At 12/16/08 04:19 PM, Coop83 wrote:
At 12/16/08 09:41 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
Not really any thought involved, just the simple way to do it. Start. Keep going till you finish.
Well, I would have this time, but the laptop battery ran down and I hadn't got the charger with me *shock horror*
At least you have a functional laptop battery.
Ours is dead. Laptop has to be plugged in constantly.
Should probably call Dell about that, but... ehh...
Probably flicked over it, but I would have been able to take a thoroughly educated guess, since there is no number coffee. 7 is Bahamut's favourite number, so he was always likely to fail the urge to stop at all 7s.
LOL. No number coffee... if only there was.
I don't know if he's ALWAYS had the urge to stop at all 7s. You'll have to ask him if he thought about stopping at 777 or 7777. I suspect those numbers weren't impressive enough to even merit a FIRST thought of stopping there, let alone an actual temptation... especially considering they're sub-EGSC as well.
But.... 5 digits is both big AND final ranky, and thus it is nice.
Yeah, that bastard coerced me into posting on the 8th. And you CONDONE that behaviour? (gasps)
I didn't say that I condoned his behaviour, I just condoned getting you back here. He did all of the donkey-dragon work, himself.
The ends justified the means... that means you condone it!
So sad... Oh well, at least it's a reachable figure for me :P
All you can think of when Bahamut tells you where he's retiring is "oh boy, that's where I'll pass him," eh? #;-}>
Yeah, you are both one of the 45 people left ahead of me.
Two free and easy spots, then.
Think of how many more are likely going to let you right past with little (if any) resistance as well, only they don't broadcast their plans so transparently like he and I do here on Wi/Ht?. #;-}>
But still, in a year or two, I'll be wishing I could trade my blamrank for my saverank. I think it blows that this list will be the last of the top 50s my account remains in (when it comes to b/p-related top 50s, I mean) even though I won't have blammed for years and years longer on it than I had (not) saved on it. ;_;
Sad, but there's only one way to get past that - take up they sword and return to the battlefield, gfox! Face thy fear of 37ness and slay in on the field of strife!
Or, I can just consider the top 50 VP list as a b/p-related top 50, which it kinda is, and be happy with that. #;-}>
I only hope that when my save rank and my blam rank and my b/p rank... all drop to 37... that I pass beneath it to 38 QUICKLY and painlessly.
All three achievements on the same day - Level 40 at 0800, Top 100 Blammers at about 1800 and 19,000 Blams a few hours later. Check the LUL for a little piece of creativeness on that subject :)
Ah, cool. Sadly, no, I shall not check the LUL for that, as I think you know by now. #;-}>
At 12/18/08 03:57 PM, Bahamut wrote:
At 12/16/08 09:41 AM, gfoxcook wrote:
Christmas is coming, so I bet we'll see even more catch-ups from you soon. :)
Man, I musta ruined your Christmas if that's what you wanted. O_O
And no, #7 was NOT better than #6. It's a higher number, that's all. But 6 was EARLIER, hah!
Damn you, 7 is a lucky number. Therefore, lucky update for me. :)
75 is a good number because it's 3/4 of the century mark, so even with the 3 in front of it, it's not as "37"y as other numbers containing 37. Kinda like 1337 that way, it's an exception to my aversion.
Oh yes, 375 is a pretty cool number. After all, it's half of 750, which is 3/4 of 1000. :)
Indeed it is. So it's... 3/8ths, then. Nifteh. A somewhat short decimal version of a simple fraction. I knew there was something nifty about 375.
At 12/16/08 04:19 PM, Coop83 wrote:
I didn't say that I condoned his behaviour, I just condoned getting you back here. He did all of the donkey-dragon work, himself.
Donkey-dragon? O_O First, it was mermaid dragons, then it was cat dragons and now donkey-dragons?
Different types of work for different types of dragon hybrids, I guess. #;-}>
Hopefully that'll encourage him to go through 10 or so pages of the LUL.
FAIL. #;-}>
At 1/21/09 11:34 AM, Bahamut wrote:
At 12/19/08 05:04 AM, Coop83 wrote:
Well, that and the fact he's just dinged Level 46.
Yes, he's been level 46 for a while now and has yet to mention it in the LUL. I already congratulated him for level 46 in the LUL, however.
Which I missed as well. ;_;
Congratulations by the way, gfox. Restored parity with the 6 level gap between me and thee :P
And I'll soon restore the 1 level gap between the both of us. ;)
Thanks, guys.
A new gang of green pic shall be in order shortly, I'm sure.