lol pacman :)
I've worked long and hard on this for the past week. I hope you all enjoy it. Oh! And I must credit the creators of Pac-Man whom made the track I used. Thanks guys.
*edit* [Explination] So, okay, The hobo at the begining is a main character, you can see him near the top of the fram in the second scene. The other main character is the zombie from the crowd that sees him and wants to eat him. (confusing?) So the hobo turns into the pacman ghost and the zombie turns into pacman himself. Pacman eats souls, zombies eat hobos, get it?
-Aannnd I don't really know how to do audio well or put a splash page or ending page...
So thank you to all who voted to get me through the portal!
lol pacman :)
I definitely liked it, no doubt. But it was a tad confusing, having no cell shading to depict buildings, non-important characters, etc. But awesome! Pac-Man! Oh hey, there's a clown in mah belleh! OH YEAH!
That's kinda cool
but the music loop is terrible!
Pac-man and zombies...not a usual combination for sure
woah missind something
i think its a nice new style but is very sonfusing at times.
bit fast mabey put more frames in your animation?