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March Contest opening and sign up!

18,689 Views | 286 Replies
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Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-11 11:57:21

i am not in this contest but i wil listen to and review all the songs that are submitted. my damn metal cover of thriller is takin' up too much damn time.

my youtube.

click it.

BBS Signature

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-11 12:44:24

I want to be a contestant. I bet you that I'll lose.

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-11 13:09:03

At 3/11/06 12:44 PM, Hollingsworth wrote: I want to be a contestant. I bet you that I'll lose.

Maybe, maybe not. Think of it more as a learning experience. I mean, there are ppl reviewing your song, they'll give you some critical feedback, they aren't going to go off with some unconstructive review. Try something, take a risk, see what happens : )

BBS Signature

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-12 03:20:09

Shoot guys... I just posted my reply to this topic as a "New Topic"... I'm such a complete idiot. Forgive me one and all.

Basically what I said is... I'm in as a heavy weight... and I want to judge light weight.

God I'm so stupid sometimes :)

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-12 03:58:08

At 3/10/06 09:26 AM, XGM-Zeth wrote: Never ! ZenonPi(e)!
You will always be known as...erhm...mispronouncedX-Three-N-zero-N to me!
I hope I wont be banned for this statement.

So how do you pronounce B0unc3?

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-12 07:54:40

<Jeopardy music begins to play>

BBS Signature

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-12 22:07:18

I'm in...let's see how badly I fail :D


Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-12 23:34:07

At 3/12/06 10:07 PM, Glaisne wrote: I'm in...let's see how badly I fail :D

Hush you.

Celtic music OWNS.


pervokatively provocative perverted person

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-12 23:36:52

k... sooo let me get this straight... If I want to be in on this contest, I need to make a new song (not use any of my old ones) and then submit it to a shared account?

or do you submit to your own account?

sorry if this is answered earlier in the thread I may have missed it

cuz I would like to enter!

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-13 02:30:06

Basically, you make the song then submit it to an account set up for the competition.

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-13 08:11:33

I see the devolpment is going good here. Did we set up an account yet?

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-13 14:56:19

I have no idea, though it would be nice to know what the account is, or would be...

BBS Signature

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-13 16:08:49

when are the songs due by?

»» HouseMasta «« PM


BBS Signature

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-13 16:34:06


The deadline is MARCH 25th and its fine to start sending your requests for the competition account password to Khuskan [at] GMAIL [dot] COM

DO NOT SEND ME YOUR TRACK. I will send you a password as soon as the account is up, where you can submit your track. Keep in mind, the first track submitted will need to be verified and it still has to be controlled by audio portal submission rules, so it may come to a point where only 2 tracks can be added a day. FOR THIS REASON IT IS IMPORTANT TO FINISH YOUR TRACKS ASAP.

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-13 17:40:17

I would like to enter...

You know I would...

Enter me... ENTER ME!!! :D

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-13 18:26:27

At 3/13/06 04:34 PM, Khuskan wrote: The deadline is MARCH 25th and its...

Whoa, hold on there Flash (the speedy red guy from justice league) when was our last competition deadline again? February 19th last I recall, do you really want to do another contest so soon? It's just been a little over a month's time, come on, if you keep going at it at this rate then the contests will wear out quickly and no one would participate anymore! They don't hold the olympics every other weekend... (Okay, mabye that was a tiny bit out of the blue, but you get my point.) How about the deadline set to some time in April? It can be early April but... at least it's April, putting some time between the first and second contest keeping this thing... uhh, what's the word I'm looking for here... authentic? April 3rd? April 5th? Eh, eh? Anyone? Just not April 1st, because that's April Fools Day and ANYTHING can happen on April Fools Day.

I will send you a password as soon as the account is up, where you can submit your track. Keep in mind, the first track submitted will need to be verified and it still has... etc.

