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Writer's Guild

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Response to Writer's Guild 2006-09-24 22:56:08

Just in case you didn't see, Tri, Chapter 1 of my story is on the page before this, and more to come (like....beyond exposition :P) soon.

NG Cinema Club Movie of the Week: Night of the Living Dead (Romero, 1968, USA) | Letterboxd | Steam

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Response to Writer's Guild 2006-09-25 11:53:29

At 9/24/06 10:56 PM, Dr-Worm wrote: Just in case you didn't see, Tri, Chapter 1 of my story is on the page before this, and more to come (like....beyond exposition :P) soon.

I'll have a look later when my mind isn't half dead from work overload.

Don't expect a particualrlt indepth review or anything. That requires active thought, and at the moment such an activity is beyond my mental capacities.

Response to Writer's Guild 2006-09-25 12:46:18

I've posted a couple of stuff before, but I think I want to officially join now. My career focus is in the Writing department, like anything related to writing. (Eg Journalism.)

Even though when I submit pieces here I might cringe thinking about the reactions, I think I'm going to go ahead, and give you a lot of rough stuff that needs some eyes for constructive critiscism.

My workload'll probably go through patches when I give you a lot, sometimes a little. That's all to do with school work and my social life, I suppose.

Soon I'll post something I did for school, but haven't got back yet from marking.

Response to Writer's Guild 2006-09-25 12:56:23

I get the feeling I've asked to join before actually... Nevertheless...

Response to Writer's Guild 2006-09-25 14:03:14

At 9/25/06 12:46 PM, 1 wrote: Soon I'll post something I did for school, but haven't got back yet from marking.

Welcome. If you have already asked to join at someothe rpoitn it doesn't matter :P Your welcome to join either way.

When you post some stuff, it WILL get reviewed eventually. Just have some patience as we have lives outside of NG, and I don't know about anyone else, but mines quitebusy at the moment so I don't have that much time to review stuff. but I'll try and review your stuff when i get the time, if it gets to a poitn where you feel it sbene ignored, drop me a PM and I'll see to it then :-)


Response to Writer's Guild 2006-09-25 15:42:19

At 9/25/06 11:53 AM, Tri-Nitro-Toluene wrote: Don't expect a particualrlt indepth review or anything. That requires active thought, and at the moment such an activity is beyond my mental capacities.

Haha. You do whatever you want.

NG Cinema Club Movie of the Week: Night of the Living Dead (Romero, 1968, USA) | Letterboxd | Steam

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2006-09-25 15:46:37

At 9/25/06 03:42 PM, Dr-Worm wrote: Haha. You do whatever you want.

Sadly the law prevents me from dressing up as a giant rooster and running up and down my street with the sole purpose of pissing off the neighbours so i can't do what I want. apparently its breaching the peace or somesort of nonsense.

Your story was fairly good. There were a few instances where I you used a comma when you shouldn't have in my opinion, and some palces that could do with a re-write, but apart from that good work.

Response to Writer's Guild 2006-09-25 16:03:07


Taco Island cancelled! It was 19,432 (or something) characters, so there will be no Islands of Tacos on Newgrounds. :( But, I will Post it on My site (soon) so visit my site to see Taco Island! (Renamed to the Adventure Of Stephen)

Response to Writer's Guild 2006-09-25 16:12:06

At 9/25/06 04:03 PM, autumnite wrote: BAD NEWS

Taco Island cancelled! It was 19,432 (or something) characters, so there will be no Islands of Tacos on Newgrounds. :( But, I will Post it on My site (soon) so visit my site to see Taco Island! (Renamed to the Adventure Of Stephen)

If your story's too large then why not just divide it up between a number of posts?

Response to Writer's Guild 2006-09-25 18:02:38

Note: This is a piece I thought up as I went along. It's an Imaginative Piece I had to do for school. I wrote about half of it a week prior to the deadline, and then the night before I translated it while editing it in the process onto a Word Processor. Then I wrote the second half off the top of my head on there. I've not gotten it back from my teacher yet, but I'm going to post it here since I've already written it. It should have some minor errors, though.

I know the plot is a complete cliché, but I wrote it with the character's opinions, the metaphors and morals behind it in mind. I hope you can provide me with some thoughts on it, for me it's a big thing showing something from your head to other people. Thanks.

