How it works
- Within the next 3 days You will reply in this thread saying that you "are in", This means you have until Saturday the 6th, at 11:59 PM US Eastern time to get in. No late participants will be accepted unless someone drops out!
- I will then literally select the teams from a hat, at complete random. No whining about your partner unless its hilarious. Once the teams are selected, I will post them in this thread on Sunday the 7th.
- You and your partner create an image, using any tactics you would decide on! One can do the lineart, one can color, you can each do a half of the picture, or any way you wish. Don't be afraid to send it back and forth a few times to achieve the best quality picture your team can come up with! You must follow the theme that has been provided, but may take any spin on it that you can think up.
- Photoshop, Flash, Painter, Gimp, and other programs are a must, unless you are an exquisite MSpaint artist, or have a scanner/digital camera.
-DO NOT JOIN IF YOU ARE NOT SERIOUS ABOUT IT ..It screws over your partner who probably really wanted to contribute, and is going to cost you like a million cool points.
- It is recommended that you provide a link to a higher quality image
- Once you know who your partner is, PM them with your contact info (Instant Messanger, e-mail, etc.)
- If your partner does not respond within a few days, PM me and I will try to find you another partner, but I really am hoping this doesn't happen.
- Abide by all NG art forum and site rules
- BOTH artists must contribute!
- Try to stay away from photomanipulation, but it isnt against the rules. I just feel it will be better if it is drawn art instead
- Give a description of what it is, and who did what in your piece!
THEME -- Video Game re-design. That's right. I know there is a thread for this already, but this will be slightly different. You can choose ONE game. Agree on one, and you each do a part. You can each do a character, or you can have someone draw the background, and someone re designs the character. Feel free to be as creative as you can, as that will earn you cool points. It doesn't have to be a well known game, (although it is better if it is) but lets not have EVERYONE do a mario or sonic thing, okay?
DEADLINE -- 2 Weeks after the teams are distributed. So you have from Sunday the 7th of September, to Sunday the 21st of September, 11:59 PM US eastern time.
Showdown 4 voting results!
Great entries by all, and thanks to everyone who voted.
First Place - Razac and Doomshock, with 54 points!
Second Place- Zurak and DooDooMeat, with 43 points!
Third Place - Allgunsblazing and CyberStrike, with 27 points!
Honorable Mention - AwesomeSaurus and Temariix, with 19 points
Honorable Honorable Mention - Kernalphage and Pielover, with 5 points
Just to Mention - Henry Nougat and NgMastah, with 2 points
Like I said, all the pieces were well done, we had a good turnout this time, but let's keep it rollin'.
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ --- your winner from last time, Razac and Doomshock present.......