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Writer's Guild

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Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-15 23:48:50

Depression takes its toll on me, yet again.

The Impact Of Your Absence

a friend Im too familiar with
a face I cant forget
just let me go
Ill waste away my lonely exsistence
you're better off without me

this isn't how I pictured things
thinking we'd be happy
another dream shattered
yet again I've been betrayed

I thought you'd be there
when times got tough
when things got rough
but without reason
you dissapear from sight

anticipating your return
I sit impatiently
hoping you will find it in your heart
to come around and comfort me
in my time of dispair

I need you so much
My heart aches for your return
I'll wait forever and a day
Just to see your face....

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-15 23:59:40

I'm in a writing mood....(depressed)

The Day You Ruined My Life

Torn apart
broken down
I feel the weakness in my knees
I seen you again today

I remember a year ago
The times we had
We had it but
But you had to go
You threw it away
When you threw yourself on him

You fucked me over
You tore apart my soul
Sucked out my life
What did I do
To deserve this agony

A year's gone by
And I still remember
The day you ruined my life.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-16 00:10:50

The Feelings That Arise When You Come Into View

Hey old friend
It's been a while
Since we were last together
I don't know what i've done without you
You use to bring me pain
A pain that was so real
So embracing that it felt right

So long and goodnight
Making it on my own
Is easier than you think
One day I'll be fine
Back to being me
Until the day arrives
I'll be waiting with open arms and bloody wrists

Holding on so tightly
Wishing you could see my face
Letting go so lighty
Hoping you know I'm gone...

I tried to help you once
But you shut me out
And threw me down
One day you'll know
That I was the best you ever had....

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-16 12:41:55

At 3/16/05 12:10 AM, -Emo wrote: The Feelings That Arise When You Come Into View

The things you posted were pretty good. I'd review them properly but I'm knackered.

Can someone backtrack a bit and review the poem i posted though :-)

At 3/15/05 08:14 PM, Myst_Williams wrote:ell i am kinda feeling the wild west bit myself, but i also think that a couple samurais int it traveliling fro mthe east i nsearch of something wont rui nthe wildwest feel. Maybe a character could take a samurai on and try to teach hi mthe western ways so he doesnt stick out like a sore thumb and get shot.. i dunno, but i personally like both, but like the wild west idea a little better (mostly because i know little about asian culture : P)

that will do me fine. I'll try and get the intro to it done by the weekend I'm a bit swmaped by work at the moment so I can't do it straight away but I should be able tog et it done by the weekend hopefully.

and welcome to any and all new members.....we seemto be doing well for them at the moment.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-17 18:49:39

At 3/16/05 12:41 PM, -Manic- wrote: that will do me fine. I'll try and get the intro to it done by the weekend I'm a bit swmaped by work at the moment so I can't do it straight away but I should be able tog et it done by the weekend hopefully.


and welcome to any and all new members.....we seemto be doing well for them at the moment.



Kirkus, i will work on your poetry later, im kind of not i nthe mood for poetry right this moment with my wrters block killing me inside. : P

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-17 22:42:48

sorry i havent been posting much, this is the next part of my story, i will be posting less of this story unless i come on a very good part

