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Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More

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The first one

was awesome.

The second one

was awesomer.

And now...the awesomerest of them all: Exquisite Corpse Threeeeee!

It's time to crank things up a notch. The previous EC's had some pretty basic rules. This time, it's pretty specific. Read this carefully:

- 160 BPM
- 4/4 time
- 32 bars long
- Key of F major

Here's the important part. 32 bars in 4/4 time equals 128 beats. Out of those 128 beats, only 64 can have notes. What does this mean? Well, half of your track will be silence.

For example, you could...
...have a note play on every second beat
...have 4 notes in a row, then 4 notes of nothing, and repeat ad nauseum
...have a note play on every beat for the first half of the song, and silence for the rest
...have 2 8th notes, then silence, then 4 16th notes, then silence

You can divide any note into 8ths or 16ths, just as long as it doesn't add up to more than 64 beats.
You can use less than 64 beats, but you can't use more than 64 beats.
Decaying sounds that stretch over multiple beats, like bells and pads, can be used without penalty, as long as the triggered notes add up to 64 beats or less.

Multi-note chords count as one note that is as long as the longest note in the chord. So you can have a 4-beat long note with 5 16th-beat long notes playing at the same time, and it will count as 4 beats.

This applies to drum tracks too, so get creative!

I understand that this might be confusing to some, so please, don't hesitate to ask any questions in the thread below.


Send me ONE 44/16 .wav file, containing ONE instrument. A drum kit counts as one instrument. Name the file "EC3 [your username here] [instrument name here].wav". For example, if I made a track containing a trumpet, I'd name it "EC3 Rig Trumpet.wav"

Upload your track to www.mediafire.com and PM me the link. DON'T POST IT IN THE THREAD.
I won't accept any entries PMed to me after 12 noon EST (NG time) on Monday, June 14th. I'll be mixing this thing together then and posting it up.

Remember: ONE .wav file. ONE instrument. Don't send me a full song.

Tracks due by 12 NOON EST, MONDAY, JUNE 14TH, 2010

Tracks must be named EC3 [your username here] [instrument name here].wav

Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More

____________________________Bel-Air remixes! You must listen!____________________________

BBS Signature

Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 10, 2010

Is there a time limit on this? I would like to experiment, but I don't have any constant access to FL8, I would preferable like a few days on this, but for a few days, I would need to be able to send this in by next weekend (as in the 19th.)

Also, when you say key of F Major, does that give absolutely no lenience to straying from notes outside of the F Major scale?


Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 10, 2010

F Major Scale is one flat (B). Adhering to it will provide a better result I think. It looks like:

Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More

BBS Signature

Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 10, 2010

At 6/10/10 08:34 AM, oddo323 wrote: Is there a time limit on this?

Seriously? I put the due date in there twice - once in bold, and once underlined. Read my post carefully.

Also, when you say key of F Major, does that give absolutely no lenience to straying from notes outside of the F Major scale?

Use your artistic prerogative. If it sounds good with a note or two outside of the scale, then go for it.

____________________________Bel-Air remixes! You must listen!____________________________

BBS Signature

Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 10, 2010

Well yeah I think this the new rule is stupid and here's why.

Let's say I write something like this: pic
If I choose a long bell sound for this then it doesn't really matter how long the note is triggered since the release phase is so long. So this will sound just as full as if those notes were tied together, which wouldn't be allowed.

And if I want to stuff more notes into it, oh I'll just shorten the midi note lengths and the notes sound just as long. According to the rules this is still fine: pic

Same thing with drums. I'll write an enormous complex drum solo with fills constantly, then I'll have the notes as short as possible, the samples will be triggered and ring out fully anyway. How long a midi note is triggered usually doesn't matter much.

Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 10, 2010

At 6/10/10 01:31 PM, SBB wrote: How long a midi note is triggered usually doesn't matter much.

It does if it's a pad. And hey, the whole premise of these ECs is experimentation. If you think you can take advantage of the system, go for it. There will be new rules next time.

____________________________Bel-Air remixes! You must listen!____________________________

BBS Signature

Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 10, 2010

Sounds cool. I'll try on this.

