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goriest movies

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goriest movies Feb 27, 2009

I made a similar list back in 07, but it has changed quite a bit since then. So, who thinks this list is right? If not, tell me what films I should see that could replace something else on the list. Also, tell me if you believe I put these films in the right order.

1. Faces of Death (Traces of Death is a gorier mondo film, however I haven't seen it.)
2. Guinea Pig Series
3. Toxic Avenger 4
4. BrainDead
5. Cannibal Holocaust
6. Maniac
7. Buio Omega
8. Men Behind the Sun
9. Blood Feast 2: All U Can Eat
10. Anthropophagus (Absurd is gorier, but I haven't ordered it yet)
11. Zombi 2
12. Ichi the Killer
13. Jungle Holocaust
14. Cannibal Ferox
15. Mother of Tears
16. Audition
17. Riki-Oh story of Ricky
18. City of the Living Dead
19. Eaten Alive Mangiati Vivi
20. Frontiers
21. Inside
22. Suspiria & Deep Red tie
23. Broken
24. Hatchet
25. Haute Tension
26. Art of the Devil 2
27. Pelts
28. Day of the Dead
29. Zombie Holocaust
30. Imprint

There it is, my top 30 goriest movies! I've seen all of them, but own the majority of them as well. I know that August Underground should probably be somewhere in the top ten, but I haven't seen it yet. I will probably make a new list next year, which will most definitely be perfected. I was thinking of other movies as well, such as Re-animator (which should have beet Imprint, but oh well) and also House on the Edge of the Park and Man From Deep River etc....

DemonCole: Owner of the UFC Club

Co-owner of the: Horror club

Member of the YuYu Hakusho club, anime club, dbz club, Elder Scrolls Oblivion faction, and the Weird Al club

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Response to goriest movies Feb 27, 2009

I liked "Hatchet" and "Cannibal Holocaust." "Hatchet," had all the right characters in it. It was a all around good horror film. Deserves top 20.

Response to goriest movies Feb 27, 2009

Guinea Pig beats faces of death. What, no 3 Guys, One Hammer listed?

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Response to goriest movies Feb 27, 2009

lol i thot grude2 was hecka gorry yo cuz i was wiggin out when i saw it knaddimean? dat shit scared me f'real :-)

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

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Response to goriest movies Feb 27, 2009

At 2/27/09 10:56 PM, DBM wrote: I liked "Hatchet" and "Cannibal Holocaust." "Hatchet," had all the right characters in it. It was a all around good horror film. Deserves top 20.

Definitely. My favorite film is Nightmare on Elm street, and Robert Englund is my favorite actor. Hatchet is amazing for bringing him together with both Tony Todd and Kaine Hodder!

DemonCole: Owner of the UFC Club

Co-owner of the: Horror club

Member of the YuYu Hakusho club, anime club, dbz club, Elder Scrolls Oblivion faction, and the Weird Al club

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Response to goriest movies Feb 27, 2009

Horror movies suck.

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Response to goriest movies Feb 27, 2009

At 2/27/09 10:58 PM, MadCow wrote: lol i thot grude2 was hecka gorry yo cuz i was wiggin out when i saw it knaddimean? dat shit scared me f'real :-)

LOL XD sry typo>.<;; i ment the gruge 2 =p

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to goriest movies Feb 27, 2009

At 2/27/09 10:59 PM, doctorjmcgee wrote: Manos: The Hands of Fate?

Haven't seen it. Thanks. I'll look it up.

DemonCole: Owner of the UFC Club

Co-owner of the: Horror club

Member of the YuYu Hakusho club, anime club, dbz club, Elder Scrolls Oblivion faction, and the Weird Al club

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Response to goriest movies Feb 27, 2009

I'm probably gonna have to say...

Friday the 13th: Jason Goes to Hell

That was just a fucking massecre!

Response to goriest movies Feb 27, 2009

At 2/27/09 11:02 PM, phsychopath wrote: I'm probably gonna have to say...

Friday the 13th: Jason Goes to Hell

That was just a fucking massecre!

