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Writer's Guild

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Response to Writer's Guild 2005-10-29 05:19:44

Sup guild, my names Rollie, and I want to start a portfolio up, I need a writer, someone who has a good sense of humour and a nice plot. I don't want a series with just a limited genre of gags, I mean random shit, a completely immersed world of slapstick and black humour.

Anyone interested?

the flash on this account isn't mine

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-10-29 13:50:21

It was the best of times it was the worst of times blah blah blah

Hey everyone how's it going? Wie gehts?

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-10-30 11:48:15

Been slow around here I see.

At 10/28/05 07:20 AM, Alkador wrote:
Anyway, anyone care to tell me their English Exam stories?

Hmm, most of mine have been fairly routine. I only really remember my GCSE one, prior to that particular course I always did really well in English, but for the duration of the three years preceeding the exam my teacher always gave me really poor predicted grades based on my classwork. As a result I was convinced I would get a rubbish final mark, as you can imagine I shit my pants when I opened the results envelope to find an A* grade in the subject.
Yeah, that teacher got TOLD.


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Response to Writer's Guild 2005-10-31 04:17:16

At 10/30/05 11:59 PM, gumOnShoe wrote: I finished my computer program... so that means I just have to do a bit of reading and studying tommorow... I should be able to start writing... sorry for the bit of a delay... but college is college.

Hey, I don't suppose you'll take as long as I did to finally write my part. Don't sweat it.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

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Response to Writer's Guild 2005-10-31 09:30:56

Hey, I'm quite bored and thought of something yesterday, do you think this could become something good or not?


Corrupted by anger and hatred
He loves each time he gets a chance
Without being safe or good at anything
Or any fellow men to trust
Fighting to live this world, this man must:

Never love anything more than his enemies
Never expect time to move on

Nor expect the laws of fysics to work for him
Or anything else for that matter

Or as his destiny is sown
Forever live alone


Something like that (I wrote that in two minutes so I would just like to know if the idea could be developed to something).

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-10-31 11:28:13

-=Queue to Perfection=-

The rippling of feelings surge around you
Numbed by your beauty, men stand in queue

Each word you breath strucks like a bolt of thunder
Takes their breath for your next, a plunder

Filth to be cleaned by your charm
Hearts grow for you to their harm

I see no end of this lonely path
My heart is broken and you're my patch...

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-10-31 11:30:55

At 10/31/05 11:28 AM, Andersson wrote: -=Queue to Perfection=-

I quite like this one actually. I can't really go into much depth as I aint much a poet myself but I enjoyed it :-)

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-10-31 12:25:36


I've been working on this for a while, can anyone see what it is?

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-10-31 12:26:58

Abstract ASC II( or whatever its called)art?

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-10-31 12:27:23

At 10/31/05 12:25 PM, Andersson wrote: I've been working on this for a while, can anyone see what it is?

That just became fucked up. ='(

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-10-31 12:31:41

At 10/31/05 12:27 PM, Andersson wrote: That just became fucked up. ='(

Shove it on MS paint and upload it to image shack?

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-10-31 12:42:55

Looks like in my hang over I missed quite a few posts.

BTW, Nice poems Anderson!

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-10-31 12:45:06

At 10/31/05 12:31 PM, Tri-Nitro-Toluene wrote: Shove it on MS paint and upload it to image shack?

Heh, too late. I have saved it or could quote that post and fix it, but not untill later. The text that I saved in a document got scrambled aswell. XD

At 10/31/05 12:42 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: BTW, Nice poems Anderson!

Thank you aswell. =)

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-10-31 13:52:50

At 10/31/05 12:42 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: Looks like in my hang over I missed quite a few posts.

Don't regret it, Myst. The liver is evil and it must be punished!

BTW, Nice poems Anderson!

I told you they'd appreciate them here, Anderson.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-10-31 14:51:31

this seems like a really interesting guild even more interesting coz its somet im good at i love to write scripts for plays and flash so am i in???

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-10-31 14:56:27

hey thx m8 thats really nice to hear =D

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-10-31 15:42:00

right thats not a problem how do i post a doc. file up on NG thow?