I slowly got up, and sat at the edge of my bed. Waiting, just waiting for my mom to make me get up like back in the old days when I was a kid. She didn’t come and I could smell the sweet smell of strawberry waffles topped with whip cream and banana slicings. I walked into the kitchen as slowly as I could, I didn’t want to rush the last few moments I had with my parents. I sat down and gulped down some of my milk and started smearing butter and syrup over my pancakes. I could see my dad glancing at me from his newspaper, but didn’t say anything. My mom was making dads breakfast but didn’t say a word. I put the fork down and looked at my dad, I could see tears in his eyes. He brushed them away and gave me stay strong look, I nodded and looked back at my breakfast. As I ate no one said a word, I glanced at my watch. Two hours until I had to leave, just enough time to eat, get dressed, and get packed with a little leisure time. As I rose and scraped my plate into the garbage my mom had already moved into the sink, cleaning dishes. I went into my room and rummaged through my stuff to see what I would need, I picked out my CD player, two pictures, and a long sleeve shirt. One of the pictures was of my parents and me when we went on a skiing trip when I was 7; the other is of me and my friends just taken 3 weeks earlier. I walked back into the kitchen, my dad was still reading the paper and my mom was washing the same dish. I walked over to the fridge to get a drink, the tension was killing me. I wanted to say how much I loved them but I couldn’t muster the strength to. So I walked into the living room and watched TV until it was 9:00. As my watch went off, I slowly got to my feet. I grabbed my bag and my dad and I walked into the car and started driving towards the bus station that I was going to board. As we slowly approached the bus station, I could see many other kids about my age that had been drafted. They all had the same expression, cold-confused-angry-pathetic-why me god looks. As the car slowly pulled up to the curb, waited for it to stop so I could stall. I looked and grabbed my pack, took a sip of coffee. Desperately trying to avoid having to open the door, I looked over at my dad but he was looking away trying to avoid eye contact. I slowly crawled out of the car, I said goodbye to my dad and he muttered a small “I hope I see you later” with a shaky voice. I watched him close the door and then drive away, I watched until he turned and went out of site. I turned to the others, not expecting anything, and only two or three people were looking at me. I could tell this isn’t a place for pity. I saw an open seat on the bench and I sat down. The entire time no one made a sound, not even a “hey” or “you got picked to huh?” As the bus slowly pulled up I rose to my feet and grabbed my pack, I walked to the entrance when the doors opened. What I saw was a disfigured old lady with three pimples on her neck, two boils on her forehead, and a lip that would frighten a pig. I hesitated on getting on, I wanted to just drop my pack and make a run for it. I was thinking if I could outrun the bus driver when she shouted “ Get on the damn bus you pansy.” As if I was mesmerized, I walked on the bus and sat in the back seat. There were two drill sergeants in the very front seat discussing training protocol. As everyone filed in the sergeants rose to there feat. One of them, a tall muscular man about twice the size of me started shouting “Welcome to the military cadets, you have been chosen to fight in this war and you shall! Each one of you will undergo training to be able to handle a firearm. If you are weak then you better pray that the war will end soon. There will be no whining tolerated, the punishment will be severe, punks will be broken into fine model soldiers. When you speak to me you will call me sir, you will not call me Mr. or sergeant. When I address you, you will rise and salute until I let you go to ease, any failure to understand this will result in barfica’s. A barfica is when you run and work out until you vomit. And to summarize, welcome to the army.” He sat down, and the other sergeant started calling role. I starred at the first sergeant; he looked around and noticed me starring. I quickly glanced away. The bus rolled on and soon we stopped at another pickup, I am guessing this is the last one because it was getting pretty full. But it wasn’t, we had 3 more pickups and it was 4-5 to a seat in a recommended 2-3-seat area. After about an hour of picking people up we started to the fort. I could see many other buses near us, I assumed the next few days were pickup days and would be easy. Trust me, they weren’t easy.

hope you enjoy

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Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-18 08:18:10

Yesterday I may have been deftly sick (feeling a bit better now) but I still had heart to write a poem.
Heart in verse
By Michael A. Zackular

You are the heat that warms me
When I'm lost in the cold.
You are the light that shows me
Beauty new and old.
You are the strength that makes me
Get up every day.
You are so special to me
So this I have to say.

You are the best thing
That ever crossed my path
You make me smile
During the worst aftermath.
You make me walk in circles
And I don't know where to go.
But when we have those talks
I realize that this is so.
I love you. Always and forever.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-18 11:14:23

At 3/18/05 08:18 AM, WithoutCease wrote: Everlasting
Heart in verse
By Michael A. Zackular

I like the title. It isn't original or anything, but it soft and to the point. It captured my attention.

You are the heat that warms me
When I'm lost in the cold.
You are the light that shows me
Beauty new and old.
You are the strength that makes me
Get up every day.
You are so special to me
So this I have to say.

I like how you split upeach sentence into two lines. It breaks it up nicely and forces this odd pause as i read it. Almost like i speaking this myself and i am emotional about the wrods. Whether or not you meant to do that, who knows, but it really adds an effect.

