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Writer's Guild

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Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 22:29:05

At 12/2/04 10:27 PM, captain-t wrote: So, what does everyone think of my mediocre skills?

I think u r really really good, do u have an email i can contact u by?

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 22:38:32

wtf is WOR?

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 22:47:56

Of course I have an e-mail address... Look in the damn profile. I only put it there for you. E-mail me with questions or whatever.

And Tubusca, I got the story off of AIM. I have started to understand what I got wrong now. "Can we fix it? Yes, we can!"

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 22:50:12

And as for WOR... I researched it and all I got is The World of Reading and some radio station that is closing schools.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 22:56:49

At 12/2/04 10:47 PM, captain-t wrote: Of course I have an e-mail address... Look in the damn profile. I only put it there for you. E-mail me with questions or whatever.

And Tubusca, I got the story off of AIM. I have started to understand what I got wrong now. "Can we fix it? Yes, we can!"

oh i dont have aim on the computer im on, my bro forgot to turn it off, i got the new thing i have 2 extra pages i would give it to u but it doesnt have ur email anywere

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 23:03:48

Whoops, added it for you guys and gals. My email is in my profile.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 23:15:43

If everyone in the Guild would please just ignore this post it would be appreciated. I'm leaving it as an EasterEgg for a friend...

If it's anybody else, just wait for the tone, you know what to do. And PS if this is Kristy, I still love you.

Hope everyone got a good laugh out of that one. BACK TO BUSINESS!

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 23:42:54

night all

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-02 23:46:03

Night, bud

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-03 00:41:31

I made a post about wanting a little helo and maybe becoming a member... about four pages ago. Thanks to all who ignored me. But my membership request still stands.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-03 04:02:18

At 12/3/04 12:41 AM, Noctroler wrote: I made a post about wanting a little helo and maybe becoming a member... about four pages ago. Thanks to all who ignored me. But my membership request still stands.

If you want to be a member your most welcome. What is it you need help with?

And Btw. WOR satand for World of roleplaying its the roleplaying thread that myst set up in general

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-03 07:58:58

Wow, so many new members. I love it. And that one short that was posted i nthree parts. Quite good. I am impressed. We even have skilled new members ; )

Ya like Fox said. WOR = World of Roleplay. It is the newest RP thread and is a good way to practice writing, create a style and/or experiment. It is fun too. I usually spend an hour a day on it. Sometimes more if i havn't any plans.

G-MAN (And others if curious) : I posted the latest in WOR for you, but if you think creating a new character is best, just devide Blaze's death. You do not even have to act it out, you can just tell as a story that happened a few days before. Or send a note to Karess' house. Anyway, your character can prolly fit back in, but it is up to you. I said in WOR that showing up at the Campaign party this weekend might be best. Then again, you might be waiting around for the party to start. I dont know. However, if you do start anek. Consider being a bad guy, like a freelance hitman.. or the Elder's General Guard (Highest ranking officer) or something. We have not any real bad guys... un les Tsasal is now? I am not sure.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-03 12:27:55

At 12/3/04 04:02 AM, Frozen_fox wrote: If you want to be a member your most welcome. What is it you need help with?

Thanks, I've recently restarted writing a modern thriller after getting some getting some very positive feedback from some people at my school. It's about thirty pages long (8500 words) right now but I hope to expand it to about 200 pages. I ahve spoken to a publisher and they are willing to take a look at the finished product. I just need some critism and ideas if anyone's willing to read it. The name of this unfinished project is "Red Currency."

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-03 12:36:57

Your story has quite improved, giving more details but since I don't know a lot about Starcraft I can only rate your story on the way its written, not the story itself

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-03 13:11:33

It was Tubuska's story, I am only an editor. I have the rest of it in of the stroy on my computer right now. I'm working on it every chance I get. I want to post it ASAP.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-03 13:13:08

It was Tubuska's story, I am only an editor. I have the rest of it in of the stroy on my computer right now. I'm working on it every chance I get. I want to post it ASAP.

And something else, I had a lot of misinformation pertaining to the storyline. It is truly a nice piece of work once you get the begining part of it.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-03 14:37:16

OMG droopyA is annoying me so bad, report him agians saying he is bothering us!! somthing!! his posts really get on my nerves for some reason!!

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-03 15:04:56

At 12/3/04 02:37 PM, Haloman wrote: OMG droopyA is annoying me so bad, report him agians saying he is bothering us!! somthing!! his posts really get on my nerves for some reason!!

