mr_Chuckles, who should be secure for some time).
Don't say things like that! It's bad enough knowing that since the last time I made a note of how far away from the list I was I've only been gaining about 3 blams a day, then you say the bottom of the list is all nice and healthy! Must... get... blams...

Sorry, man! but it's true.

I didn't say that everyone at the bottom of the list is moving superfast, though. I just said they're all moving, to some extent. Slow movement you can overcome.

For the record:
(1/2) - Me: 3615, #50: 5298, Diff: 1683
(15/1) - Me: 3319, #50: 5045, Diff: 1726
Diff reduction - 43, days - 17, reduction per day - 2.53

looks like you're doing fine. You lowered the distance between you and the list by around 50 since my last update, right? Eh... could be better, but not horrible.

Come to think about it, getting less than 20 a day isn't really that helpful.

My sums must be wrong or something... fuck it, let's get started on the review list :-)

... okay. #;-}>

At 2/1/04 08:03 AM, alexsmolik wrote:
At 2/1/04 07:17 AM, gfoxcook wrote: 15 16 -- 10,352 137.13% 17,901 *** alexsmolik
YAY ! I levelled up one rank ! Celebration times come on ! lol.
It's amazing these days, you know, in my sig I keep records of how many blams and saves I have. Well, for the past few days, I think my saves thingy moved from 4 or 5, whereas the blams ... Maybe a 100 or something !

You did well on both lists, man. Told ya you'd be fine. #;-}>

heh, yeah. Tell me about it. I'm getting 300 blams per 100 saves right now... sometimes worse.

At 2/1/04 09:33 AM, Crono- wrote:
04 04 -- 21,512 247.72% 30,196 *** Crono-
The one thing i hate about being High on a list...

you dont get to pass many people :(

heh.. i might pass ramagi in a few weeks.

You don't have to tell me, man. I've been at #4 and #8 on the two lists for a long while now.

However, like I said in the other topic, I'm about a month away from RyoHahn's #3 on the savelist...

and... I'm within a hundred or two from both Nemesis AND thisisasignin on THIS list, so I'll be moving up from 8 to 7 to 6 very very soon. I'll be right up behind you on THIS list one of these days. #;-}>

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Feb 2, 2004

I should be joining someones list soon..I dont have that many blam/saves..yet.....BUT I WILL hahahaha..

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Feb 22, 2004

The Unofficial Newgrounds Top 50 Blammers List -- as of 02/22/2004 at 10:30 CDT

Congrats to:

Recon_Rebel on his promotion to Elite Guard Lieutenant General (8th)
chaotic1 on his promotion to Elite Guard Brigadier General (12th)
Bila on his promotion to Elite Guard Major General (9th)
XkwiziTOnE on his promotion to Elite Guard Brigadier General (11th)
D0GMA on his promotion to Elite Guard Colonel (15th)
leeboy105 on his promotion to Elite Guard Lieutenant Colonel (17th)
Oderus_Urungus on his promotion to Elite Guard Major (22nd)
_lightning_ on his promotion to Elite Guard Major (23rd)
biteme2514 on his promotion to Elite Guard Major (21st)
Syme on her promotion to Elite Guard First Lieutenant (33rd)
LockClock on his promotion to Elite Guard Second Lieutenant (44th)
staphita on his promotion to Elite Guard First Lieutenant (36th)
Artificial on his promotion to Elite Guard Second Lieutenant (49th)
dl_Monk on his promotion to Elite Guard Second Lieutenant (48th)
Impetus on his promotion to Elite Guard Second Lieutenant (47th)
TimScheff on his promotion to Elite Guard Praporshchik (~57th)
XwaynecoltX on his promotion to Elite Guard First Lieutenant (35th)
alhill on his promotion to Elite Guard Second Lieutenant (43rd)
pingpong08 on his promotion to Elite Guard Second Lieutenant (45th)
Rabindarath on his promotion to Elite Guard Second Lieutenant (46th) &
merc_insanity on his promotion to Elite Guard Praporshchik (~55th)

since the last update of the list.