- 1.

"Divided City"
James stared out the window of the carriage. The train had been rolling around the subway for at least twenty minutes. He was one of a few passengers. From this, he gathered that this was the evening’s last call.

He checked his watch. It was just after eight o’clock. There were a few teenagers on the train. They looked about seventeen, possibly eighteen, and were most likely students at college. James figured they had been transferred from their Campus down at West Bell. They looked nervous; like this was the last time they were going to see this half of the city, the place with all the clubs, cinemas, and other establishments where young people could go.

This wasn’t fair. They were all in this together, but they were going to the B-Sector, the place for second class citizens, inexperienced and criminals. They were failures in this city’s eyes. This was now a city divided.

James’s wife had been taken away. She was a wonderful woman. Well educated, sophisticated, smart and funny. These personality traits led to her division.

There was a jolt, and the train came to a sharp halt. Everyone stood up sharply and almost instantly, as if to attention. About six or seven Police Officers scrambled to each carriage door, and scanned everyone exiting the train. James took a few deep breaths. A few people had been held back for closer inspection, but he was lucky. He looked ahead of him at the sprawling metropolis. A lot of work had been done to this place since he had last been here, but that was not a good thing. Clearance zones littered Sector B, which was heavily guarded. Innocent people were being beat to the ground by bigot soldiers. This poverty-stricken area had been affected horribly by the divide. People had set fire to bins for warmth, and set up makeshift stalls to sell whatever they could find. It was like going back in time to a primitive era.

Bodies were being carried away for disposal and were hauled into the back of re-designed ambulances. James had been called over by a guard. His ID badge read “BIXLER”, and his face was concealed by a tinted visor. Lightweight armour covered his body. In his holster was a handgun and pepper-spray. If the army had supplied every officer in this vast sector with this kind of equipment, the citizens must have been out of control. Rightly so, James thought. This was the grim vision of the future he had never imagined.

”Name”, stated Bixler, the guard.
”Kiedis, James.” replied James.

Bixler checked James’s ID card, which all citizens had to carry by law. Apparently this would help to stop terrorism.
Bixler sent James over to the queue of people which was forming quickly towards Nendville. They all shuffled slowly towards the clearance gate. James could see a few families in front of him. All of the children were crying and holding their parents hands tightly. He gaped ahead at the graffiti-scrawled apartment block. He was going to have to get used to this place.

James had read the rumours in the newspapers about Nendville. It said gangs roamed the streets here, fighting amongst one another and carrying out terrible terrorist activities such as packing government organisations full of explosives and killing political leaders. This was all exaggerated propaganda, of course, but James’s mind still wasn’t put at rest by this thought. If the rumours were true, he certainly wouldn’t conform to the gang’s extremist ways. He preferred to use his writing talents to reach the masses. He could write, but unfortunately, the newspaper he wrote for, “The Conquest”, wasn’t very successful. People tended to buy tabloids nowadays.

The large groups of people in front and behind James were ushered forwards by violent Riot Police, who clearly adored abusing their privileges. James could hear them shouting generic insults at the crowds. They really thought they were better than everyone in Sector B. There clearly was no justice in the world. Eventually everybody was led through a long dark tunnel under the bridge in Nendville. It was damp and cold, but they had to keep pushing towards the light if they wanted to see where they were going to live from now on.

Response to Writer's Guild 2006-09-25 18:04:55

On the huge cinema screens which had been installed around the city (which you could see for miles), General Roland blurted out convincing lies and slander to the ant-farm. This all boiled down to politics and power. He separated the useful from the useless. Now, James was here, a place where he would stay for the rest of his life, barely managing to survive.

After further stumbling forwards, the crowds were ordered to split up and follow the guards who were showing them where they were allocated. Names were read out from lists and the crowds got smaller and smaller. Finally, James’s name was called out and he was led by a Police Officer to his apartment. The Officer handed James a single key, and he was warned that if he lost it, he would find himself living on the streets.

James opened the door with the key, and the Officer walked away to leave him with his property. He closed it behind him and he saw what he was left with. There was a small coffee table with several stains across it, an old couch and small television (restricted to several carefully moderated Politics channels), simple cooking appliances and a fridge/freezer. There was a bathroom with a single toilet and shower (there was no sink), and a single bed in another room. On the coffee table was a telephone and an envelope.