We can move thread to clubs and crews and then Ozcar said he would lock the old thread.
If we do that and he follows us, then we have a reaon to complain, but right now, he is not doing anything wrong. We need a total of three or four votes in order to move the thread to C&C. If we do do that, then i will lock the thread and then write up a report o nthe current state of affairs and then start a new thread.
If you vote move say:

I vote move on WOR - (your name here)

This is the best i can do. sorry.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-03 15:39:12

DroopyA is doing it on pupose obviously, he keeps posting after i talk about him. He wants us to leave. Is it really a big problem to ignore him? He will get bored and give up eventually.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-03 15:57:29

At 12/3/04 12:27 PM, Noctroler wrote:

Noctroler Im interested so can yuo send me the stuff youve done so far so i can have a read?

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-03 16:20:24

Geez, this club is doing very well. 18 pages and only a writer's club. I had no idea there were so many dedicated writers on NG.

lol.. i like how WOR has almost surpassed WG and only been up a quarter the time or less.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-03 16:24:35

I just wanted to post this, because it excited me.
My current novel is officially 40,657 words and i believe i am on chapter 13 of 31.


I love it, i cannot wait to finish this one. I have a feeling this one is going to be my start, it is 10x better then any other half completed novel i have. I am for sure going to finish this one.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-03 16:25:23

At 12/3/04 04:20 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: Geez, this club is doing very well. 18 pages and only a writer's club. I had no idea there were so many dedicated writers on NG.

lol.. i like how WOR has almost surpassed WG and only been up a quarter the time or less.

rofl. What do you expect? You can only post in here when you have something specific to say but you can really just randomly post in WOR for anything to do with the roleplaying so if I wanted to I could just randomly have Karhein do a little dance infront of Karess and Mina and it would all be fine aslong as it made sense to the story.

Btw I vote we move WOR to the clubs and crews section.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-03 16:33:57

At 12/3/04 04:25 PM, Frozen_fox wrote: Btw I vote we move WOR to the clubs and crews section.

Okay, noted.
Umm, question.. what does 'rofl' mean? Sorry, just these past few months i have really gotten into the internet and BBs, so some of the stuff i dont know. It took me a week to figure out what a n00b or j00 was... lol
It is sad, i know.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-03 16:38:47

rofl stands for roll on floor laughing.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-03 16:49:11

At 12/3/04 04:38 PM, Frozen_fox wrote: rofl stands for roll on floor laughing.

Ahh, okay. lol!.. i mean... rofl!

) ... try not to call me a newb too much because of things like this.. i am sensitive. lol.

Anyway... uhh... back to RPing. I love writing... tis my passion. Even like this 'make it up as you go' stuff is intriguing.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-03 16:50:43

Myst I mentioned this before a while ago but I dont think I got much a response. I need to do some original wirting for my English Course. And I thought that writing up the story of WOR would be pretty interesting. Do you have any problem with me doing this?

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-03 17:00:47

At 12/3/04 04:50 PM, Frozen_fox wrote: Myst I mentioned this before a while ago but I dont think I got much a response. I need to do some original wirting for my English Course. And I thought that writing up the story of WOR would be pretty interesting. Do you have any problem with me doing this?

Ahh yes, i did read that post. I thought i replied? Maybe i forgot.

Anyway, no i do not mind at all. Just post it here when you are done, i want to read it. And then tell me your mark when it is all said and done. I was actually thinking of using Eleneous for a 'Writer's Craft' assignment too... not sure yet, but of course i would make sure mine is not based on the current events of WOR and i will just use the world. You can have what we have done so far. No worries, my Writer's Craft class isnt not until next semester (feb) so i will worry about it then.

Anyway, to the point. Yes! I want you to. It would be interesting to read. I am kind of excited to se it! : )

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-03 17:05:05

At 12/3/04 05:00 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: Ahh yes, i did read that post. I thought i replied? Maybe i forgot.

lol you may have replied and I might have missed the post.

Anyway, no i do not mind at all. Just post it here when you are done, i want to read it. And then tell me your mark when it is all said and done. I was actually thinking of using Eleneous for a 'Writer's Craft' assignment too... not sure yet, but of course i would make sure mine is not based on the current events of WOR and i will just use the world.

Sounds like fun.

You can have what we have done so far. No worries, my Writer's Craft class isnt not until next semester (feb) so i will worry about it then.


Anyway, to the point. Yes! I want you to. It would be interesting to read. I am kind of excited to se it! : )

lol. Ill be starting it in about two weeks. I have exams at the moment so Im going to spend a lot of time revising so I wont be able to write stuff up.

Response to Writer's Guild 2004-12-03 17:10:17

(P.S. There are no elfs in the world of Eleneous. So you cannot be an elf anyway.)

(Alos, Fox - i have to go out for a bit. I promised a young woman i would pick her up and take her out for a cheap dinner to sort some 'things' out. Anyway, i will be on again later tonight. Catch you later. Sorry if this is an inconvenience for you.)


That is what i tried to post in WOR but i am at my limit. So sorry, but i got to go for a bit. I hope to be no more then an hour. Hope. ... lol but you know woman. :P