List Stats:

The Top 50 Blammers currently have 513,655 blams (+27,749)
The Top 50 Blammers currently have 294,025 saves (+15,230)
The Top 50 Blammers currently have 807,680 combined b/p (+42,979)

174.70% is the Top 50 Blammers' overall blam-to-save % (+00.41%)
63.60% of the Top 50 Blammers' combined b/p are blams (+00.06%)

Welcome to:

Artificial, one of the TWO people to break into BOTH my lists on this update! AMAZING, great job! (again! #;-}>)
Impetus, who follows a strong entry into the save list last update with an INSANE jump onto this list THIS time. Nice one!
TimScheff, who came outta nowhere to smash into the party with everyone else, leaping pretty far above the minimum blams needed.
alhill, who has now nicely cemented his doublelisting after entering the other list a couple months ago.
pingpong08, one of the group of 8 or so people who were strong on the saves list (alone) for a long time. He split off from them now.
merc_insanity, the other of the two people to instadoublelist this update. Him and teh Artificial are kicking some ass.

Farewell to:

HeRetiK, who just barely got knocked off the list. This is a sad, sad day for me. Teh creator of teh Noob Trap is undoublelisted.
ORKarate, who seems to have slowed down at the very worst time to do so. Oh well, at least he had it good for awhile.
Hice, who is now off both lists. This is teh saddens, especially now that I've talked to Hice in #blamclub some. Longtime listee.
Scaper-X, whose campaign to do some list entering seems to have faded. So quickly off the list... and I thought he'd be doubling soon.
dustynickel, who apparently just stopped trying to move up all of a sudden. Ah welly well.
GuineVir, another longtime listee. Gets a trickle of points now and then, but nowhere near enough to compete here. Farewell, all!


WOW. Just wow. Amazing movement. Incredible stuff. Okay, with all that out of the way, however, there is STILL room for more people to make the list. Mr_Chuckles and Rabindarath and MielipuoliMieli are all near the bottom of the list and fairly dormant (fully in the case of Mr_Chuckles). I can't predict in which order they will fall right now, but Mieli has the most to lose in that he's only on this list. The other two are at least on the saves list, and fairly secure there for some time. In any event, the most likely people to knock one or more of them off and take their place(s) are... BrownCow and Bigmanbrainy. BrownCow was #90 just awhile ago, amazing climbing. Good luck, Brainy!

Greg's Notes:

21 rankups this time, compared to 12 and 6 and 11 and 7 and 14 and 16 and 4 and 8 and 6 the last eight times (total of 105 for the blammers list!). 19 are on both lists, the other 2 are only on this list.

Amazing, amazing times. If the fact that we have SIX--COUNT EM, 6--pairs of people swapping on and off the list weren't enough to dizzy your mind (and it should be)... the simple fact that 21 people--almost HALF the list--ranked up in the past 3 weeks should do so. I fear this will never (barring me taking over a month to update this) happen again, however, as the amount of low-point rankups is dwindling for all the people on any of the three lists. The 1000 rankup ranges are now off the combined b/p list for good, and the 1500s will begin to fall off, leaving the 2000s as the primary rankup range for any of the three top 50 lists. Yes, I just repeated myself from the other list. Yargh!

You may check out the most recent Top 50 Protectors List by clicking the link I just posted. Enjoy comparing the lists to each other and to the Top 50 Combined B/P List. People on both the Top 50 Blammers List and the Top 50 Protectors List are denoted with ***.

List Column Legend

rank = this update's rank
prev = last update's rank
blams = approximate # of blams as of the update time
b2s% = blam-to-save % (i.e. ratio of blams to saves, or: blams/saves x 100)
b/p = approximate combined blam and protect points as of the update time
*** = on both the top 50 protectors and top 50 blammers lists
name = username (not current name in all cases due to some who change their names often)