He ripped open the envelope. It was addressed by the government, and came as standard with every apartment owner in Sector B. It told him that he would be starting work in the Factory tomorrow, for a 6 day week. He reached into his shirt pocket for a packet of cigarettes, ripped them open, and placed one between his lips. He set it alight, and contemplated his situation. Before long, he found himself lying on his poor quality bed the government had so generously provided him with.

He got up, removed his shoes, and stubbed out the cigarette in the ashtray on the bedside table beside him. He staggered clumsily across to the living room, next to the coffee table, picked up the telephone and reached into the pocket of his trousers. When his hand returned, it held a piece of paper ripped from a newspaper. It contained his wife’s number for her mobile phone. He dialled the number and waited. The line rang for several minutes. James gave up. There was no reply, and he knew there wouldn’t be. The other half of the city didn’t care about him anymore. They didn’t care about anyone on the other side of the city. It was like an eclipse. One half of shining light, and the other concealed in shadow.

James turned on the TV only to see General Roland grinning straight at him. He turned it off again and walked towards the window. On the balconies above, he could see people being led by the Police to their new homes, just as he had been around an hour ago. He looked down and saw people being led through clearance gates, citizens being beaten up, General Roland shouting at the city via screens, and some debris. This summed everything up.

He went back across to his bedroom and opened the wardrobe. Clothes supplied by the Sector were lying in a heap at the bottom. He laid a set out for work in the morning and switched the light off. The vicious cycle was to begin tomorrow. There would be no more writing for him, just underpaid manual labour. James then got undressed and climbed into bed.

He thought about his wife.
He dreaded work.
He hoped for a better future which wasn’t going to come.

He dreamed of the other side.

Response to Writer's Guild 2006-09-25 19:35:36

At 9/25/06 03:46 PM, Tri-Nitro-Toluene wrote: Your story was fairly good. There were a few instances where I you used a comma when you shouldn't have in my opinion, and some palces that could do with a re-write, but apart from that good work.

Yay! If I can write "fairly good" mindless exposition, just imagine where the real story will go! :P And damn the man for not letting you live your poultry-related dreams >:(

"Brutes" Chapter 2

Huxley Anderson was uncharacteristically large for a Techa, and thus was a very formidable man. He stood at over six feet tall, and he had neat grey hair and piercing jet black eyes. He was also a very wise man, an official historian and scholar for our city, making him the most respected member of the community, besides Governor Steele, of course. Huxley could have easily become Governor himself, but when I asked him why he chose not to run, he simply said, "Politics makes you think you're above people that you really aren't."

"I was in the middle of something there, father" I mumbled to him as we walked home, looking at the ground lest I be overpowered by his gaze.

"Don't think I didn't know," he calmly yet sternly replied. "You need to be fully alert tomorrow, Gray, and the thought of some girl will be distracting. This is life or death I'm talking about."

Unable to match my father's unbeatable logic, I remained silent for the rest of the walk home.

"It's time that you prepare yourself for tomorrow, Gray," my father said, sitting down in a chair in the living room.

"I've already done all the preliminary traini-"

"You've trained your body, Gray," he interrupted me. "Now it's time that we train your mind."

"Let's start with the technical things," he continued. "Always make sure you have ammunition in your gun. You don't want to be reloading after missing your prey to find a club in your face."

More later....

NG Cinema Club Movie of the Week: Night of the Living Dead (Romero, 1968, USA) | Letterboxd | Steam

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2006-09-25 20:09:55

At 9/25/06 04:12 PM, Tri-Nitro-Toluene wrote: If your story's too large then why not just divide it up between a number of posts?

it is split in THREE parts, but the parts are like 7000 character's long

Response to Writer's Guild 2006-09-27 08:22:02

At 9/22/06 11:50 AM, Tri-Nitro-Toluene wrote: I have to say Coop, I'm quite enjoyed that. I quite liked the description of death as an evil version of Shakespeare. Brings a nice image to mind.

Is this part of a larger project or a one off?

Well, it is the end of chapter 3 and the start of chapter 4 of my big story that I've been writing for some time. I thought I should introduce my version of death. I'm trying to find a different way to lead into a fight scene and well, since death is a major part of war, I decided to combine the two.

