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FoXeS Club!

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Response to FoXeS Club! Jun 9, 2012

At 6/9/12 07:51 PM, sweet21 wrote: Yeah foxes!

FUCK YEAH! Dead space!

I'm just a dreamer.

BBS Signature

Response to FoXeS Club! Jun 12, 2012

At 6/9/12 08:01 PM, sweet21 wrote: FUCK YEAH! Dead space!

O_O Nice.
Well, you gotta learn to hunt. ^_^'
And the previous vid was CUTE.
Thanks for the contribution!

Anyway, glad this lil' club of ours is getting some visibility.

Also current members, Y U NO post fox pics?

Here's a blue fox to inspire.

FoXeS Club!

Response to FoXeS Club! Jun 12, 2012

I think what he means by that is there's only been like, four fox pics in the last two pages, and he wonders why he's basically the only one posting them.

Time is not something I take lightly...

Response to FoXeS Club! Jun 18, 2012

At 6/12/12 11:30 AM, SCTE3 wrote: I don't mind posting pictures here every now and then but I'd rather not see our club turn into just a photo dump of foxes.

Point taken. However, this raises a question: What ARE we gonna do?
The post rate is practically dead.

Response to FoXeS Club! Jun 18, 2012

At 6/18/12 05:06 PM, SCTE3 wrote:
At 6/18/12 05:01 PM, ThePredatorFox wrote: Point taken. However, this raises a question: What ARE we gonna do?
The post rate is practically dead.
Discuss different kind of foxes then? Seems pretty good for an idea at least.

we're going to Tibet.

I'm just a dreamer.

BBS Signature

Response to FoXeS Club! Jul 15, 2012

At 6/18/12 10:57 PM, sweet21 wrote: we're going to Tibet.

Oh, nice clip.
It made me wonder just like the narrator, why the square head?
The fox looks more like a wolf because of it.

On another note, WTF guys, a full month of silence?!

Then, I thought of something, anyone wanna have a fox-character based RP like in the old days?
Sure ppl can say it "furry yiff bullshit", but yeah, screw 'em I say.
Well, the idea's now out there, comment and say what you think.

Also from now on I'll make it my duty to check this thread at least once every two days,
and post something at least weekly.

To put it bluntly, I wanna see this place get back in the game.

Response to FoXeS Club! Jul 17, 2012

At 7/16/12 04:42 PM, SCTE3 wrote:
At 7/15/12 04:19 PM, ThePredatorFox wrote:
To put it bluntly, I wanna see this place get back in the game.
I would also enjoy seeing this happen.

We'll start by posting. Then continue by posting more. And thats how you do it.

I'm just a dreamer.

BBS Signature

Response to FoXeS Club! Jul 17, 2012

I'm just a dreamer.

BBS Signature

Response to FoXeS Club! Jul 18, 2012

That fox. Is those most adorable thing. ever. I died from the cuteness.

Time is not something I take lightly...

Response to FoXeS Club! Jul 18, 2012

At 7/17/12 12:53 AM, sweet21 wrote: No thanks, I already have Chihuahua.

Egads that was adorable! X3
I'll try and find something similar when browsing teh Interwebs later. :P

Response to FoXeS Club! Jul 18, 2012

At 7/18/12 08:18 AM, SCTE3 wrote:
I've always had a feeling that a fennec fox would make a nice pet. A little bigger than a cat but they still remain in cute territory it would seem.

Indeed. Also it wouldn't cost too much to feed one. And they're active too. ^_^

Response to FoXeS Club! Jul 19, 2012

From a distance I can confuse a fennec fox for a chihuahua, but up close there's no mistaking those ears.

I'm just a dreamer.

BBS Signature

Response to FoXeS Club! Jul 25, 2012



BBS Signature

Response to FoXeS Club! Jul 25, 2012

What is this club I see here?

BBS Signature

Response to FoXeS Club! Jul 26, 2012

At 7/25/12 04:34 PM, TruBluFoxx wrote: What is this club I see here?

A club about foxes.

