they's some ryt scum on dis site NEUTRAL LEVEL 17
Sign-Up: 10/31/05
Posts: 394
It could be much worse.
You could have been sitting at home, when suddenly Richard Simmons came to your door and forced you to do hours and hours of dancing to the oldies. And just when you think it's all over, Carrot Top comes over to do some prop comedy for you.
Then, after breaking your leg, a giant koala bear breaks in through your window and chews the other off. Then there's a huge meteor shower which rips through your body, but still leaves you alive to feel nothing but pain and suffering. All other human beings are dead but yourself, and you can't move. Your only sustinance comes from the occasional cockroach that climbs in through a whole in your cheeck and walks down close enough to your throat where you can swollow it. This goes on for about 30 years, until a bunch of pirate/robot/bears come for you. They use all the holes in your body for sexual pleasure, however it causes you pain.
^^ a comment from some idiot...shouldnt he be banned? the answer from NG is..
they don't even ban them...ive never seen any nice comments on this website before.