At 9/25/06 08:09 PM, autumnite wrote:
At 9/25/06 04:12 PM, Tri-Nitro-Toluene wrote: If your story's too large then why not just divide it up between a number of posts?
it is split in THREE parts, but the parts are like 7000 character's long

Well, since the limit is 6,500 characters, why not try again to put it in 3 and a bit parts.

Will it ever end. Yes, all human endeavour is pointless ~ Bill Bailey


#StoryShift Author

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Response to Writer's Guild 2006-09-30 12:02:26

Hey, people. I haven't posted here at all lately, since I've been submitting and reading stuff on TheShadowSun.net (which probably makes me a traitor). But there's something going on at The Shadow Sun that might actually interest some people here.

There's a writing contest, and the prize is $50. Like writing? Want money? Cool. The theme is Halloween, so write a scary story or anything else Halloween-related. To enter the contest, sign up for an account, and then submit the contest entry via the e-mail address on this page. Entries are due on October 22, and they will be voted on from October 22 to October 28.

And in case it makes a difference, a bunch of Newgrounds users are already members of TSS -- including TheDoctor, earfetish, MystWilliams, and myself (as DarkForce). This is also a reminder to those NG/TSS members to enter the contest.

Also, I'm self-publishing a book tomorrow, but I won't go on and on about that because you can read it on my freakin' website if you actually give a rat's ass which you probably don't.

I am not responsible for the content of the post above.

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2006-09-30 23:32:34

I propose a Writer's tournament. Not for a prize, but to compete your stories against other writers. I and Two other volunteer judges will score your story, and the winner will be announced. No special theme, but at least have a plotline. Again, just to compete your pieces. Yeah, no prize, hey, I'm a kid, so don't kill me. So, anyone up for it?

Oh crap, another tournament, scram boys! (Jumps out of a window)

Response to Writer's Guild 2006-10-01 00:07:43

"I Love Longwood" Episode 1 - Part 1.

Zork sat on the recliner watching his favorite show on earth Tom Goes To The Mayor. He mezmorized every line of every episode, you can't bother him when that comes on. "That god damn son of a bitch!" yelled Pete as he walked through the apartment front door. "What happened this time?" asked Jose. "Mario got another fucking raise. Damn it! I had better scores than him on the Plumbing H.Q. Plumbing Chart!" yelled Pete. "Damn it, Pete, you can't let that son of a bitch get to you. Here I have a good idea, let's go to the movies, it'll clear your head." said Jose. "ZORK, COME ON! WE'RE GOING TO THE MOVIES!" yelled Jose. Zork looked back from the recliner, his eyes were wide. "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU SAY SOMETHING TO ME WHEN I'M WATCHING TOM! I"M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU!" Zork pulled out his laser gun and started shooting Jose. "AH! MY EYE! MY EYE! HOLY SHIT!" The phone started to ring. "I'll get that said Pete. "WAIT, WAIT! GET ZORK OFF OF ME! COME ON! AH! MY OTHER EYE! HOLY SHIT!" "Hello?" said Pete. "Hey it's me." said Dameon. "Dameon? Your just in your room, aren't you?" asked Pete. "I know, but I hate getting out, the light hurts my eyes, man." replied Pete. "Alright fine. What do you want?" demanded Pete. "Yo, could you like, get me some porno, man. You know what I'm saying, man? But not just any regular porno, man. I want some man-on-man action, you know what I mean, man?" said Dameon. "Dude, that's fucking sick. If i'm gonna get you any porn, it's gonna be WOmen on WOmen action." said Pete. "Dude, that's gay, man, you know what I'm saying?" "No." said Pete. "Look, do you wanna go to the movies or not?" asked Pete. "Is it gay porno?" asked Dameon. "uh, hold on let me chack. JOSE! IS THE MOVIE GONNA BE GAY PORNO?" said Pete. "Who the fuck said that?" asked Jose. Both of his eyes had burnt out. "Is the movie gay porno?" asked Pete. "Uh, I think so, let's see here, wait I can't see! Damn it! Think, think, think, you son of a bitch. Oh yeah! It's about a white swallow named Creamy Goodness." answered Jose. "Oh," said Pete. "HEY DAMEON! IT"S ABOUT A WHITE SWALLOW NAMED CREAMY GOODNESS! WANNA SEE!" asked Pete. "Is the swallow's companion a boy or a girl?" asked Dameon. "Girl." said Jose. "I'm out." said Dameon. Zork said: "I'll come! Tom's over so I have nothing else to do." "Alright, let's go." said Pete.