Yeah, that movie was crazy, but I don't think it beats out any of these. Maybe it is close with some of the latter ones though, like Masters of Horror, Imprint.

DemonCole: Owner of the UFC Club

Co-owner of the: Horror club

Member of the YuYu Hakusho club, anime club, dbz club, Elder Scrolls Oblivion faction, and the Weird Al club

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Response to goriest movies Feb 27, 2009

If you like gory movies you should see Braindead. Considered by many to be the goriest movie ever made and holds the world record for the most fake blood ever used in a movie.

Fool me once...shame on you. Fool me twice...no one will ever find your body.

I kill threads.

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Response to goriest movies Feb 27, 2009

oh yeh this shits missing truth or dare: a critical madness. truly one of the classics

REAL TALK: you better go get a glass of orange juice & spill it all over yourself likea big dumb baby before i tear through your hymen like a dog tears through a piece of meat

BBS Signature

Response to goriest movies Feb 27, 2009

All of the movies in the Saw series are gory, but I assume you've seen them.

Try Nightmare on Elm Street.

Response to goriest movies Feb 27, 2009

At 2/27/09 10:54 PM, DemonCole wrote: 9. Blood Feast 2: All U Can Eat
24. Hatchet

Both of these movies are fucking hilarious. At least if Hatchet is the one where they're at Mardi Gras in the beginning. But they're good movies as well. They did a great job of Comedy/Horror.

Hey yo

Response to goriest movies Feb 27, 2009

At 2/27/09 11:02 PM, phsychopath wrote: I'm probably gonna have to say...

Friday the 13th: Jason Goes to Hell

That was just a fucking massecre!

Nah, I didn't like that one. It's not as gory as any of the movies DemonCole listed. He listed "true" horror movies. Ones that a lot of people haven't heard of.

Response to goriest movies Feb 27, 2009

At 2/27/09 11:00 PM, MadCow wrote:
At 2/27/09 10:58 PM, MadCow wrote: lol i thot grude2 was hecka gorry yo cuz i was wiggin out when i saw it knaddimean? dat shit scared me f'real :-)
LOL XD sry typo>.<;; i ment the gruge 2 =p

Now could you correct all the other typos

BBS Signature

Response to goriest movies Feb 27, 2009

At 2/27/09 11:08 PM, Smokinggun64 wrote: If you like gory movies you should see Braindead. Considered by many to be the goriest movie ever made and holds the world record for the most fake blood ever used in a movie.

Thanks, but I have it on my list. It is number 4. lol. By the way, its record was beat in 2008 by a Men Behind the Sun-like movie called Philosophy of a Knife. I haven't seen it yet. You should check it out.

DemonCole: Owner of the UFC Club

Co-owner of the: Horror club

Member of the YuYu Hakusho club, anime club, dbz club, Elder Scrolls Oblivion faction, and the Weird Al club

BBS Signature

Response to goriest movies Feb 27, 2009

At 2/27/09 11:27 PM, DemonCole wrote:
At 2/27/09 11:08 PM, Smokinggun64 wrote: If you like gory movies you should see Braindead. Considered by many to be the goriest movie ever made and holds the world record for the most fake blood ever used in a movie.
Thanks, but I have it on my list. It is number 4. lol. By the way, its record was beat in 2008 by a Men Behind the Sun-like movie called Philosophy of a Knife. I haven't seen it yet. You should check it out.

I have now put all 3 of these on my Netflix que. I hope they're that good. If you lied to me... :P

Hey yo

Response to goriest movies Feb 27, 2009


Skype: the_sleuth

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Response to goriest movies Feb 27, 2009

I frown upon whoever thinks that this years Friday the 13th was gory.

