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Jesus wept.

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Jesus wept. 2008-07-09 14:57:59

Some time ago I came here and shared my Jesus wept pencil drawing. I have painted it in different ways. This is a darker-skinned version of Jesus with black hair and green eyes.


If you want to see the pencil art and other painted versions, go here:



Jesus wept.


So what... we are all human and do such things.

Response to Jesus wept. 2008-07-09 15:02:46

Very nice, and historically accurate garb for once, which is a nice change.
overall a beautiful portrait.

Freedom of Speech: Priceless, for everything else there's MasterCard

BBS Signature

Response to Jesus wept. 2008-07-09 15:06:41

finally a jesus that looks like he isnt about to go riverdancing.

awesome, nose could be bigger.

Response to Jesus wept. 2008-07-09 15:08:46

At 7/9/08 03:08 PM, doberman7 wrote:
At 7/9/08 03:06 PM, MindChamber wrote: awesome, nose could be bigger.
Jesus has a big nose?

had, had a big nose. Dude is dead man.

Freedom of Speech: Priceless, for everything else there's MasterCard

BBS Signature

Response to Jesus wept. 2008-07-09 15:17:27

At 7/9/08 02:57 PM, Ohorseman wrote: Some time ago I came here and shared my Jesus wept pencil drawing. I have painted it in different ways. This is a darker-skinned version of Jesus with black hair and green eyes.


If you want to see the pencil art and other painted versions, go here:



forgive me if I'm out of line but I SWEAR I've seen this before from someone different. He was banned and shit because we found out he stole it but I dunno...

If anyone can spare it, I would really appreciate $0.60 on paypal PM me perhaps?

BBS Signature

Response to Jesus wept. 2008-07-09 15:23:17

At 7/9/08 03:08 PM, doberman7 wrote:
At 7/9/08 03:06 PM, MindChamber wrote: awesome, nose could be bigger.
Jesus has a big nose?

of course he ,was jewish... lol at the people who think he was christian(thats impossible.)
but i belive in raptor jesus..which is what you shuld draw next!

Response to Jesus wept. 2008-07-09 15:28:34

I want you to take a picture of that pencil one next to today's newspaper, so that you can prove me wrong.

If anyone can spare it, I would really appreciate $0.60 on paypal PM me perhaps?

BBS Signature

Response to Jesus wept. 2008-07-09 15:30:58

At 7/9/08 03:17 PM, HahaBears wrote:
At 7/9/08 02:57 PM, Ohorseman wrote: Some time ago I came here and shared my Jesus wept pencil drawing. I have painted it in different ways. This is a darker-skinned version of Jesus with black hair and green eyes.


If you want to see the pencil art and other painted versions, go here:


forgive me if I'm out of line but I SWEAR I've seen this before from someone different. He was banned and shit because we found out he stole it but I dunno...

Yeah, when I posted the pencil version some guy thought that I took it from another site. As it turns out, I am the guy that had it at that other site. So no foul, no ban. Good memory you have, cause that was last year sometime... I think.


So what... we are all human and do such things.

Response to Jesus wept. 2008-07-09 15:44:30

At 7/9/08 03:28 PM, HahaBears wrote: I want you to take a picture of that pencil one next to today's newspaper, so that you can prove me wrong.

Well... that would only prove that I have a printer and subscribe to a newspaper (I could print off that pencil version you know). Besides, I don't get the paper... because most of the reporting is crap.

Without you being in the room with me, there is really no way to prove that the art is mine. But if you look at all my sites and art, you should be able to feel confident that I indeed make my own art. A guy could steal a picture, but it would be pretty hard to steal lots and lots of art without getting in trouble. And here is lots and lots of art that I made, starting here:

And yeah, the version of Jesus at that site may like more like a European guy and the devil like an asian transsexual...



So what... we are all human and do such things.

Response to Jesus wept. 2008-07-10 11:55:40

Spiffy keen comic. However, I disliked the physical violence, it kinda took away from the whole 'battle of wills' vibe.