Jose is a giant Portirican Hampster.
Zork is an alien
Dameon is a gay emo.
Pete is a fat, bald guy with a greasy tank top.

Hope you like!

(Damn, I hate double posting)

Response to Writer's Guild 2006-10-01 08:23:09

At 9/30/06 12:02 PM, subpar wrote: And in case it makes a difference, a bunch of Newgrounds users are already members of TSS -- including TheDoctor, earfetish, MystWilliams, and myself (as DarkForce). This is also a reminder to those NG/TSS members to enter the contest.

Also, I'm self-publishing a book tomorrow, but I won't go on and on about that because you can read it on my freakin' website if you actually give a rat's ass which you probably don't.

I've been meaning to sign up to Shadowsun for a while. I just never got around to it...meh might as well do it now.

Done. Regiestered as BritishBulldog

Now I need something to actually put on it...hmmm...I now need some inspiration.

Response to Writer's Guild 2006-10-01 08:52:42

At 10/1/06 08:23 AM, Tri-Nitro-Toluene wrote: I've been meaning to sign up to Shadowsun for a while. I just never got around to it...meh might as well do it now.

Done. Regiestered as BritishBulldog

Hehe. I just saw you logged in there.

Now I need something to actually put on it...hmmm...I now need some inspiration.

Good luck with that :-)
After you've got the basic writing skills down, thinking of what to write is probably the hardest part of writing. It's especially hard for me to think of ideas when I know there's a deadline -- for example, if I'm doing a creative writing assignment for school and I need it done by the next day. My mind goes blank ~

I am not responsible for the content of the post above.

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2006-10-01 08:56:48

At 10/1/06 08:52 AM, subpar wrote: Hehe. I just saw you logged in there.


Good luck with that :-)

I'm gonna need it.

After you've got the basic writing skills down, thinking of what to write is probably the hardest part of writing. It's especially hard for me to think of ideas when I know there's a deadline -- for example, if I'm doing a creative writing assignment for school and I need it done by the next day. My mind goes blank ~

Yeah. I have that problem. Normally if I end up with huge writer's block I end up writing about soemthign random in the room. It's the same technique I use for naming characters. So in a lot of stories there are people called things like Hunter Plate as I see them in the room and then randomly name characters after them. I suck at thinking up names as you can see :-)

Btw, how does the exp system on TSS work? I can't seem to find an FAQ or anything to explain it. I've voted on some of the submissions and got gold, but no Exp.

Response to Writer's Guild 2006-10-01 10:47:16

At 10/1/06 08:56 AM, Tri-Nitro-Toluene wrote: Btw, how does the exp system on TSS work? I can't seem to find an FAQ or anything to explain it. I've voted on some of the submissions and got gold, but no Exp.

When you submit an article and it gets 10 votes (passes Judgment) you are given xp for that e.g if you scored a 35 you would get 35 exp. Can't think of how else at the moment but thats the best way to earn exp.

Response to Writer's Guild 2006-10-01 12:06:39

At 10/1/06 10:47 AM, Finnerz wrote: When you submit an article and it gets 10 votes (passes Judgment) you are given xp for that e.g if you scored a 35 you would get 35 exp. Can't think of how else at the moment but thats the best way to earn exp.

That makes sense. Dunno why I didn't think of that :-\

Response to Writer's Guild 2006-10-01 16:44:20

At 10/1/06 08:56 AM, Tri-Nitro-Toluene wrote:

:I suck at thinking up names as you can see :-)

What a coincidence, I rock at thinking up names, lol, they're all so rife with symbolism Just think of every fitting name you can find through movies, TV, books, history, mythology, and the list goes on and on.....

