I'm making a game on RPG Maker XP, and want it to be playable here on NG, but I need help. I'm going to work hard on this too, but i need some help from others as well. Here's what I need:
Custom sprites (an artist who can create or modify the sprites already on RPG Maker XP)
I need someone to help me with bugs (like I don't know how to fix this glitch in the side view battle script where the character should attack, but instead runs in place),
I need someone to convert it to flash so it can be here on NG,
I also need someone who can make the title screen,
Someone who can work on the battle script (making it custom)
Someone who can create cutscenes (not just on the maps)
I've put quite a bit of input into this, and still will, but I know how to make basic cutscenes on maps but need a little help because I don't know some things about that, and I've created and linked a couple maps now, made a basic story and building on it, characters for the some part, some monsters, a battle, just related stuff. If you are interested, just PM me or post here, tell me what you can do, and I'll send you the story, and what I have in the game so far. If you have ideas for the story you are welcome to share. The title so far is "Days of Sorrow". I really hope this will work and can get this on flash so it can be here on NG. It's my dream to work with people on an RPG game that has at least decent replay value lol. So can anyone help?