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Feb 22, 2004

rank / prev -- blams / b2s% / b/p ---- name
01 01 -- 28,399 194.61% 42,992 *** fixit
02 02 -- 24,231 302.74% 32,235 *** TheJoe324
03 03 -- 22,663 169.93% 36,000 *** ramagi
04 04 -- 21,630 246.58% 30,402 *** Crono-
05 05 -- 16,988 129.60% 30,096 *** RyoHahn
06 08 -- 16,000 124.15% 28,888 *** gfoxcook
07 06 -- 15,003 165.83% 24,050 *** thisisasignin
08 07 -- 14,991 260.99% 20,735 *** NemesisM66
09 09 -- 14,692 144.81% 24,838 *** Recon_Rebel
10 11 -- 12,947 188.40% 19,819 *** chaotic1
11 12 -- 12,715 125.28% 22,864 *** Bila
12 13 -- 12,453 163.08% 20,089 *** XkwiziTOnE
13 10 -- 12,184 197.66% 18,348 *** Stormwarden
14 14 -- 11,734 202.07% 17,541 *** D0GMA
15 15 -- 11,411 144.96% 19,283 *** alexsmolik
16 16 -- 10,242 306.37% 13,585 ---- courtday
17 20 -- 09,893 152.41% 16,384 *** leeboy105
18 17 -- 09,701 260.78% 13,421 *** Sonic_Youth
19 18 -- 09,697 187.38% 14,872 *** Captain_Bob
20 19 -- 09,496 181.46% 14,729 *** _altr_
21 24 -- 09,385 179.41% 14,616 *** Oderus_Urungus
22 21 -- 09,351 172.11% 14,784 *** stafffighter
23 23 -- 09,347 188.03% 14,318 *** _lightning_
24 26 -- 09,032 159.66% 14,689 *** biteme2514
25 22 -- 08,880 117.07% 16,465 *** DrMSM
26 25 -- 08,795 273.48% 12,011 ---- nimmer
27 30 -- 08,494 246.27% 11,943 *** Syme
28 28 -- 08,383 160.10% 13,619 *** YoinK
29 27 -- 07,922 154.36% 13,054 *** helldoll81
30 29 -- 07,751 175.64% 12,164 *** Newgrundling
31 39 -- 07,245 229.05% 10,408 ---- LockClock
32 31 -- 07,089 117.33% 13,131 *** poxpower
33 34 -- 07,061 177.72% 11,034 *** staphita
34 37 -- 06,907 179.40% 10,757 *** Sturmpanzerwagen
35 33 -- 06,897 154.95% 11,348 *** RageVI
36 32 -- 06,887 178.33% 10,749 *** HAQnSPITT
37 36 -- 06,644 127.38% 11,860 *** vuorimies
38 38 -- 06,630 190.13% 10,117 *** Denvish
39 51 -- 06,622 190.51% 10,098 *** Artificial
40 35 -- 06,566 245.73% 09,238 ---- AdrenalineMJ
41 50 -- 06,281 166.03% 10,064 *** dl_Monk
42 52 -- 06,270 157.70% 10,246 *** Impetus
43 53 -- 06,173 238.62% 08,760 ---- TimScheff
44 45 -- 06,114 116.43% 11,365 *** XwaynecoltX
45 54 -- 06,083 131.55% 10,707 *** alhill
46 55 -- 06,044 144.63% 10,223 *** pingpong08
47 40 -- 06,011 196.25% 09,074 ---- MielipuoliMieli
48 49 -- 06,007 148.87% 10,042 *** Rabindarath
49 56 -- 05,950 168.94% 09,472 *** merc_insanity
50 41 -- 05,764 131.33% 10,153 *** Mr_Chuckles
rank / prev -- blams / b2s% / b/p ---- name

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Feb 22, 2004

At 2/22/04 03:51 PM, BIGMANBRAINY wrote: yehy a new list! thx fox!

oy vey.

thanks for your appreciation, but please, please, next time wait until I've actually posted the list itself? O_o

Now I'm gonna hafta delete yer postens. That's no good. Feel free to post NOW that I'm done updating both lists, okay? #;-}>

BTW, you're not QUITE on this one yet, so why did you reply to this one and not the saviors list? O_o

gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Feb 22, 2004

It's high time for blammers. Wow, I didn't just flow into this list, I surged.

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Feb 22, 2004

At 2/22/04 03:52 PM, gfoxcook wrote: 48 49 -- 06,007 148.87% 10,042 *** Rabindarath
49 56 -- 05,950 168.94% 09,472 *** merc_insanity
50 41 -- 05,764 131.33% 10,153 *** Mr_Chuckles

Funnily enough, I was thinking about posting as to whether there'd be an update just this morning, and here it is. And things are getting insane. Up to 4,300, closing the gap slowly. Cheers for the update.