One problem is that the line, 'So this I have to say.' should not end in a period, it should end in a colon ' : '

You are the best thing
That ever crossed my path
You make me smile
During the worst aftermath.

The word after math is what i thought, when first reading it, i did not like about that line, but reading it again, it works, i just feel the word 'worst' does not describe emotional trauma justly. However, i am always picky with poetry, so it could be just me.

You make me walk in circles
And I don't know where to go.
But when we have those talks
I realize that this is so.

This line should end in a colon also.

I love you. Always and forever.

I am actually quite impressed with this poem. It is clean and well written, thought i lacks punctuation at times. Overall, it is great. If i had to pick out its flaws i would say this (and i only do this to help people improve, not because i do not like the piece): The main flaw that stands out most (aside from the little things i noted throughout the poem) is the topic you chose. I am sure i have said this to you or someone else in the past, but when talking about love you have to be original. Love is as cliche as writing can be, and as much as everyone needs a little love to read about every once and a while to lift their spirits, people get sick of it also. So when writing about love you have to be careful to not say and express the same old things. You have to take an original approach, or people will be bored of the concept within your poem. Now, of course, this is somehwat original, because their are no old cliche lines used, but it really kind of went nowhere and really kind of expressed the same old thing: I love you. I will admit, you did an amazing job, but if you are a serious poet (meaning you want to do it all your life and you do it to please yourself and others and not just yourself) then try to take old cliche poem concepts and try and make them better than anyone else who too kthe same concept before you and succeeded. And if you cant do that, then write about something else.

Anyway, i give you poem an A- because i enjoyed the read. I have no idea if poetry is something you just do for you own amusement or not, but if writing is a career choice for you, try and be more original in your approach. I never stop talking eh, anyway, amazing stuff!

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-18 16:15:37

At 3/18/05 11:14 AM, Myst_Williams wrote: A review that is too long to quote for obvious reasons.

Well, as for pursuing poetry as my professional career, that's a maybe. I plan to be a writer moreover a poet.
The "After math" line was bad, I know. But then again, I couldn't find anything to rhyme.
Originality is something that comes and goes like the tide with me. When I write, I pour my heart out into it. That was exactly what I was feeling to her. Just the only thing is I can't tell her that I love her yet, I think it is too early in our friendship to say that, and I don't want to ruin anything. Seems more like what I dream of.
My grammar isn't the greatest, though I like to think it is. You're right about all those flaws.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-18 17:16:47

Hmm... I'd like to join as a part-time writer, but I'm in school a lot so I might not always be able to write out a concept with limited time. Email me if you need a storyline (email address in my profile).

I may not be the best writer in the guild, but I'd definitely like to try this out.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-18 17:18:21

At 3/18/05 05:16 PM, Quadropheniac wrote: Hmm... I'd like to join as a part-time writer

Well then, welcome aboard! You can submit your own stuff, or review others.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-18 17:35:28

At 3/18/05 04:15 PM, WithoutCease wrote: Well, as for pursuing poetry as my professional career, that's a maybe. I plan to be a writer moreover a poet.

Well i want to be a novelist, but i plan on writing poetry my whole, maybe even publishing things. However, i don't plan on being a 'poet'... so you dont have to want to be a professional poet to make use of that, but ya i understand where you are coming from.

The "After math" line was bad, I know. But then again, I couldn't find anything to rhyme.

It was not 'bad', just could have been better. ^_<

Originality is something that comes and goes like the tide with me. When I write, I pour my heart out into it. That was exactly what I was feeling to her. Just the only thing is I can't tell her that I love her yet, I think it is too early in our friendship to say that, and I don't want to ruin anything. Seems more like what I dream of.

Ya, i know what you mean. And by all means, put down your thoughts in verse whenever you can, i find it easier that way.

My grammar isn't the greatest, though I like to think it is.

lol! We all do. XD

You're right about all those flaws.

I would not call them flaws, just places for improvement. It was a good peom none the less. I havn't written anything (for poetry that is) i na while. : P I need to get on it.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-18 17:48:51

At 3/18/05 05:35 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: Well i want to be a novelist, but i plan on writing poetry my whole, maybe even publishing things. However, i don't plan on being a 'poet'... so you dont have to want to be a professional poet to make use of that, but ya i understand where you are coming from.

