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Anti Gay Priest

4,744 Views | 88 Replies

Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-09 23:33:02

Hello guys, I bring to you a Petition.
A kid named Matthew Shepard was brutally killed 5 years ago, just for being gay.

His priest, an anti-gay activist is getting ready to build a monument stating this:

"MATTHEW SHEPARD, Entered Hell October 12, 1998, in Defiance of God's Warning: 'Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind; it is abomination.' Leviticus 18:22."

So Please read and sign the following petition.....

Thanks for the support.

Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-09 23:34:48

Dude, thats fucked up! That priest should get his ass kicked!

Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-09 23:35:36

So if we sign it we are against the monument right? I dont wanna mess something like this up.

Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-09 23:37:01

Yes its against. We have been in this debate for a while in politics forum. Should he be allowed to have this statue put on display, say on private property like the church lawn?

Bellum omnium contra omnes

BBS Signature

Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-09 23:38:46

It's so wrong when somebody builds a monument saying that a kid is burning in hell. Hell! that priest should burn in hell for saying that kind of shit

Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-09 23:41:26

At 10/9/03 11:37 PM, RugbyMacDaddy wrote: Yes its against. We have been in this debate for a while in politics forum. Should he be allowed to have this statue put on display, say on private property like the church lawn?

Legally yes. Morally no. I would personally take a crowbar to it. Vatican II "God does not make mistakes. You are made exactly the way you should be." This applies to gay and lesbian groups. THE CHURCH IS NOT AGAINST HOMOSEXUALS!!! However, they are against same sex sex cuz it doesnt have the chance for procreation. I could go on forever but I wont. I wrote a 5 page paper on it, but that would bore you to death.

Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-09 23:45:42

At 10/9/03 11:41 PM, -Boondock_Drunk- wrote:
At 10/9/03 11:37 PM, RugbyMacDaddy wrote:

This makes sense because of those Damm priests that raped boys. Which I might say is seriously fucked up.

Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-09 23:50:38

At 10/9/03 11:45 PM, BigBoss_Inc wrote:
At 10/9/03 11:41 PM, -Boondock_Drunk- wrote:
At 10/9/03 11:37 PM, RugbyMacDaddy wrote:
This makes sense because of those Damm priests that raped boys. Which I might say is seriously fucked up.

Dont even get me started on that. That was so fucked up, and the Bishop here denied everything. However the new Archbishop has come in and kicked out those that did anything with kids, and he met with each kid and their parents for long meetings. I like this guy. But Bishop O'Brien was off in his own little world. Hopefully we can move forward and take steps to help those who were hurt. And take mesures to make sure that this never happens again.

Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-09 23:51:36

I say there are more serious factions of religious groups out there that we need to get rid of first, but the U.S. laws prevent so. I am talking about the KKK. I think they're a bigger problem.

Also, if they have the right to express their racist believes, no matter how unpopular it is, then the priest should also be able to do so, which sucks, but it shouldn't be in a government property of any kind, I think.

On a semi-related note, being not religious, I find it silly that religious people would splinter themselves from their religion because of believes on principles. Shouldn't their faith to their "lord," whichever lord they believe in, overrule everything else?

Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-09 23:54:23

Wow, this petition does have significant support. And as leader of the SGA, I too decided to sign it.

Basically I see that telling someone they're going to hell without feeling anything but hate for them is a sin.

A truly prophetic sig...

BBS Signature

Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-09 23:54:52

At 10/9/03 11:51 PM, HeinousDude wrote: Shouldn't their faith to their "lord," whichever lord they believe in, overrule everything else?

yes it should. but religion is so fucked up nowadays that I just decided to not have a religion at all.

Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-09 23:57:19

People take their religion too far, laws arnt always meant to be obeyed, people have the right to a safe and happy life with people who love them, and that's what really matters!

BBS Signature

Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-10 00:01:12

I bet if he had it his way we would still be burning" witches" at the stake & paying taxes to the church


Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-10 00:03:34


It's a shame to say this... but it's gotten to the point where the bible itself is given a level of reverence due to God and only God. ... this is a form of idolatry, and its effects are destructive and hateful, as we have all seen.

I signed the petition. It was the least I could do. I hope we get some more signatures... we really need it.