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Feb 22, 2004

Thanks muchly :)

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Feb 22, 2004

At 2/22/04 04:10 PM, Impetus wrote: It's high time for blammers. Wow, I didn't just flow into this list, I surged.

Or, like I said, insanely jumped onto it. #;-}>

It was quite the blam splurge, I must say.

At 2/22/04 04:45 PM, jonthomson wrote:
At 2/22/04 03:52 PM, gfoxcook wrote: 48 49 -- 06,007 148.87% 10,042 *** Rabindarath
49 56 -- 05,950 168.94% 09,472 *** merc_insanity
50 41 -- 05,764 131.33% 10,153 *** Mr_Chuckles
Funnily enough, I was thinking about posting as to whether there'd be an update just this morning, and here it is. And things are getting insane. Up to 4,300, closing the gap slowly. Cheers for the update.


Anywho, good luck with that. Sounds like you won't have to wait too much longer, as long as teh portal improves a bit. I've seen some... hopeful signs. Just some... but that's something.

At 2/22/04 06:24 PM, D0GMA wrote: Thanks muchly :)

You're quite welcome.

BTW, merc was only a couple dozen points from ranking up, but in all the 5 hour span I worked on the lists (actual time spent updating = 3.5 hours this time... INSANE amount of stuff to do for this one, normally it would have been 2.5-3 hours) he didn't get one blam or save, so...

I didn't want to run the risk that he's taken a break and won't get any more points by my next update, thereby invalidating all my careful work! #;-}>

In any event, he just joined the list, so I congratted him on teh Praporshchik rankup. Congrats in advance on your (I hope) soon-to-be Second Lieutenanthood, however, merc!

Also, I didn't say this outright, but... as you can tell from the lack of ----s and tons of ***s on both lists... and from my repeated congratulations of teh double list jumpers and all the people making the other list when they were on one...

We're down to just 6 out of 50 (on both lists, obviously) who are not on both lists.

Additionally, only 3 on each list are not on the top 50 combined, which makes my job a lot easier. Only have to pull up 6 people from profile URL shortcuts in addition to checking all 50 on the top 50 combined...

Well, aside from checking for new people entering either or both of the lists, of course.


gfox // wi/ht?#9 // defunct PentaList (final update: 3/15/2008) // Cyberdevil's HexaList!

a long, long time ago: 60000 b/p (#2) // 36000 blams (#3) // 24000 saves (#1)

BBS Signature

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Feb 27, 2004

if i am not on by this next update then i think i will be on by the one after that. good having a spread of time in between them so that things can really get moving instead of doddling along.

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Feb 27, 2004

At 2/22/04 07:17 PM, gfoxcook wrote: BTW, merc was only a couple dozen points from ranking up, but in all the 5 hour span I worked on the lists (actual time spent updating = 3.5 hours this time... INSANE amount of stuff to do for this one, normally it would have been 2.5-3 hours) he didn't get one blam or save, so...

I was playing gta: vice city for the majority of the day and was barely on newgrounds until later that night.

I didn't want to run the risk that he's taken a break and won't get any more points by my next update, thereby invalidating all my careful work! #;-}>

In any event, he just joined the list, so I congratted him on teh Praporshchik rankup. Congrats in advance on your (I hope) soon-to-be Second Lieutenanthood, however, merc!

thanks, glad to be on another list, though ever since i ranked up i've slowed down alot. the only other thing that would drive me to continue my pace as of last update on the 51+ b/p list of 89 b/p a day is to get on the top 10,000+ exp / b-p / post list.

its too bad i don't have too much competition directly below me at the moment to motivate me. timscheff will creep up on me on the top 50 list if i slack off for too long so maybe that will get me back on track.

as always, great job on the update gfox!

Response to Top 50 Blammers List Feb 27, 2004

At 2/27/04 04:43 AM, merc_insanity wrote: its too bad i don't have too much competition directly below me at the moment to motivate me. timscheff will creep up on me on the top 50 list if i slack off for too long so maybe that will get me back on track.

If you stopped collecting points all together I'd still have about a dozen days before I'd catch up to you on the top 50 list. Given you are a bit more prolific than I am I doubt I'll be cathcing up anytime soon.