Freedom of Speech: Priceless, for everything else there's MasterCard

BBS Signature

Response to Jesus wept. 2008-07-10 14:24:19



Response to Jesus wept. 2008-07-17 09:31:09

At 7/10/08 11:55 AM, Vousielle wrote: Spiffy keen comic. However, I disliked the physical violence, it kinda took away from the whole 'battle of wills' vibe.

I understand what you mean. But look at it like this: it is a mix of the natural and spiritual. The art is realistic. But it has bold lines that go against the realism, sort of like stained glass window art. To me this gives the art a surreal feel. The things you see in the comic are symbolic: Jesus hitting the girl in the head with a staff - symbolic; Satan pissing on the altar - symbolic, etc. Each of these things communicate an idea. For example, when Jesus hits satan with the staff: the staff represents the God's authority, as well as His past promises to humanity (the word of God, so to speak); satan wants God to dishonor this. But God will not. He hits satan over the head with this - God crushes Satan's head. Symbolism. Such things are throughout the comic. Maybe I should provide some commentary at the end about these things... but I am afraid people would be bored with it... just like many may get bored with this long post - ha!

And I agree with you MindChamber, I should have made the nose of Jesus bigger. I also think that Jesus may HAVE a bigger nose. Yes, he HAS - the dude is not dead. At least that is the view of those of us that follow the faith.

TailsIsUseless, I checked out your raptorJesus. Funny stuff.

Thanks for contributing everybody!

Jesus wept.


So what... we are all human and do such things.

Response to Jesus wept. 2008-07-17 13:00:46

At 7/9/08 02:57 PM, Ohorseman wrote: bla bla

i think it is the best artwork i have seen on this side :)


BBS Signature

Response to Jesus wept. 2008-07-17 14:20:21

At 7/9/08 03:08 PM, Vousielle wrote:
At 7/9/08 03:08 PM, doberman7 wrote:
At 7/9/08 03:06 PM, MindChamber wrote: awesome, nose could be bigger.
Jesus has a big nose?
had, had a big nose. Dude is dead man.

I take it you're not Christian? I would say, he's not dead.

Response to Jesus wept. 2008-07-17 18:26:35

At 7/17/08 02:20 PM, TomBanks wrote:
At 7/9/08 03:08 PM, Vousielle wrote:
At 7/9/08 03:08 PM, doberman7 wrote:
At 7/9/08 03:06 PM, MindChamber wrote: awesome, nose could be bigger.
Jesus has a big nose?
had, had a big nose. Dude is dead man.
I take it you're not Christian? I would say, he's not dead.

Fictional characters can not be killed...he rose from the dead...just like Superman and Jason

Like me on the FaceBook :D

Response to Jesus wept. 2008-07-17 18:59:34

Back to the bigger nose, here is a version I drew. I think this one is the most ethnically accurate for our Lord - who is and was real... of course many do not believe this. I respect that. I just can not go along with it. I believe... maybe it is in my DNA.

Anyway, this picture is taken from my art about Jesus and the Sermon on the Mount. Many may have recently heard Obama say something about this message being more central to his faith than some obscure passage in Romans (that is the scripture that addresses homosexuality in a... uncomfortable way). Obama is like many. He picks what he likes of the faith and discards the rest. This is why his grasp of the truth is less than solid... and why I am voting for Mcain. Of course, I am over simplifing things. I'll shut up now and just let you look at the art.

Jesus wept.


So what... we are all human and do such things.

Response to Jesus wept. 2008-07-18 01:40:48

At 7/17/08 06:59 PM, Ohorseman wrote: Back to the bigger nose, here is a version I drew.

I think the outline on the hands is a little harsh, it makes it feel less real, perhaps in the future, you could use light and shadow to differentiate parts rather than line?