Anyways, aw man, we're all jumping ship to a flashier site? :(
If'n yall don't mind I'm gonna stick around here a bit before I move up to the big leagues. :P (although I do have a good Halloween idea.....meh I'm even too lazy for $50 :P)

NG Cinema Club Movie of the Week: Night of the Living Dead (Romero, 1968, USA) | Letterboxd | Steam

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2006-10-02 21:40:12

Well, this thread is enormous, but I will post anyway since I'm new.

I am a screenwriter (represented and paid) mostly for television but I have sold three feature scripts as well. I have been a long-time fan of NG and flash animation in general. However, I have no skill in it. I have a ton of short scripts, stories and half-baked ideas that I simply don't have any time to produce nowadays. I just finished a gig for HBO and I have some downtime so would love to collaborate with some talented animators, directors and other writers as needed.

I also have a live-action directing background and am a fairly talented voice actor if those come in handy at all. I am a very visual person and my writing reflects that a lot. I am also very collaborative however and love to get input from others; I do not enjoy being a one-man show as I find it can make the material weaker.

My stories tend to be a blend of genres but I prefer things that throw the audience for a loop and have an off-kilter nature to them. I am strongest in drama but can do off-beat comedic stuff as well.

Here are some of the stories I have at the ready:

"Protocol" - Sci-fi, psychological drama - 10 minutes - The aftermath of a nuclear holocaust from the perspective of the first fully aware artificial intelligence. The AI wonders where all of its "friends" went and why 7 weeks of data are missing from its memory files.

"Eternity" - Psychological Thriller - 5 minutes - A vision of hell that encompasses one's soul being trapped inside their corpse, being able to see, hear, feel, smell and think but having no control over one's own body. Told entirely from the POV of the corpse.

"Black Fly" - Horror - 15 minutes - A young woman steals a ring from an elderly woman on her death bed and inherits a terrifying curse.

"Up The Hill" - Romantic Comedy - 10 minutes - A man and woman have a chance encounter in a park, and they imagine what it would be like if they spent the rest of their lives together, only to pass each other without a word.

"Metric" - Sci-fi War - 10 minutes - The story of a sniper and her final moments in a war-torn future.

"Morningstar" - Fantasy - 15 minutes - Based on a dream, a surreal and whimsical retelling of Lucifer's fall from grace.

"Timmy and the T" - Comedy - 10 minutes - Little Timmy has a new friend...in the form of a floating Mr. T head. Timmy and Mr. T's head solve mysteries and navigate the perils of grade school. Bizarre, potentially twisted comedy could very well be a series.

This is a sampling of potential projects that are ready to go. I have a lot more ideas kicking around. Of course, I would be willing to expand on another's ideas as well. I am however, very picky when it comes to animation and the style must fit the content in my view.

I can be reached via NG but most likely msn (edgefilm2001@hotmail.com) or aim (mcbirthstar) would be best.


Response to Writer's Guild 2006-10-02 22:34:23

Sorry for splitting up the story so much, here's more "Brutes": Chapter 2

"Second," my father continued, "try to stay in the fields. You won't have much breathing room in the forests, and they know those lands better than you do. Most importantly, don't stray too far from the group, Gray. It doesn't matter if one Brute gets away."

"Father," I said to him, "you said those were the technical things...." My father sighed deeply, and I could see a far-off look on his face.

"Gray, there's only one other rule besides what I've told you."

"What's that, father?"

"Don't shoot at the women."

And that's the end of Chapter 2 (I said it would be brief.) Next up is 3, where the exposition ends and the real meat begins :D Yay!!!

NG Cinema Club Movie of the Week: Night of the Living Dead (Romero, 1968, USA) | Letterboxd | Steam

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2006-10-02 22:41:49

At 10/2/06 10:36 PM, Mr-No-Name wrote: Man do i have lots of ideas! I wanna create some vids about superheroes that totally kick ass.