Well, yeah, I'd write poems every now and then, but I don't think I could get them published and make a living off it.

It was not 'bad', just could have been better. ^_<

Story of my life.

Ya, i know what you mean. And by all means, put down your thoughts in verse whenever you can, i find it easier that way.

Yes, it's very, very easier.

lol! We all do. XD


I would not call them flaws, just places for improvement. It was a good peom none the less. I havn't written anything (for poetry that is) i na while. : P I need to get on it.

Yes you do! Write, damnit! Write like the wind!

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-18 17:49:32

when is the WOR i been waiting im not on alot but i figured it would be done Im not trying to be rude i can wait but i cant wait anyways im righting a story which i will summit tonight it my first

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-18 17:59:08

At 3/18/05 05:49 PM, VOTE_4_PEDRO wrote: when is the WOR i been waiting im not on alot but i figured it would be done Im not trying to be rude i can wait but i cant wait anyways im righting a story which i will summit tonight it my first

Manic is making the intro to the new story now, and it's going to be wild west with a twist. Your monk guy would be able to be in there.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-18 18:13:44

At 3/18/05 05:59 PM, WithoutCease wrote: Manic is making the intro to the new story now, and it's going to be wild west with a twist. Your monk guy would be able to be in there.

Sunday is when WOR will be open for business hopefully.

Thank god the weekend is here! I needa break from school :-(

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-18 18:18:49

At 3/18/05 06:13 PM, -Manic- wrote: Sunday is when WOR will be open for business hopefully.

Sweet! Cant wait. ^_^

Thank god the weekend is here! I needa break from school :-(

The description does not have to be massive, just do what you can. And i'd like to edit it/post it, if that is alright with you (along with the chararcter profile sheet)... or you can post it, but i'd like you to email it to me when your done so i can edit it first. That cool? (I dont plan on changing content, just read it before it goes up and edit any spelling/grammar i find)

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-18 18:19:58

At 3/18/05 06:13 PM, -Manic- wrote: Sunday is when WOR will be open for business hopefully.

OMG! That's almost as hot as Myst!

Thank god the weekend is here! I needa break from school :-(

Well, I was out of school today, so MUHAHA!

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-18 19:05:53

At 3/18/05 06:19 PM, WithoutCease wrote: OMG! That's almost as hot as Myst!

I will take your word for it mate :P

Well, I was out of school today, so MUHAHA!

yeha well Im on holidays on Thursday and I have the day off on Monday!

At 3/18/05 06:18 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: The description does not have to be massive, just do what you can. And i'd like to edit it/post it, if that is alright with you (along with the chararcter profile sheet)... or you can post it, but i'd like you to email it to me when your done so i can edit it first. That cool? (I dont plan on changing content, just read it before it goes up and edit any spelling/grammar i find)

No problem I'll try and get it done for tommorow and then I'll send it to you.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-18 20:02:55

At 3/18/05 07:05 PM, -Manic- wrote: No problem I'll try and get it done for tommorow and then I'll send it to you.



I need help all. I have never written a script before, and i hate not being able to describe things. This is a project for school and i started writing it and i have no idea what to do next. Iknow it sucks, but that is why i am here searching for help.

Gabriel: I finally figured out who you are.
Voice: Congratulations! Now figure out who you are.

(10 minutes earlier)

