was awesome.
was awesomer.
And now...the awesomerest of them all: Exquisite Corpse Threeeeee!
It's time to crank things up a notch. The previous EC's had some pretty basic rules. This time, it's pretty specific. Read this carefully:
- 160 BPM
- 4/4 time
- 32 bars long
- Key of F major
Here's the important part. 32 bars in 4/4 time equals 128 beats. Out of those 128 beats, only 64 can have notes. What does this mean? Well, half of your track will be silence.
For example, you could...
...have a note play on every second beat
...have 4 notes in a row, then 4 notes of nothing, and repeat ad nauseum
...have a note play on every beat for the first half of the song, and silence for the rest
...have 2 8th notes, then silence, then 4 16th notes, then silence
You can divide any note into 8ths or 16ths, just as long as it doesn't add up to more than 64 beats.
You can use less than 64 beats, but you can't use more than 64 beats.
Decaying sounds that stretch over multiple beats, like bells and pads, can be used without penalty, as long as the triggered notes add up to 64 beats or less.
Multi-note chords count as one note that is as long as the longest note in the chord. So you can have a 4-beat long note with 5 16th-beat long notes playing at the same time, and it will count as 4 beats.
This applies to drum tracks too, so get creative!
I understand that this might be confusing to some, so please, don't hesitate to ask any questions in the thread below.
Send me ONE 44/16 .wav file, containing ONE instrument. A drum kit counts as one instrument. Name the file "EC3 [your username here] [instrument name here].wav". For example, if I made a track containing a trumpet, I'd name it "EC3 Rig Trumpet.wav"
Upload your track to www.mediafire.com and PM me the link. DON'T POST IT IN THE THREAD.
I won't accept any entries PMed to me after 12 noon EST (NG time) on Monday, June 14th. I'll be mixing this thing together then and posting it up.
Remember: ONE .wav file. ONE instrument. Don't send me a full song.
Tracks due by 12 NOON EST, MONDAY, JUNE 14TH, 2010
Tracks must be named EC3 [your username here] [instrument name here].wav