I might have missed this, but can anyone tell me why again we are not re-using the NgAudioArtists account for the second contest? Are we just going to make a new account for every contest? I don't like that idea, then it'd be too many accounts to keep track of or something, so if we are going to make a new account for the second contest can we just keep this one for further contests as well? That and if the password to the new account is somewhere in the account name (ex. account name: NgContestAccount password: contest) then I am going to stab someone in the eyes with a hot french fry.

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-13 18:44:25

what the hell happened to the last one....i was definatly winning that, sort of.

Im opting out of this one, and submit to my own profile this month

Developer by day; Deviant by night

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-13 18:51:28

I'm not participating any longer.

I'd own you guys too bad.

..."I'd own you guys too bad" roughly translates into "Heavy school work mixed with other proejcts".

Good luck everyone.

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-13 19:45:47

At 3/13/06 06:51 PM, -API- wrote:

"Heavy school work mixed with other proejcts".

You bastard.
I was hoping to hear a full length DNB track... :(


pervokatively provocative perverted person

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-13 19:55:46

At 3/13/06 07:45 PM, ZenonPi wrote:
At 3/13/06 06:51 PM, -API- wrote:
"Heavy school work mixed with other proejcts".
You bastard.
I was hoping to hear a full length DNB track... :(

Oh, you will be, just not for any contests.

Albumage is imminent

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-13 21:00:26

At 3/13/06 07:55 PM, -API- wrote:
Albumage is imminent

Theres a small chance of me having money by then.

BTW, I think i'd better get busy on my song for the comp.


pervokatively provocative perverted person

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-14 07:11:45

At 3/13/06 04:34 PM, Khuskan wrote: The deadline is MARCH 25th...

-Just so everyone knows, I won't be able to judge faction 1 songs that are submitted between March 23 @ 7:00 to March 25 due to a long trip that I must take. I will have song reviews for songs submitted before that timeline around March 27 (I'll be reviewing them on my trip).



BBS Signature

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-14 12:47:12

i think someone may be irresponsible with the account.... shouldnt we add like "NGC2-" [NG contest 2] in front of our song names.

that way, all you have to do is search for NGC2 and see all the results and still have everyone have their own submissions with their own account.

»» HouseMasta «« PM


BBS Signature

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-14 12:49:55

At 3/14/06 12:47 PM, HouseMasta wrote: i think someone may be irresponsible with the account.... shouldnt we add like "NGC2-" [NG contest 2] in front of our song names.

that way, all you have to do is search for NGC2 and see all the results and still have everyone have their own submissions with their own account.

I like that idea, but can we search song titles? I thought it was only author and song details/description... <_<

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-14 12:53:31

At 3/14/06 12:49 PM, Kirizzle wrote: I like that idea, but can we search song titles? I thought it was only author and song details/description... <_<

you can search the song title OR the details. I think this way we can reduce liability issues or problems with the account.

plus the great thing is you can track all the contest contestants if you put the NGC2 either in the title or in the details.

»» HouseMasta «« PM


BBS Signature

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-14 12:55:55

At 3/14/06 12:47 PM, HouseMasta wrote: i think someone may be irresponsible with the account.... shouldnt we add like "NGC2-" [NG contest 2] in front of our song names.

that way, all you have to do is search for NGC2 and see all the results and still have everyone have their own submissions with their own account.

I understand that there is a risk, but remember it HAS worked before, and there were no problems. It just takes responsability in the artists.

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-14 13:16:17

ok, so would we be allowed to repost it into our own accounts?

»» HouseMasta «« PM


BBS Signature

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-14 13:37:56

I like the idea of posting it within our own accounts with NGC2 or wahtever out in front, that way it will be included in our list of songs, wich is important cuz if I'm gonna submit something it would be something I consider real good and would like to have it on my accountamabob. Also the deadline should be pushed to april 3rd or whatever, to give us more time.

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-14 13:39:05

yeah, what MurphyBrown said!

Response to March Contest opening and sign up! 2006-03-14 13:55:35

At 3/12/06 11:34 PM, -ZENON- wrote:
Hush you.

Celtic music OWNS.

Ah, but will it be Celtic? Aye, there's the rub.