Although Matthew Shepard was a famous case a number of years back, I suspect that many memebers of this forum may not know who Matthew Shepard originally was.

Matthew Shepard's case happened a number of years ago. The brutal murder of Matthew Shepard, the gay University of Wyoming student, is one we are not likely to forget. After being pursued by two anti-gay radicals, he was strapped to a fence post, savagely beaten, and left for dead outside Laramie, Wyoming. He was not found until the next day -- it wasn't until those who discovered his brutalized body got close before they could tell that it was actually a human body. Shepard, who had lapsed into a coma, died from his injuries.

It is a shameful world we live in, when an idolatrous hypocrite such as Fred Phelps can not only bring themselves to make such a twisted insult of such a terrible event, but find it morally upstanding to do something so wicked. >_<;;

Here's to more signatures. I think I'll throw a link in my Livejournal while I'm at it.

Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-10 00:11:15

*sniffle* its just so sad, ppl cant help wat gender they prefer..

Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-10 00:11:39

At 10/10/03 12:03 AM, Adept_Omega wrote:

Shepard, who had lapsed into a coma, died from his injuries.

Ouch. That must have been a horrible thing for him to live through. What's worse is the priest had no empathy for him.

A truly prophetic sig...

BBS Signature

Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-10 00:11:56

Those bastards, if I ever caught them doing that I would beat the shit out of them.

Bellum omnium contra omnes

BBS Signature

Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-10 00:24:26

Guys just post this link onto any board that you can find. It is important enough, and I have already done 2, plus all of my friends. Help the cause.

Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-10 01:16:00

Bah. Add it up to yet another monument which will, in time, decay and become unreadable...very much reflecting the church that such ideology actually perpetuates and its present state.

Decaying. More and more. I can't wait. :)


Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-10 01:21:03

On a side note. Yes, I do think homosexuality is wrong. Hey at least I'm honest about it and not hide it trying to be politically correct. However I have nothing against other people being gay. It's their choice, and since it doesn't harm me, it's fine.

Homosexuality only bothers me because it is against nature, much like cars that waste gas, but like Dubya Bush, they're necessary evils, so what am I gonna do? Nothing :P

It's not like knowing someone who's gay will make you gay or anything, so I don't see what the big deal is.

Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-10 01:52:51

At 10/9/03 11:33 PM, KainBloodstone wrote: A kid named Matthew Shepard was brutally killed 5 years ago, just for being gay.


His priest, an anti-gay activist is getting ready to build a monument stating this:

Yeah. Preiests don't dig gay dudes. It's part of their religion.

"MATTHEW SHEPARD, Entered Hell October 12, 1998, in Defiance of God's Warning: 'Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind; it is abomination.' Leviticus 18:22."

I'm pretty sure Leviticus wins this argument. That is an abomination.

Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-10 02:10:39

At 10/10/03 01:52 AM, Poodgie wrote:
His priest, an anti-gay activist is getting ready to build a monument stating this:
Yeah. Preiests don't dig gay dudes. It's part of their religion.

"MATTHEW SHEPARD, Entered Hell October 12, 1998, in Defiance of God's Warning: 'Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind; it is abomination.' Leviticus 18:22."
I'm pretty sure Leviticus wins this argument. That is an abomination.

Dude you need to read up on the churches teachings. They do not condemn homosexuals. How do I know you may ask? Well I go to a private school that has a class that studies this subject, and yes I took it. I learned that the church says that God does not make mistakes, man does. So God created people the way they should be. If you dont believe me then ask yourself this: Why would someone go through the constant fear of being persecuted for their sexual preference? Why wouldnt they just change? Because they cant change the way in which they were born.

And to re-but the statement on leviticus, it was written by men who back then had different ideals than now. Much like the constant sexist remarks in the Bible. Should women be treated as dogs because the bible might say so? No women and men are to be equal.

If any of this did not make you change your opinion then I pray for you to find it in your heart to love each and every creation of God.

Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-10 02:14:33

Yes, the petition is against the monument.
No, I'm not gay, but I feel that every person has their own right to make a choice.

This guy should not be ETERNALLY persecuted (in the form of a monument) just for being gay.

The priest should burn in hell for judging someone just for gender preference.