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Response to goriest movies Feb 27, 2009

At 2/27/09 11:35 PM, Alpharius120 wrote:
At 2/27/09 11:27 PM, DemonCole wrote:
At 2/27/09 11:08 PM, Smokinggun64 wrote: If you like gory movies you should see Braindead. Considered by many to be the goriest movie ever made and holds the world record for the most fake blood ever used in a movie.
Thanks, but I have it on my list. It is number 4. lol. By the way, its record was beat in 2008 by a Men Behind the Sun-like movie called Philosophy of a Knife. I haven't seen it yet. You should check it out.
I have now put all 3 of these on my Netflix que. I hope they're that good. If you lied to me... :P

Men Behind the Sun and Philosophy of a Knife are both extremely serious and very gory. They revolve around the atrocious events that took place in Japan during World War II, and the injustices that were dealt to the Chinese. On the other hand, Braindead is an extremely funny splatter film, with an unimaginable amount of gore.

DemonCole: Owner of the UFC Club

Co-owner of the: Horror club

Member of the YuYu Hakusho club, anime club, dbz club, Elder Scrolls Oblivion faction, and the Weird Al club

BBS Signature

Response to goriest movies Feb 27, 2009

At 2/27/09 11:39 PM, DemonCole wrote: Men Behind the Sun and Philosophy of a Knife are both extremely serious and very gory. They revolve around the atrocious events that took place in Japan during World War II, and the injustices that were dealt to the Chinese. On the other hand, Braindead is an extremely funny splatter film, with an unimaginable amount of gore.

I enjoy both. Although if Philosophy of a Knife is actually 4 hours long I may only finish watching 2-3 hours of it. I can take gore, but I am a man who enjoys his comedy gore.

All U Can Eat 2 :D

Hey yo

Response to goriest movies Feb 27, 2009

At 2/27/09 11:42 PM, Alpharius120 wrote:
At 2/27/09 11:39 PM, DemonCole wrote: Men Behind the Sun and Philosophy of a Knife are both extremely serious and very gory. They revolve around the atrocious events that took place in Japan during World War II, and the injustices that were dealt to the Chinese. On the other hand, Braindead is an extremely funny splatter film, with an unimaginable amount of gore.
I enjoy both. Although if Philosophy of a Knife is actually 4 hours long I may only finish watching 2-3 hours of it. I can take gore, but I am a man who enjoys his comedy gore.
All U Can Eat 2 :D

If your really into gore and horror films, then you should join the horror club on Newgrounds. There hasn't been much action recently, but I'm sure it will pick up soon. You can contribute to that if you want to check it out.

DemonCole: Owner of the UFC Club

Co-owner of the: Horror club

Member of the YuYu Hakusho club, anime club, dbz club, Elder Scrolls Oblivion faction, and the Weird Al club

BBS Signature

Response to goriest movies Feb 28, 2009

I forgot to Include Wrong Turn 2 on the list, which I believe should go just before Imprint.

DemonCole: Owner of the UFC Club

Co-owner of the: Horror club

Member of the YuYu Hakusho club, anime club, dbz club, Elder Scrolls Oblivion faction, and the Weird Al club

BBS Signature

Response to goriest movies Feb 28, 2009

At 2/27/09 10:59 PM, TB1ZZL3 wrote: Horror movies suck.

Thank you.

Posted from Linux. Distro may vary.

Response to goriest movies Feb 28, 2009

I was going to say SAW series, but I remembered when I saw one of them it was dumber than pig shit.


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Response to goriest movies Feb 28, 2009

Where's "Dead Alive" AKA "Braindead"?

You know the world's gone crazy when the best rapper's a white guy and the best golfer's a black guy - Chris Rock

Response to goriest movies Feb 28, 2009

1001 Maniacs is a good one...it's not as gory as alot of the movies you have listed but it's fun to watch if you just like seeing people get ripped up and overall gore and shit.

Response to goriest movies Feb 28, 2009

At 2/28/09 10:39 AM, Ericho wrote: Where's "Dead Alive" AKA "Braindead"?

It is there. lol # 4.

DemonCole: Owner of the UFC Club

Co-owner of the: Horror club

Member of the YuYu Hakusho club, anime club, dbz club, Elder Scrolls Oblivion faction, and the Weird Al club

BBS Signature

Response to goriest movies Feb 28, 2009

Planet Terror was another gory movie that I've seen, but it was done in a much more humorous way than the movies that you mentioned.

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