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any plot writers out there?

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any plot writers out there? 2004-09-08 11:22:13

i'd love to start doing some real animations but i don't have the imagination to think of a really captivating story line for it. if there are any people out there with ideas i'd love to know.


Response to any plot writers out there? 2004-09-08 11:24:18

I do plots and write scripts and dialogue. Find me on AIM (Dragunfyre01) and I can help you out with some stuff if you like. So long as you have some basic ideas of what you'd like I can help you come up with something.

Response to any plot writers out there? 2004-09-08 13:59:30

I would be happy to help, even if it does not mean me being the main writer.

Response to any plot writers out there? 2004-09-10 10:24:03

Sure I'd love to help out.

I've done plenty of writing, and I have a short story based on a true life experience that might make a good flash.
Check it out

Also I fucked up the story so its not all in the right order. God damnit, it ruined the whole feel of the story.


Response to any plot writers out there? 2004-09-10 10:29:13

You know what, Just forget about clicking that link.

Click this one instead.

Same story.... just chronological


Response to any plot writers out there? 2005-06-01 22:24:17

How about this...a man made out of chains(?) is roaming through a village looking for someone called "the forger" who can cure him and make him human.

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Response to any plot writers out there? 2005-06-01 22:39:51

I dunno Capitain...you would need a background for how he became a man of chains. :P

Anyways, I can write some pretty good short stories if you need, and have some written already. I can be contacted at:

Response to any plot writers out there? 2005-06-01 23:12:37

I am working on a game... it will have an intro movie... I know what will happen, I just need someone to take the idea and make it into an actual script... it will be narrated by a voice actor who is ready and waiting to do his thing... so, if you're a good writer...witty... with a sense of humor... please contact me! My info is in my profile! Thanks :)

Response to any plot writers out there? 2005-06-02 01:24:54

im currently writting a a series that will be coming out as soon as we get the first episode done but iff you would like to see some of my background to the script you can check it out on the everlife thread in flash and genral.

Response to any plot writers out there? 2005-06-02 10:11:15

At 6/1/05 10:39 PM, Ryu-Nacho wrote: I dunno Capitain...you would need a background for how he became a man of chains. :P

Well actually that was the idea. This character's background should be unknown because he barely remebers who he is and also doesn't have any lines of dialogue or aquaintenses to help him (at first). He knows that he used to have a wife and kid however. I probably should have said that earlier { ).

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