Freedom of Speech: Priceless, for everything else there's MasterCard

BBS Signature

Response to Jesus wept. 2008-07-18 12:46:21

wow these are just fantastic!

i <3 Jesus :)

Response to Jesus wept. 2008-08-06 18:34:43

At 7/18/08 12:59 PM, CypressDahlia wrote: The method is also very clever.

Finally: an amazing artist who is honest about his methods.

Some artists don't even admit to using minor references--too much damn pride.

Yeah, I used to be like that too. I guess it is pride. For some reason we feel that it must all come from our head to get credit. But, I just am not good enough to do that. If some are good for them.



Jesus wept.


So what... we are all human and do such things.

Response to Jesus wept. 2008-08-06 20:03:23

These look exactly as they would if you had taken pictures of people you know, cropped their pictures ( pretty badly ) and applied a couple filters on them.

I can't find a single trace of an actual pencil line on your penciled drawings and there's some weird anatomical discrepancies in some that look like you tried to trace over some of them or tried to modify them in a weird way.

Or you're just really really damn good, but I doubt you'd have made these without models that you've photographed yourself because they all show signs of tracings.

I have never seen anyone render anything in this way, ever.

Not convinced.

BBS Signature

Response to Jesus wept. 2008-08-06 20:38:58

At 8/6/08 08:03 PM, poxpower wrote:
Not convinced.

This will explain:


Jesus wept.


So what... we are all human and do such things.

Response to Jesus wept. 2008-08-06 21:00:23

I'm speechless. You could do prfessional stuff you know! Like drawings for churches and stuff!

Response to Jesus wept. 2008-08-06 21:39:17

At 7/17/08 06:59 PM, Ohorseman wrote: Back to the bigger nose, here is a version I drew. I think this one is the most ethnically accurate for our Lord - who is and was real... of course many do not believe this. I respect that. I just can not go along with it. I believe... maybe it is in my DNA.

You are such a good artist its incredible! I loved the differences between the first drawing and the one with the bigger nose. Like, I think it shows the realistic view of jesus, rather than the played up 'chiseled' features that are included in like every other artist's works...

Also thought the "comic" type artwork you did was superb, I just love the way you make everything appear and act realistic.Realistic

Response to Jesus wept. 2008-08-07 00:22:50

whoa very nice job

Response to Jesus wept. 2008-08-07 02:35:49

At 8/6/08 08:38 PM, Ohorseman wrote:
At 8/6/08 08:03 PM, poxpower wrote:
Not convinced.
This will explain:

I see, very nice.
Must take endless hours of mind-numbing reproduction work to make just one thing :O

No idea how you can do this without dying from boredom.

BBS Signature

Response to Jesus wept. 2008-08-07 03:27:14

That's very good art, you have a lot of skill, but it's the fact that you try to be historically accurate and, in fact I believe that you have probably come closer to what Jesus would have really looked like than any other picture. My commendations (is that a word?), what religion do you follow?

Forum sig? Whats that.. 3D art thread, My art thread

Response to Jesus wept. 2008-08-07 12:09:00

I am completely awed and impressed. well done. bravo.

Response to Jesus wept. 2008-08-07 12:26:46

hes crying ?

lol ... fag ...

but they are all very good :)

Xbox360 Gamertag : xXGrimwormXx

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Response to Jesus wept. 2008-08-08 21:24:20

At 8/7/08 12:26 PM, Grimworm wrote: hes crying ?

lol ... fag ...

Yeah, but it is a manly kind of cry... not sissy boy type. Here is a link to where people talk about their favorite man cry movie scenes.

http://www.joblo.com/forums/showthread.p hp?t=107826


So what... we are all human and do such things.

Response to Jesus wept. 2008-08-10 16:46:15

At 8/7/08 03:27 AM, Krayon wrote:

what religion do you follow?

Did not mean to dodge the question. I am Christian. Though I often talk about my beliefs in unorthodox ways, I try to keep the ideas within Biblical boundries... without setting up the scriptures as an idol that comes before God (as some may do).

Jesus wept.


So what... we are all human and do such things.