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-10-31 15:51:57

Myst, I emailed your gmail account twice and you never responded to me. YOU NEVER RESPONDED TO ME!!!

I cried Myst. I cried thirty-seven tears of self resentment... And then I ate three American sized bowls of double fudge chunk ice cream until I passed out from watching CSI. All because you never emailed me back :(

I've been refurbished and reissued, prepackaged and precooked, decontaminated and deloused, but I still smell, sound, look and feel like shit.

New to the video game forums?

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Response to Writer's Guild 2005-11-01 10:40:44

I do not have a title on this little story yet, but this is the first part:


On October the 26th, the boy Atlusi was born. Born to be the king of southern Jerhou, he had a strict childhood. Trained every day.

He must be stronger than every enemy he would ever come to encounter. He must not be small, but countries wide stretched over half of the world would be nothing, but a curbing minion to this boy.

When he became a man, and childhood ended, he was not the weak fragment of his father that his men although fought.

His father were never weak, but in comparision to the lands he possessed, so it was said.

However, this young man, Jerhou, had seen "friends" occur as foes when his father did not see, or try to ignore it.
But so it was, he possessed inheritance that he could not keep for himself without men of his looting it or consume what was not theirs on their conditions.

It was a sad story, and lands that once been stable had now begun to fall apart.

Jerhou left what would come to be his kingdom, but sworn to take it back when he had mastered his powers within, and when that was succeeded, no mercy would be shown to those who had walked past lines of morals and commitment.

A kingdom rose to become his adversary, in the south, while he was not bidden welcome in the north, nor in the east or the countries there the sun goes at night.

He became an unspoken word, his name not mentioned, but his absence from the throne was legible, especially as his father no longer was in power, but had been throwed out by his men and was now not more worth than the poor...


That was the first part, if I will continue to work on this or not be due to whether you liked it or not. So comments and tips is greately appreciated.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-11-01 10:42:49

EDIT, his name is Jerhou, and the name of the lands is Atlusi.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-11-01 10:47:58

At 11/1/05 10:42 AM, Andersson wrote: EDIT, his name is Jerhou, and the name of the lands is Atlusi.

Ah, subtle editing. I love that. :D

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-11-01 10:51:01

i figured im gonna start a whole new piece just for the writers guild any help wud be welcomed ;) (eg. ideas)

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-11-01 11:10:19

At 11/1/05 10:47 AM, Coop83 wrote: Ah, subtle editing. I love that. :D

Haha, couldn't be better. =P

By the way, I'll re-write the whole first part later because, damn I should have read it. XD

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-11-01 11:12:48

At 11/1/05 10:51 AM, AnimeDruid wrote: i figured im gonna start a whole new piece just for the writers guild any help wud be welcomed ;) (eg. ideas)

Ar eyou writing a script or a story?

What genre are is it going to be?

I'm willing to help but Its better foryou to give me a basic outline so I'm not just firing random ideas out of my head at you :-)

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-11-01 11:18:23

ok thx i figured id want to make an action piece (no lovey dovey crap which is how most action pieces end >:) )n e ways an action piece is what id really like to do metal gear was a really good idea something like that which isn't like ripping metal gear off or taking the mic k =)

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-11-01 11:21:00

ps iys a post ;)

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-11-01 11:24:26

Action eh?

hmmm gimme a bit and I'll see if I can think soemthing up.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-11-01 12:02:17

At 11/1/05 11:10 AM, Andersson wrote:
By the way, I'll re-write the whole first part later because, damn I should have read it. XD

Yeah it was a solid idea, but your wording and use of commas was really muddled in places, it felt like a lot of the impact was lost because of this.
So a rewrite=yes


BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-11-01 12:04:17

At 11/1/05 12:02 PM, -TheDoctor- wrote: Yeah it was a solid idea, but your wording and use of commas was really muddled in places, it felt like a lot of the impact was lost because of this.

Yeah, I know. It will probably look very different after the rewrite. Thanks for reading it by the way. =)

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-11-01 12:46:36

At 11/1/05 12:04 PM, Andersson wrote: Thanks for reading it by the way. =)

I feel obliged to, there is very little critiquing going on here at the moment.


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