I only hate atheist who think they're better than everyone because they don't have a God.
I only hate atheist who think they're better than everyone because they don't have a God.
At 7/29/10 02:20 AM, crazygiraffe wrote: I only hate atheist who think they're better than everyone because they don't have a God.
I'm better than you because I don't have a God.
At 7/29/10 01:56 AM, hateyou1 wrote: I agree! Atheists believe that they can steal when nobody is watching them because they think nobodies watching, but a Christian wouldn't steal because they know that the only one that can see every move they make is God. Could make more examples, but I believe that my point is pretty clear.
Being an atheist does not mean you don't have any morals. I'm an atheist, but I don't go around robbing people at every opportunity I get. Why? Not because I think someone is watching me, but because I respect that somebody's property is their own, they worked to get it, and I have no right to take it from them on a whim.
At 7/29/10 04:10 AM, Hoeloe wrote: Being an atheist does not mean you don't have any morals. I'm an atheist, but I don't go around robbing people at every opportunity I get. Why? Not because I think someone is watching me, but because I respect that somebody's property is their own, they worked to get it, and I have no right to take it from them on a whim.
Not that any Christian even in their right mind would listen to this, anyway, but this guy speaks truth.
And after 6 pages attached to a horribly made thread, I'm going to present to you the idol you should all be worshiping.