Voice: What are you doing, Gabriel?
Gabriel: Who is that?
Voice: I think you know who; you pathetic piece of shit.
Gabriel: Who are you? What are you doing in my home? Answer me! Who are you?
Voice: You’re sadder than I thought. Now unlock the door, Gabe.
Gabriel: No! Get outta my house!
Voice: Open the door, Gabe!
Gabriel: Go fuck yourself!
Voice: Heh, irritable today, are we? You can’t stay locked in this bathroom forever.
Gabriel: (silence)
Voice: You’re worthless, you know that? You’re a bloody quack.
Gabriel: Shut up! Just shut up!
Voice: I’m sorry, man. Listen, I saw your wife today.
Gabriel: You did?
Voice: Sure I did, and your daughter too.
Gabriel: Are they okay?
Voice: Oh ya, your daughter is very beautiful. Is she sixteen now? I bet all the guys really like to handle her.
Gabriel: No, they don’t.
Voice: I am sure they do, Gabe. She has really grown into herself.
Gabriel: No!
Voice: She is sexy; a trampy little thing.
Gabriel: (abruptly bangs on door) NO!
Voice: Am I upsetting you, Gabe?
Gabriel: Go to hell.
Voice: You don’t mean that. C’mon now, who are we trying to kid?
Gabriel: You’re sick.
Voice: I’m sick! Look at yourself, Gabe. Look in that bloody mirror. Your wife is dead you stupid shit, and your daughter too. You’re insane!
Gabriel: No they’re not! Don’t lie to me.
Voice: They’re not, eh? Think about it, Gabe. Don’t you remember? You were driving. You killed them both you murderer.
Gabriel: No! That never happened.
Voice: What? Was it all a bad dream, Gabe? Think hard and long.
Gabriel: No, no, no. Please God, no.
Voice: Took you longer than I thought, I will admit.
Gabriel: Is this some kind of twisted game for you? Who are you?
Voice: We both know you know who I am. All you have to do is unlock that door.
Gabriel: I’m scared.
Voice: You are absolutely useless. Open the goddamned door, Gabe!
Gabriel: Don’t tell me what to do!
Voice: You’re like a little child.
Gabriel: I’m scared.
Voice: Scared of what?
Gabriel: Of being alone.
Voice: You’re not alone. I’m here. I will always be here. Here to remind you how fucking insane you are.
Gabriel: I’m not insane!
Voice: Really Gabe?

Basically, the voice is Gabe, he is talking to himself...

So tell me what parts are really bad, and what you guys think should be changed, and where you think i should go with this. I need mad brainstorming, i am horrible at scripts and need help. Also, point out any really good parts to, so i can emphasize around those lines or ideas etc...

This scirpt is due next Tuesday i think, but i want to get it done before the end of the weekend. Also, i havnt edited it yet, so if there is any editing you want to note, i am cool with that also. As of right now, it is only a free write... i havnt even read it over yet.

Thanks all my pals. aha... im fucked. XD

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-18 20:07:56

This poem has a message in it. I don't exactly know what it is right now, but I'll find out what it means eventually.
Worded confusion
By Michael A. Zackular

You look at me from far away
You look at me with nothing to say
You look at me and I don't know why
You look away and I wanna die...
I can't help but feel this way
Feel like you hate me every day
You're light as a feather, too
And I'm trying to tether you
But you just keep blowing away..
Maybe I'll find you again another day...

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-18 20:09:22

At 3/18/05 08:02 PM, Myst_Williams wrote:
At 3/18/05 07:05 PM, -Manic- wrote: No problem I'll try and get it done for tommorow and then I'll send it to you.


I need help all. I have never written a script before, and i hate not being able to describe things. This is a project for school and i started writing it and i have no idea what to do next. Iknow it sucks, but that is why i am here searching for help.

Gabriel: I finally figured out who you are.
Voice: Congratulations! Now figure out who you are.

(10 minutes earlier)

