I made a similar list back in 07, but it has changed quite a bit since then. So, who thinks this list is right? If not, tell me what films I should see that could replace something else on the list. Also, tell me if you believe I put these films in the right order.
1. Faces of Death (Traces of Death is a gorier mondo film, however I haven't seen it.)
2. Guinea Pig Series
3. Toxic Avenger 4
4. BrainDead
5. Cannibal Holocaust
6. Maniac
7. Buio Omega
8. Men Behind the Sun
9. Blood Feast 2: All U Can Eat
10. Anthropophagus (Absurd is gorier, but I haven't ordered it yet)
11. Zombi 2
12. Ichi the Killer
13. Jungle Holocaust
14. Cannibal Ferox
15. Mother of Tears
16. Audition
17. Riki-Oh story of Ricky
18. City of the Living Dead
19. Eaten Alive Mangiati Vivi
20. Frontiers
21. Inside
22. Suspiria & Deep Red tie
23. Broken
24. Hatchet
25. Haute Tension
26. Art of the Devil 2
27. Pelts
28. Day of the Dead
29. Zombie Holocaust
30. Imprint
There it is, my top 30 goriest movies! I've seen all of them, but own the majority of them as well. I know that August Underground should probably be somewhere in the top ten, but I haven't seen it yet. I will probably make a new list next year, which will most definitely be perfected. I was thinking of other movies as well, such as Re-animator (which should have beet Imprint, but oh well) and also House on the Edge of the Park and Man From Deep River etc....
DemonCole: Owner of the UFC Club
Co-owner of the: Horror club
Member of the YuYu Hakusho club, anime club, dbz club, Elder Scrolls Oblivion faction, and the Weird Al club