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Why must we hate?

3,105 Views | 48 Replies

Why must we hate? 2007-02-15 15:54:49

Why do we have to hate each other? Why can't we just get along? Why must people commit acts of violence on other people?

Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-15 16:09:01

I suppose deep down were all jerks, or maybe not. I don't really know either, although I feel that 78% of the people at my high school should have their asses kicked.

First blood! First topic of 2010!

KC Green has just won my heart.

Kogey made a sig, but it was too much for me to handle.

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Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-15 16:11:46

Not 77% or 79%?

Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-15 16:18:11

I suppose it is in human nature to hate someone, but I find it a lot easier to not hate people than hate people.

Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-15 16:23:03

In the end, we share surprisingly many features with animals.
Hierarchy, for example.
Animals, and some humans, advance their position in that by kicking their rivals' asses.
A few humans do good things.

Basicly, we're dumbfucks because nature tells us to.

Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-15 16:28:30

That is true that we share many features with animals. Animals have emotions and feelings. Yet, still, animals are locked up in cages all over the world, and hunted for "sport".

Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-15 17:05:03

At 2/15/07 04:28 PM, Dime585 wrote: That is true that we share many features with animals. Animals have emotions and feelings. Yet, still, animals are locked up in cages all over the world, and hunted for "sport".

You say that as though it's a bad thing. Animals are beneath humans, therefore, there is no immoral act a human can do to an animal, since we're better than them.

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Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-15 17:10:00

Animals are beneath humans? They may be less intelligent than most humans, but they still desereve to live.

Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-15 17:10:36

Hating people is a rational evolutionary response which was developed to aid an individual in survival. It allows someone to treat someone who has wronged them in the past with more caution and attention in the future, thus minimizing the chance that they will be similarly hurt once again. Then again, there's that old saying.

A stupid person never forgives and never forgets. A naive person both forgives and forgets. A wise person forgives, but doesn't forget.

Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-15 17:18:34

Hate is just another emotion that people have much akin to love in retrospect of how the emotion can affect someone. People get motivated by both hate and love to do some really idiotic things that if given enough time one would rethink their actions, but since such actions would be impulsive rethinking wouldn't take place.

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Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-15 18:43:02

At 2/15/07 03:54 PM, Dime585 wrote: Why do we have to hate each other? Why can't we just get along? Why must people commit acts of violence on other people?

Because it's easier to hate than to love. To love you have to look at the faults within yourself as well as others. Just like it's easier to call someone stupid instead of arguing against them.

Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-15 19:59:31

Genocide is one of the most fundamental human tendancies, hate being its prime enabler. From an evolutionary standpoint, the tendancy toward mass killing is inevitable, as the genes of those who kill off other ethnicities will dominate the pool. I would even say that to abstain from mass killing (such as in the Holocaust) is wholly unnatural.

Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-15 21:58:42

At 2/15/07 03:54 PM, Dime585 wrote: Why do we have to hate each other? Why can't we just get along? Why must people commit acts of violence on other people?

Because we can.

Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-15 22:56:53

Hatred is one of the 5 most powerful forces in the universe, below stupidity,fear, then Satan, then God. (If your atheist/whatever then remove Satan and God). 6th place still is likely a "negative" thing, such as greed, thought it might be passion or love.

Never underestimate the power of hatred. Or fear. Both can govern peoples actions far better thatn something like love. As a matter of fact you can rule through fear (many countries do today) as well as stupidity (not as prevalent as it used to be). And of course hatred (Heil Hitler)

Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-16 00:22:33

At 2/15/07 06:43 PM, Sigma-Lambda wrote:
At 2/15/07 03:54 PM, Dime585 wrote: Why do we have to hate each other? Why can't we just get along? Why must people commit acts of violence on other people?
Because it's easier to hate than to love. To love you have to look at the faults within yourself as well as others. Just like it's easier to call someone stupid instead of arguing against themII

It is easier to hate than to love under cetain circumstances. But it isn't easier to be an avid racist and harass people that you hate(for one reason or another) than to just be pleasant to all people in general, even if you don't like them. With racists, many times the case is that they base their hatred of that particular race because of the actions of one person or a group of people of that ethnicity or race. For instance, I have met people who claim that they hate black people, and then say that they hate them because they are all stupid and commit crime and act tough. The truth is that select peolple of all races commit crimes and are stupid. That does not mean that everyone of that race is like them.

Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-16 00:24:57

At 2/15/07 03:54 PM, Dime585 wrote: Why do we have to hate each other? Why can't we just get along? Why must people commit acts of violence on other people?

because we have an amygdala in our brains which controls and creats aggression. its biology man so be shut the fuck up and live with it.

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Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-16 00:25:11

At 2/15/07 09:58 PM, dySWN wrote:
At 2/15/07 03:54 PM, Dime585 wrote: Why do we have to hate each other? Why can't we just get along? Why must people commit acts of violence on other people?
Because we can.

Yeah, sure, why act pleasant toward people and try to understand their culture when you can harass them and commit acts of violence toward them and ridicule them?

Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-16 00:26:37

At 2/16/07 12:24 AM, TightRope wrote:
At 2/15/07 03:54 PM, Dime585 wrote: Why do we have to hate each other? Why can't we just get along? Why must people commit acts of violence on other people?
because we have an amygdala in our brains which controls and creats aggression. its biology man so be shut the fuck up and live with it.

Ok. I'm sorry for speaking my mind.

Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-16 00:39:12

At 2/16/07 12:26 AM, Dime585 wrote:
At 2/16/07 12:24 AM, TightRope wrote:
At 2/15/07 03:54 PM, Dime585 wrote: Why do we have to hate each other? Why can't we just get along? Why must people commit acts of violence on other people?
because we have an amygdala in our brains which controls and creats aggression. its biology man so be shut the fuck up and live with it.
Ok. I'm sorry for speaking my mind.

dude ive tried using that line along with everyone else on that site, eventually you realize there is one of us in each section of the BBS. it was a dumb question anyway.

BBS Signature

Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-16 00:45:55

It was a philisophical question. I wasn't expecting a direct answer.

Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-16 00:47:10

At 2/16/07 12:45 AM, Dime585 wrote: It was a philisophical question. I wasn't expecting a direct answer.

well the answer is purely biological.

BBS Signature

Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-16 00:55:00

No it's not.

Agression and Hatred are not even close to the same thing.

Aggression is an automatic response to a situatio.. Hate is a psychological presence.

Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-16 01:01:17

At 2/16/07 12:47 AM, TightRope wrote:
At 2/16/07 12:45 AM, Dime585 wrote: It was a philisophical question. I wasn't expecting a direct answer.
well the answer is purely biological.

Maybe in certain cases, but I don't believe it applies to all cases of hatred. Hatred could be developed at an early age or at a later age, depending on the circumstances. Most people hate other people for a reason, not because it's in their genes. The reason that they hate someone may not be a valid reason, but it is still a reason.

Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-16 01:05:22

At 2/16/07 12:55 AM, GameCrazed wrote: No it's not.

Agression and Hatred are not even close to the same thing.

Aggression is an automatic response to a situatio.. Hate is a psychological presence.


Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-16 01:12:26

At 2/16/07 12:55 AM, GameCrazed wrote: No it's not.

Agression and Hatred are not even close to the same thing.

Aggression is an automatic response to a situatio.. Hate is a psychological presence.

they come from the same part of the brain, the amygdala and the brain stem. these emotions are as old as time and were an essential part of our evolution and ability to hunt and survive with nothing but our hands.

its a fact that the only part of our brain working when we are in a fight is the back of our brain because it is the oldest part, i couldnt give you the exact name of the part that controls this act but i am positive it is the aygdala

BBS Signature

Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-16 09:48:38

At 2/15/07 03:54 PM, Dime585 wrote: Why do we have to hate each other? Why can't we just get along? Why must people commit acts of violence on other people?

Religion, that's why. God dislikes people that are different. If you don't think the way God would like you to think, then you get an eternity of hell and torture at the devils hands. And this is taught to us as young children, all the way up through our teens and on into adulthood.

Heck, Elijah slaughtered 450 Baal priests. Moses ordered the killing of 3000 people because they wanted something concrete to worship.

Humans are friendly folk, until religion gets its hands on us, then were down right nasty people.

Injured Workers rights were taken away in the 1920's by an insurance company (WCB), it's high time we got them back.

Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-16 10:35:18

At 2/16/07 01:45 AM, cellardoor6 wrote: There is a difference between hatred and anger.
Hatred is a destructive thought process, not an emotion. Hatred is really a thinking-error of sorts.

oh yippee now i realize who i am talking to, one of those pseudo philosophical nuts who denies biology and thinks that hate is "a disorder of thinking". it is an emotion.

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Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-16 11:46:53

I can't imagine my life without hate, i always need some, i always need to have "enemies." It's just how it works to me.
I think hate is something beautiful, it is the same rushing feeling as love and it makes you motivated to do something about your situation.
"Bad" emotions cause "good" emotions to feel better.
If you feel 100% superduper happy all the time, that is starting to bore, but if you feel unhappy and then happy, you feel more happy.

Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-16 14:09:58

At 2/16/07 11:41 AM, Denta wrote: Are we really better than them? We beat the shit out of our own human race for money, oil, popularity, power etc. while the monkeys are chillin', having a banana, and are wondering wtf we are doing.

The most animals don't atleast terminate their own species over a home or something.

animals weren't ordained by God, now were they? Take your animal-rights attitude and shove it up your ass.

BBS Signature

Response to Why must we hate? 2007-02-16 14:15:12

At 2/16/07 10:35 AM, TightRope wrote:
At 2/16/07 01:45 AM, cellardoor6 wrote: There is a difference between hatred and anger.
Hatred is a destructive thought process, not an emotion. Hatred is really a thinking-error of sorts.
oh yippee now i realize who i am talking to, one of those pseudo philosophical nuts who denies biology and thinks that hate is "a disorder of thinking". it is an emotion.

Just like you're one of the people who seems to be denying the philosophical response behind hatred. I've not met a psychologist yet who doesn't incorporate both the biological and the philisophical reasons behind hatred. Hate is a biological response, but it's also one that can be explained in cellardoor6's terms, and both can be correct.