I'm just a dreamer.

BBS Signature

Response to FoXeS Club! Jul 26, 2012

At 7/26/12 02:30 AM, sweet21 wrote:
At 7/25/12 04:34 PM, TruBluFoxx wrote: What is this club I see here?
A club about foxes.

A Fox stared at my dog through my fence a while ago. My dog barked for a bit, then the fox got bored and wandered off back into the wilderness.

BBS Signature

Response to FoXeS Club! Aug 21, 2012

this club used to be active I wonder what happened?

Response to FoXeS Club! Aug 23, 2012

At 8/21/12 08:50 PM, SCTE3 wrote:
At 8/21/12 06:09 PM, foxkitaxel wrote: this club used to be active I wonder what happened?
Probably the regulars of the thread came less or real life is deemed being more important and they have less time to come post here.

well ok then but I blame it on laziness espiacially me.

Response to FoXeS Club! Aug 31, 2012

At 8/23/12 10:41 AM, foxkitaxel wrote:
At 8/21/12 08:50 PM, SCTE3 wrote:
At 8/21/12 06:09 PM, foxkitaxel wrote: this club used to be active I wonder what happened?
Probably the regulars of the thread came less or real life is deemed being more important and they have less time to come post here.
well ok then but I blame it on laziness espiacially me.

Well, for me personally, both reasons apply.

Hey guys, here's a thought. If nobody's gonna go all "OMG FURRIES GAAAAY",
I could try and sketch us all (meaning the regulars) as fox/human hybrids. I still draw you know.

Anyone up for it, PM me.

Response to FoXeS Club! Aug 31, 2012

At 8/31/12 10:42 PM, ThePredatorFox wrote:
Hey guys, here's a thought. If nobody's gonna go all "OMG FURRIES GAAAAY",

Im pretty sure you wont have a problem with that in a club about foxes...

BBS Signature

Response to FoXeS Club! Sep 1, 2012

At 8/31/12 11:23 PM, TruBluFoxx wrote: Im pretty sure you wont have a problem with that in a club about foxes...

True enough, but making sure never hurts. ^_^

Response to FoXeS Club! Sep 3, 2012

Hey guys, here's a thought. If nobody's gonna go all "OMG FURRIES GAAAAY",
I could try and sketch us all (meaning the regulars) as fox/human hybrids. I still draw you know.

Anyone up for it, PM me.

Im up for this I even have a pic or two you can work off of!

Response to FoXeS Club! Sep 5, 2012

At 9/3/12 10:15 PM, foxkitaxel wrote: Im up for this I even have a pic or two you can work off of!

K then, let's see those so I can get to sketching.

Response to FoXeS Club! Sep 5, 2012

At 9/5/12 07:25 AM, SCTE3 wrote: This shall be interesting I hope..

Me too.
If anyone wants to see what I'm capable of, click this.
It's my deviantART account.

Response to FoXeS Club! Sep 5, 2012

this one

FoXeS Club!

Response to FoXeS Club! Sep 8, 2012

At 9/5/12 10:39 PM, foxkitaxel wrote: this one

nice ;)

My love to the foxes club

JOIN/LISTEN TO NG RADIO!!! you can look it up and hear or subscribe to it for FREE on itunes. just search newgrounds in Itunes store!!!!!!!!!!!

BBS Signature

Response to FoXeS Club! Sep 8, 2012

At 9/8/12 02:30 AM, Nestman12 wrote: nice ;)

Holy-! Nestman! Jesus, it's been a while! What's up? :D

Response to FoXeS Club! Sep 10, 2012

my inbox has failed me i cant send messages

Response to FoXeS Club! Sep 11, 2012

At 9/10/12 12:33 PM, foxkitaxel wrote: my inbox has failed me i cant send messages

Well, in that case just send stuff here, mate.
No biggie.

Response to FoXeS Club! Sep 11, 2012

At 9/10/12 05:20 PM, Xenomit wrote: I certainly do love foxes

Hmm. Maybe wanna join the club, then?