At 7/31/08 03:48 PM, MindChamber wrote:
nice work, I particularly like the swirling lines detailing the trident and the cup
thanks i wasnt shure if it was going to look right but i was most pleased with it afterwards.
At 7/31/08 01:43 PM, RotStier wrote:
However, I think the inked in part on his torso are a little heavy... That's just me though.
More, please.
cheers i think i have fixed the waist to make the lines about even and got rid of some of the shading. i will be posting later when i have finished a drawing i am currently wokring on. :D
At 7/31/08 01:46 PM, Shinryudan wrote:
Fantastic drawing, i love the expression and work you did on the face. The heavy ink adds to the style and i must compliment you on your work on the chalice. Great work.
thanks man, i appreciate that
here is the updated version, i will be posting some drawings later