Voice: What are you doing, Gabriel?
Gabriel: Who is that?
Voice: I think you know who; you pathetic piece of shit.
Gabriel: Who are you? What are you doing in my home? Answer me! Who are you?
Voice: You’re sadder than I thought. Now unlock the door, Gabe.
Gabriel: No! Get outta my house!
Voice: Open the door, Gabe!
Gabriel: Go fuck yourself!
Voice: Heh, irritable today, are we? You can’t stay locked in this bathroom forever.
Gabriel: (silence)
Voice: You’re worthless, you know that? You’re a bloody quack.
Gabriel: Shut up! Just shut up!
Voice: I’m sorry, man. Listen, I saw your wife today.
Gabriel: You did?
Voice: Sure I did, and your daughter too.
Gabriel: Are they okay?
Voice: Oh ya, your daughter is very beautiful. Is she sixteen now? I bet all the guys really like to handle her.
Gabriel: No, they don’t.
Voice: I am sure they do, Gabe. She has really grown into herself.
Gabriel: No!
Voice: She is sexy; a trampy little thing.
Gabriel: (abruptly bangs on door) NO!
Voice: Am I upsetting you, Gabe?
Gabriel: Go to hell.
Voice: You don’t mean that. C’mon now, who are we trying to kid?
Gabriel: You’re sick.
Voice: I’m sick! Look at yourself, Gabe. Look in that bloody mirror. Your wife is dead you stupid shit, and your daughter too. You’re insane!
Gabriel: No they’re not! Don’t lie to me.
Voice: They’re not, eh? Think about it, Gabe. Don’t you remember? You were driving. You killed them both you murderer.
Gabriel: No! That never happened.
Voice: What? Was it all a bad dream, Gabe? Think hard and long.
Gabriel: No, no, no. Please God, no.
Voice: Took you longer than I thought, I will admit.
Gabriel: Is this some kind of twisted game for you? Who are you?
Voice: We both know you know who I am. All you have to do is unlock that door.
Gabriel: I’m scared.
Voice: You are absolutely useless. Open the goddamned door, Gabe!
Gabriel: Don’t tell me what to do!
Voice: You’re like a little child.
Gabriel: I’m scared.
Voice: Scared of what?
Gabriel: Of being alone.
Voice: You’re not alone. I’m here. I will always be here. Here to remind you how fucking insane you are.
Gabriel: I’m not insane!
Voice: Really Gabe?

Basically, the voice is Gabe, he is talking to himself...

So tell me what parts are really bad, and what you guys think should be changed, and where you think i should go with this. I need mad brainstorming, i am horrible at scripts and need help. Also, point out any really good parts to, so i can emphasize around those lines or ideas etc...

More build up would be a good thing I think. Instea dof just starting it off with Gabriel Relaising who he is speaking to start it off with him talking to himself (and being aware of it) about his daughter or whatever and then mvoe onto the whole halluciantion/voice in head thing.

As for really good bits....well no offence myst but I couldn't find anything that really stood out as being betetr or worse than everythign else.

I know this may sound weir dbut try writing down what you wnat to happen as though you were writing as part of a story and then transfer it into a script.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-18 20:11:01

At 3/18/05 08:07 PM, WithoutCease wrote: Sway

that was really good Its seems to me as thouhg this was written as though you've lost soemthing important in your life?

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-18 20:12:57

At 3/18/05 08:09 PM, -Manic- wrote:

lol! Mad quoting...

More build up would be a good thing I think. Instea dof just starting it off with Gabriel Relaising who he is speaking to start it off with him talking to himself (and being aware of it) about his daughter or whatever and then mvoe onto the whole halluciantion/voice in head thing.

Alright, i thin kthat sounds like a good idea.

As for really good bits....well no offence myst but I couldn't find anything that really stood out as being betetr or worse than everythign else.

So basically it all sucks. : P
Well, my script writing is like 10 grades below my fiction lit... i hate scripts, but i have to do it to get the credit. I am trying my best, but that is also why i am here seaking help.

I know this may sound weird but try writing down what you wnat to happen as though you were writing as part of a story and then transfer it into a script.

Hmm, elaborate? I am not sure i fully understand what you mean.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-18 20:22:21

At 3/18/05 08:12 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: So basically it all sucks. : P

lol no i didn't say that grnated it snot on par with your other writing but its better thna a lot of othe rpeople could do i suppose.

Hmm, elaborate? I am not sure i fully understand what you mean.

what I mena is write out whatyou wnat to happen in a short story so using paragaphs descriptions etc and then when you have finished wriitng the short story of what you wnat to happen read through it and transfer all the dialog and character actions into a script. I did that when i ahd to write a script once and it helped me out a lot.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-18 20:38:42

At 3/18/05 08:22 PM, -Manic- wrote: lol no i didn't say that grnated it snot on par with your other writing but its better thna a lot of othe rpeople could do i suppose.

No need to be kind, i can take the pain.

what I mena is write out whatyou wnat to happen in a short story so using paragaphs descriptions etc and then when you have finished wriitng the short story of what you wnat to happen read through it and transfer all the dialog and character actions into a script. I did that when i ahd to write a script once and it helped me out a lot.