By signing this petition you are stating that you are against erecting a monument, written by a priest, that condemns this mans soul to hell. Thats it.

It's not a petition saying that gays are right, or that gays are wrong. It's not a petition trying to praise gay rights, its a simple petition saying that what this priest is doing is WRONG, end of story.

For all the people supporting this petition...Thanks.

Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-10 02:14:46

At 10/10/03 02:10 AM, -Boondock_Drunk- wrote: Dude you need to read up on the churches teachings.

Ahh, private school with religion... I had that. Boy does that suck or does that suck? They like made me pray and tried to convert me. Fnghaaaa....

As you can see it didn't work. I guess God meant me to not be a stuck up close minded person...

Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-10 02:17:22

At 10/10/03 02:14 AM, HeinousDude wrote: Ahh, private school with religion... I had that. Boy does that suck or does that suck? They like made me pray and tried to convert me. Fnghaaaa....

Well I wasnt talking to you and yes I am getting quite tired of my religion class. It just stretches me thin. However, there are good parts about it. Like learning about how certain things may afect someone.

I would go on but I am really tired and have school tomorrow. Goodnight and continue to fight for those signatures.

Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-10 02:23:52

At 10/10/03 02:10 AM, -Boondock_Drunk- wrote: Why would someone go through the constant fear of being persecuted for their sexual preference? Why wouldnt they just change? Because they cant change the way in which they were born.

What about the people who are born nuts out of their fucking skulls and can't seem to help wanting to kill people? What about people who have a natural attraction to children (pedophiles)?

You're telling me not to criticize people for who they are, but who I am is a guy that doesn't like homosexuality and you're criticizing me. Hyp-freakin'-ocrisy!

And to re-but the statement on leviticus, it was written by men who back then had different ideals than now. Much like the constant sexist remarks in the Bible. Should women be treated as dogs because the bible might say so? No women and men are to be equal.

Yeah. The entire Bible was written by man. God didn't hit the typewriter to tell you what's going on. Man did. And because it was 2000 years ago, most any man that could have written it would have had different ideals than people of today.

The point is the Bible is the supposed word of God. Anyone who truly places his faith in the Christian God is commanded to live by the Bible, and therefore told to place his faith in the words of the Bible e.g. Leviticus 18:22

Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-10 11:45:37

At 10/10/03 02:23 AM, Poodgie wrote:

The point is the Bible is the supposed word of God. Anyone who truly places his faith in the Christian God is commanded to live by the Bible, and therefore told to place his faith in the words of the Bible e.g. Leviticus 18:22

The Bible was written by a HUMAN. So basically what you are saying is that if I write a scripture now saying that all people who have black hair are EVIL and should be condemned to hell because I was compelled by God to do so, that in a thousand years if someone has faith in the Lord they should be able to tie a black-haired person to a fence and beat them to death? And then continue to to erect a plaque sending them off to hell?

Blind faith is just a much of a "sin" as anything else.

LEARN your religion before you start condemning. I have been through the Bible many times and despite the mass contradictions (Put there by MAN, not "God"), I was still able to find a basic belief system. Part of that being that God is infallible. Therefore, you are saying God is wrong because Homosexuals are sinners. Hmmmmm.... You should evaluate your statements before you take a leap of faith off the wrong cliff.

If Matthew Shepard is indeed a "sinner", then it is up to God to save or condemn him. It is not the right of man to kill someone and condemn their soul to hell. If you believe that it is ultimately Gods decision to judge us, then you have a reason to sign the petition. This goes beyond the whole "Gays are right or wrong" issue.

P.S. I am Agnostic, I take no religion as my own. But I seem to know more than some of you "Bible Thumpers"

"As I'm sure you're aware it is full of silhouettes of girls. The one on the M looks like she has a dick, just saiyan." -Shade-

BBS Signature

Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-10 11:57:39

Done, nice topic, glad i could help

Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-10 12:00:00

im not signing anything, its not going to help anything, its a waste of time.

but here is a pretty picture

Anti Gay Priest

Response to Anti Gay Priest 2003-10-10 12:03:03

Yea but signing it would make you feel like you have done something to help....if everyone had the same opinion as you then no one were get anywhere