At 2/5/09 05:04 PM, idiot-buster wrote:
I don't know if i would like not being able to change my aura, but it's a small price to pay for being a mod.
Says you. Being a mod isn't some candy treat, BTW.
At 2/5/09 03:44 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
Congrats to any and all new regulars.
My respects and condolences to any out-voted old regulars.
I do not believe anyone got voted off the list this month, but i can not recall who was last month :::i'm just too lazy to look:::
That's why I said "any," because it implies "if there are any"... if there weren't any, then no harm, no foul.
Wait, what now? I missed something, even though I thought I did a good job scanning...
After being tardy for so long you may have missed out on a few inside jokes that i am not willing to too tell you.
Ah. Oh well, I'll have to find a way to go on without knowing.. somehow...
:::stops hiding the fake pain:::
O_o What's shit goin' down in here got to do with LUL? Did you guys just mean Wi/Ht in general?
Corky52 apparently died 2 days ago, but it has not yet been proven. Bahamunt :::i spelled it wrong i know::: say his name appear on aim so it looks to be that he just wants to be a attention whore.
Oh, that stuff. Yeah, I read stuff about that shortly after it happened. One or two days. Very timely for me.
I've known 2-3 people online who actually died. I've known 10-20 who faked a death. So... yeah. A skeptical mind is nice to have, since you don't get shocked and disgusted too often when the truth comes out, as it usually does.
Everywhere needs more Mr. Pibb.
Mr. Pibb and red vibe equals crazy delicious, ya i went there.
I liked Mr. Pibb DECADES before it was cool to like it thanks to Lazy Sunday.
The main thing stopping me from resuming mod duties in even one of my former 3 modslots is losing my greenness.
You and green they make such a good match, but you being a mod again would be really awsome Because you would not have the balls to ban me :::i was just jokeing:::
special vertical speechlessness for you there.
At 2/5/09 09:49 PM, BillysProgrammer wrote:
Just a quick question, how many people know me?
Im usually on the time, posting :D
I'm usually on the time as well! Pleased to meet you!
At 2/6/09 02:02 PM, Little-Rena wrote:
At 2/6/09 01:43 PM, Insanimation wrote:
Of course, Wi/Ht? isn't all about answering questions. You can also get involved in the many lovely statwhore threads :D
I don't really get how people can hold a long conversation over those threads, I've posted in them before but I only really go to check them when I know I will have gained something. It's unlikly I'm going to be ranking up in B/P ranks now, or Saves. Cloesest thing I am to achiving something is top 1000 in EXP.
That's like asking how people can still have the same old conversations about the same teams and players each year in their favourite sports.
Yet we do.
So... yeah. Stats on NG iz kinda the same way. Watercooler talk. Redundant and tasty.
At 2/7/09 09:34 AM, Ismael92 wrote:
At 2/1/09 02:55 PM, Bahamut wrote:
North America needs more Relentless.
And WTF is that?
If it's a drink, at least it has a better name than Dr. Pepper.
Hey, Dr. Pepper was a stylish name back in 1888.
YOU TAKE THAT BACK, SIR. That's the state drink of Texas. ... .... .... state non-alcoholic drink of Texas, I mean.
At 2/5/09 03:44 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
Everywhere needs more Mr. Pibb.
What? Another drink? And with another weird name? I bet it tastes horrible.
You bastard.
Mr. Pibb was a drink so cool that before it went extinct... back in the 90s... it had a can that was NOT A CYLINDER. It was a ... 20-or-so-sided prism! Cool, moist, flat aluminum edges.... totally awesome can.
So, it would be possible to be a mod but still having the neutral aura (though no one would be able to see it). Or you could ask Tom to do some kind of magic that allows you to be a mod with green aura, but I don't think it's going to happen.
Yeah, let me get on that right now.
:::starts typing up a PM to Tom asking if I can be a "special" mod with my original aura intact:::
At 2/12/09 05:29 PM, Bahamut wrote:
Fallout 3? :P Heh, I guess it's a good thing I'm not touching Fallout 3 just yet. I plan to get it sometime, but right now, pass. Oh, and even if I get Fallout 3, I'd make sure I get my deposits done.
You still better give GTA respect.
Done and done. I bought the GTA pack yesterday. Now you better give FF respect. XD
<3 man. Okay I will respect it, but I will still bash it to piss off the FF fanboys.
No you won't.
Hahahah, I dunno how I missed iscrulz saying that stuff back to you.
I've waited a long time for this day. A day of (relative) peace between my brothers, when the black man and the white man can come together and AGREE... yes indeeeeeeeeed... Final Fantasy and Grand Theft Auto... both rule.
Wait, what now? I missed something, even though I thought I did a good job scanning...
We meant that if you stay absent in the LUL for a long time, you're going to forget things.
Oh? Pffft. Whatever. If I'm gonna forget something, I'd vastly prefer it to be something from LUL anyway. #;-}>
APRIL OR AUGUST?!!? I thought we all agreed on March 2010, remember? (wink)
NO, WE GO AGAINST MARCH 2010! ...Wait, what's special about March 2010 again?
Hey, I should be making a video of myself drinking a can of Dr. Pepper. It's too bad all I have right now is Dr. Pepper Zero. ;_; I need THE Dr. Pepper, no zero sugar crap.
Ewwww. Why would you buy that crap?
Diet Dr. Pepper really does taste more like regular Dr. Pepper, though.
So Bahamut, you don't have to send me the PM if you don't want to, so you can save some time :)
When I send out PMs, I act like a robot. Everyone gets a PM for the voting election regardless of your current life status.