Question though: with 'drum kit', do you also mean 'drum track?' I'm not font of the FPC kits, so I was wodnering if I could just use some others from the browser.

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BBS Signature

Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 10, 2010

At 6/10/10 01:58 PM, LiquidOoze wrote: Sounds cool. I'll try on this.

Question though: with 'drum kit', do you also mean 'drum track?' I'm not font of the FPC kits, so I was wodnering if I could just use some others from the browser.

By drum kit, I mean set of drums - hi-hat, kick, snare, etc - basically, you can bundle a few percussion instruments together and call it a kit.

____________________________Bel-Air remixes! You must listen!____________________________

BBS Signature

Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 10, 2010

At 6/10/10 01:53 PM, Rig wrote: There will be new rules next time.

Speaking of which, does anyone have any suggestions for rules? For example:
- using only three notes in a specific key signature for the entire piece
- 16th-notes only
- triplets galore

____________________________Bel-Air remixes! You must listen!____________________________

BBS Signature

Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 10, 2010

At 6/10/10 04:27 PM, Rig wrote:
At 6/10/10 01:53 PM, Rig wrote: There will be new rules next time.
Speaking of which, does anyone have any suggestions for rules? For example:
- using only three notes in a specific key signature for the entire piece
- 16th-notes only
- triplets galore

No, not yet. But if I ever think of any rules, I will for sure let you know. I'm really jacked for EC3. I missed one and two, but imma be in this one for sure. One quick question/suggestion, when/if you credit me in the song commentary, can you credit me as "Isomatic (DJ-Chilvan)"?

Check out my new track Tokyo Pop and my hit: Our Nova Pt. 2.

Member of Review Request Club.

Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 10, 2010

Rules for next time: Has to change key at least every 'X' bars or something? Maybe your piece has to contain at least one of every note...

Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 10, 2010

umm, cant I have 16 measures of silence in the beginning and just play it normally for 16 measures lol

ChEaT tHe SyStEm

www.macjams.com/artist/kgz (Download links)

Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 10, 2010

At 6/10/10 04:27 PM, Rig wrote:
At 6/10/10 01:53 PM, Rig wrote: There will be new rules next time.
Speaking of which, does anyone have any suggestions for rules?

Predefined progression, exotic key, 6/8 time sig, must be made from speech samples of bill crosby

Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 10, 2010

Rules for next time:
-8/12 time signature
-only sevenths, ninths, and elevenths allowed
-drums only, no other instruments

This will become an epic songs if so.

Strychnine and cyanide. A healthy part of this complete breakfast.

Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 10, 2010

At 6/10/10 07:32 PM, Mystery-Moon-Pie-Aud wrote: Rules for next time:
-8/12 time signature

Or perhaps we could use a constantly expanding additive time signature that equals the fibonacci sequence, with one number added for every bar. So the first bar is 1/8, next bar is (1+1)/8, then (1+1+2)/8, (1+1+2+3)/8 (1+1+2+3+5)/8 and so on.

-only sevenths, ninths, and elevenths allowed

The tempo should also be around i120 squared.

Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 10, 2010


Okay, I wanna join this, but I have some questions

What do you mean by 64 beats?
In the example, you make me think that you can't have more than 8 notes in a measure...

and all in the key of F major?
Does that mean no chord changes in the same key?
Would it not sound good if the chord I change to clashes with another person's chords?

Thats all for now...

I suck at grammer ^ can't you tell?


Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 10, 2010

At 6/10/10 07:32 PM, Mystery-Moon-Pie-Aud wrote: Rules for next time:
-8/12 time signature
-only sevenths, ninths, and elevenths allowed
-drums only, no other instruments

This will become an epic songs if so.

Lol. 8/12 time signature? how long is a twelfth note exactly?

BBS Signature

Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 10, 2010

At 6/10/10 05:34 PM, SBB wrote: Predefined progression, exotic key, 6/8 time sig, must be made from speech samples of bill crosby

6/8 is too easy. A percussion piece (read: not just drums, any instrument used percussively) with a 9/4 time signature would be extremely interesting in my opinion. It's just one extra beat, but everyone would do something different with it.

