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Author Comments

This flash is based on George Orwell's 1984. If you havent read the book, you probably wont like this. The 2 frame texts are there on purpose, for subliminal messaging.

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I like it, but I think this gives off a very, industry like, never ending slavery feeling, which is almost exactly what 1984 and IngSoc are like, but they wouldn't want you to think of it as such, they would want you to think of them as your strong, powerful and loving protector, rather than what they really are

a take on the novel
it was quite well animated
perhaps a little more could have gone into this

Ok this was interesting.

As mentioned above this was interesting now i dont know much of this topic but seemed to have alot of odd stuff some propaganda stuff and so on, The "MUSIC" seemed to be o but there were some other areas that could use more effort, So This starts off slow and picks up and the music really pushes this to the limits so that was a plus, This seemed way too short though, you should have extended it longer with more content and more visuals also seemed more like trailer of sorts, but in the end this was notbad, and you did push the effort on this so it was notbad at all and i enjoyed it, allthough it was hard too understand as it was mostly visuals and music so kinda like a music video, nice job on the effort though.

This could be better, This seemed way too short though, you should have extended it longer with more content and more visuals,

Kinda reminded me of a music video, but was still amusing.

not bad

I think you did a good job of capturing the essense of the book, and the subliminal messages were a good idea here to really emphasize the idea of total control. Although it wasn't a story-based flash in terms of what actualy happened in the flash , I think it was quite sucessful in it's purpose.


Although the animation was decent it didn't really convay the plot line. It seemed more like a propaganda film, WHICH IS OKAY don't get me wrong but by the title and your comments made me think it was more plot based. Overall it was below average but with work it could get better

Credits & Info

3.32 / 5.00

May 7, 2000
12:10 AM EDT