Oh okay. Ya, i will do that all tomorrow then (i took the day off to write)... Also ,what is good, is my teacher does not want character actions, just dialogue, so that should cutdown some work for me.

On another note. I planned out my entire lit career today. Every novel idea i have is listed beside a date that it should be done. I have 93 novels to do from now until i am 70... and i even tok into account the years i am in school, and what aspects of my life i wil lexperience by when to enhance my writing of each novel (example: marriage, child, etc)... lol, i know it probably sounds weird, but it is a 4 pages document in Word (10 font) of my entire literary career. I planned everything out. XD I loved it. Now all i have to do is stick to the dates, and not die before i am 70.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-18 20:48:26

At 3/18/05 08:38 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: No need to be kind, i can take the pain.

ok then. it sucks....really badly :P

On another note. I planned out my entire lit career today. Every novel idea i have is listed beside a date that it should be done. I have 93 novels to do from now until i am 70... and i even tok into account the years i am in school, and what aspects of my life i wil lexperience by when to enhance my writing of each novel (example: marriage, child, etc)... lol, i know it probably sounds weird, but it is a 4 pages document in Word (10 font) of my entire literary career. I planned everything out. XD I loved it. Now all i have to do is stick to the dates, and not die before i am 70.

errrrrrrrr hatever floats ya boat mate? Personally I don't see how its possible to plan out everythign liek that as you don't know what the future will hold for you.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-18 20:58:49

At 3/18/05 08:48 PM, -Manic- wrote: ok then. it sucks....really badly :P


errrrrrrrr hatever floats ya boat mate? Personally I don't see how its possible to plan out everythign liek that as you don't know what the future will hold for you.

Huh? I planned out the novels i will write... OHHH... you're talkin about the marriage etc comment, no no, i didnt plan out when those things will happen... lmao (i may never get married, who the fuck knows)... i meant that if i do get married it will probably be before i am 40 (most likely, hopefully WAY before)... so any book i thought i would be able to write better having gone through the marriage process i planned to be written sometime after 40. Get it now?

No no, i didnt plan my life... just what years i will write which novel... the hard part was cutting down my list of 189 novel ideas down to 93.... i combined a few similar ideas though, which made life easier.

Anyway, i am off for the night.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-18 21:03:06

At 3/18/05 08:58 PM, Myst_Williams wrote: Harsh...

yes but you did sya ot be truthful :P

Huh? I planned out the novels i will write... OHHH... you're talkin about the marriage etc comment, no no, i didnt plan out when those things will happen... lmao (i may never get married, who the fuck knows)... i meant that if i do get married it will probably be before i am 40 (most likely, hopefully WAY before)... so any book i thought i would be able to write better having gone through the marriage process i planned to be written sometime after 40. Get it now?

lol even so the fact your planning out all those novels is a bit of major foresight.For all you knowyou might be part of a car accident when youare 35 and have to spend 6 months in hospital and might be unable to write for another6 months so that would effectivley remove one of thsoe books form your schedule. Having a lsit of ideas that you wanna turn into novels is a good diea I think but plannign what eyar you are going to write them........is a bit far fetched for me as you can't predict the future.

No no, i didnt plan my life... just what years i will write which novel... the hard part was cutting down my list of 189 novel ideas down to 93.... i combined a few similar ideas though, which made life easier.

Anyway, i am off for the night.

Response to Writer's Guild 2005-03-18 22:05:30

At 3/18/05 09:03 PM, -Manic- wrote: lol even so the fact your planning out all those novels is a bit of major foresight.For all you knowyou might be part of a car accident when youare 35 and have to spend 6 months in hospital and might be unable to write for another6 months so that would effectivley remove one of thsoe books form your schedule. Having a lsit of ideas that you wanna turn into novels is a good diea I think but plannign what eyar you are going to write them........is a bit far fetched for me as you can't predict the future.

You are a very odd little man. Okay, so i am in the hospital.. so everything gets bumped 6 months. I could die tomorrow and not even finish my first. You make it sound like it is written in stone. It is a plan, no one ever 100% follows the plan. Things always come up. lol, i think you're crazy, because i dont undertsand you logic. Maybe it is a brit thing. : P