Just a thought. :)

Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 12, 2010

I have only three tracks...anyone else want to give this a shot?

____________________________Bel-Air remixes! You must listen!____________________________

BBS Signature

Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 12, 2010

Lol i hope we get more peoples, 3 tracks would be a bit boring =\

Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 12, 2010

I would join but it's a challenge to do something like this on guitar :\ Counting EXACTLY 64 beasts. I might do it if I have time.

Rules for next time?
- Key changes
- Breaks (Every x beats = silence)
- Solo trades (People write 4 beats of EPIC solo and they get one after another)
- 9/4 Seems like a pretty neats time sig. Perhaps 7/4? Or 3/4? Perhaps polyrythmics if you think people are up for it.
- Fixed delay for everyone would be hard to pull off but pretty fucking amazing
- Everyone has to include every note of the chosen scale in their instrument.

Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 12, 2010

At 6/12/10 03:30 AM, Rig wrote: I have only three tracks...anyone else want to give this a shot?

Probably not since the rules are so retarded :)

Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 12, 2010

If not enough tracks, postpone deadline?

BBS Signature

Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 12, 2010

At 6/12/10 03:37 PM, SBB wrote:
At 6/12/10 03:30 AM, Rig wrote: I have only three tracks...anyone else want to give this a shot?
Probably not since the rules are so retarded :)

That just means everyone here are just a bunch of pussies who can't count =P It's not that hard to follow those rules.

Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 12, 2010

At 6/12/10 07:49 PM, Kirbyfemur wrote:
At 6/12/10 03:37 PM, SBB wrote:
At 6/12/10 03:30 AM, Rig wrote: I have only three tracks...anyone else want to give this a shot?
Probably not since the rules are so retarded :)
That just means everyone here are just a bunch of pussies who can't count =P It's not that hard to follow those rules.


No, it means [whoever] doesn't want to count midi notes. Is there a single case where you would follow such a rule or anything similar when making music?

Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 13, 2010

At 6/12/10 08:10 PM, SBB wrote: Sigh

No, it means [whoever] doesn't want to count midi notes. Is there a single case where you would follow such a rule or anything similar when making music?

Probably not, but there are many cases in which a song does not need to be a full bombardment of noise, actually it would be kind of nice for people to used a bit more space and silence in their songs. Honestly the rule isn't that retarded, it just takes maybe less than a minute more time than it would normally take, is that really that bad?

Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 14, 2010

You guys sure don't like to work outside your comfort zones, lol

Anyways, deadline's up. I got like 6 or 7 tracks - this will be a small one.

____________________________Bel-Air remixes! You must listen!____________________________

BBS Signature

Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 14, 2010

At 6/14/10 02:03 PM, Rig wrote: You guys sure don't like to work outside your comfort zones, lol

Anyways, deadline's up. I got like 6 or 7 tracks - this will be a small one.

I was interested but I've been busy as of late. Pending if you feel like waiting for me I can submit something. I actually was intrigued by the increase in parameters to stay within for the purpose of communal music writing.

BBS Signature

Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 14, 2010

At 6/14/10 02:03 PM, Rig wrote: You guys sure don't like to work outside your comfort zones, lol

Anyways, deadline's up. I got like 6 or 7 tracks - this will be a small one.

Sorry for not taking part this time round, I have exams.

Review Request Club | CHECK THIS OUT | Formerly Supersteph54 | I'm an Audio Moderator. PM me for Audio Portal help.

BBS Signature

Response to Exquisite Corpse 3: Less Is More Jun 14, 2010

At 6/14/10 03:26 PM, Supersteph54 wrote:
At 6/14/10 02:03 PM, Rig wrote: You guys sure don't like to work outside your comfort zones, lol

Anyways, deadline's up. I got like 6 or 7 tracks - this will be a small one.
Sorry for not taking part this time round, I have exams.

Yeah this be the end of the year for the young uns, so i'm not to surprised that we didn't have as many entries lol