Too late. Ever heard of Hiro Nakamura or Niki Sanders? They are kickass superheroes :P

No, good luck though :P

NG Cinema Club Movie of the Week: Night of the Living Dead (Romero, 1968, USA) | Letterboxd | Steam

BBS Signature

Response to Writer's Guild 2006-10-03 09:31:44

For some time now I've been working on a Pen & Paper freeform Role Playing world.
The world is set in futuristic times (date is irrelevent) and revolves around fights between Hell and Heaven deities. That's only a quick sum up of the idea, which is much more wide spread.
I'm aware that the idea is not the most original, but that's partially the idea.
The creation was influenced by many different cultures but mostly by the jewish kabbalah and the book of Enoch 1.
I'm looking for a talanted animator and /or artist to help me expand the world beyond it's textual boundaries.
I would like the animations/drawings to have a realistic or perhaps anime style to them so my standards are pretty high, though I'd accept any kind of help greatfully.
Lots more information will be shared of course.
If by any chance anyone's interested in working with me on this project I'd be greatful, and you're, of course, welcome to contact me via PM.
Any help appreciated.

Response to Writer's Guild 2006-10-03 15:29:50

Tick tock

Tick tock. Tick tock.

People are in such a rush these days don’t you think? We spend all day setting ourselves targets and then try to achieve them… even if we really don’t want to.

Tick tock. Tick tock

We will get up at six thirty in the morning so we can spend thirty minutes doing exercises before going to work at eight. We will walk the dog at six fifteen to ensure we’re back home in time for our favourite programmes on the box. Everybody does it. It’s almost second nature to us now. We’re obsessed with time.

Tick tock. Tick tock.

I find it odd how we don’t control our lives anymore. Oh we like to think we do, but we don’t. Our lives are governed by an invisible force that we can not hear, can not feel, not see and can not touch. It dictates to us the actions that we can take, when we take them, and where.

Tick tock. Tick tock.

The seconds are ticking away as you read this aren’t they? Ticking away to the next deadline you’ve set yourself. Why do we bother setting these deadlines? Do they make us more organised? Not really. If anything it makes us confused. After all, what happens when you over sleep and you’ve missed your deadline for getting up in time? You panic. You rush around the house trying to do everything you normally do in half the time. All that stress…it’s a heart attack just waiting to happen.

Tick tock. Tick tock.

When you consider that deadlines and time limit everything we can do as well, it makes me wonder why we put up with it. Have you ever made plans with someone and then found out that you don’t have time to do it because you have somewhere else to be? I know I have. Annoying isn’t it?

Tick tock. Tick tock.

What can we do about it? We should just stop every now and again and try to relax. But that isn’t possible; we don’t have time to relax anymore. Time is money, and taking time to relax isn’t profitable. Don’t you just love how the world economy works? Profit before everything! Including the health and welfare of the workers.

Tick tock. Tick tock.

Don’t you love that feeling you get when you realise you have nothing to do and you have a precious hour or o when you can just sit down and relax? Maybe you like to draw, or curl up with a good book? Isn’t it so easy to lose yourself in something enjoyable and look up at the clock and find hours have gone by without you realising it? This is how things should be. No deadlines to worry us, no stress to deal with. That’s how we should be living.

Tick tock. Tick tock.

But we can’t live like that can we? Society demands we be pro-active in our lifestyle. It demands we go out to work to help boost the economy. It demands us to shorten our lives for the benefits of others, with no benefits for ourselves.

Tick tock. Tick tock.

Time waits for no man apparently. It catches up with all of us eventually. I don’t want time to catch me; I want it to leave me alone. I don’t want Time telling me that I need to go to work today. I don’t want Time telling me that I can’t see the movie I want just because I didn’t arrive in time to see the start of the movie. I want time to leave me alone.

Tick tock. Tick tock.

You may be reading this and thinking “so what? Time restricts what we can do, big deal”. But it goes so much deeper than that. Time is responsible for the deaths of so many people. Despite what it may say on the death certificate, Time is what kills us all eventually. Lets face it, Time eventually runs out for everything. And then, when it does, we die.

Tick tock. Tick tock.

Time kills us all. But I don’t want to die. I don’t want time to kill me. Whether it be through stress, a shot to the head or any other means. I don’t want to be Time’s next victim. I don’t want to draw my last breath. I don’t want my ticker to stop ticking.

Tick tock. Tick tock.


I'll catch up with the stuff that's been posted later and maybe do some reviewing.

Response to Writer's Guild 2006-10-03 15:35:01

iam wanting to jion this wirters culb to were do i go to jion

Response to Writer's Guild 2006-10-03 15:44:15

At 10/3/06 03:35 PM, blindhawk wrote: iam wanting to jion this wirters culb to were do i go to jion

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