1.) *Insert band's name here* insert / here* *Insert the band or Artist's music genre(S) here*
2.) *Insert band's name here* insert / here* *Insert the band or Artist's music genre(S) here*
You have at most 40 bands and artists you can vote for, any more that that won't be counted.
This will NOT be counted;
*Insert band/artist name*, *Insert band/artist name*, *Insert band/artist name*, *Insert band/artist name*, etc.
And it also must be numbered...I honestly don't care why you listed them in that order; just the first 40 bands/artists will be counted.
This thread can be used to channel your opinions and such, whether you post your list here or not is optional.
If you haven't voted yet and you don't intend to in the futre DO NOT POST.
And if you have anything to say about another user or his/her choices in music it better fucking be positive and not offensive in any way or I will not count your votes in a heartbeat.
You guys will have at least a month to vote, I will create the result thread sometime in December.
I will personally NOT post my personal list of bands till we are on page 2 or so as to not influence other user's opinions. I doubt that I would but whatever.
Also if you want to vote for a band or artist you are absolutely certain somebody else has heard of then please refrain from sending it to me, it's not a rule but it'd sure make it easier for me to count the votes. I would also appreciate that when you guys get your reply PMs telling you that your vote was counted that you don't send me another PM, unless you have something you want to talk to me about.
One last reminder... Votes posted in this thread are NOTcounted; only votes sent in PMs.
Thread approved by Poxpower.