This actually kind of surprised me it was much better than I expected I thought this would be a truly terrible judging by the score and average review score. It was somewhat similar to the game which made me quite content with the gameplay and did not experience much problems with it and the background was pretty neat the graphics in it were well displayed and everything keep up the good work I'm hoping for more from you.
The car itself did not have as good graphics though. The game was supposed to be more centered around the car than anything and the graphics in the background appeared to be better than the cars whatsoever. Also it does require patience as the only reason I enjoyed it was I gave it time and played it for a while nice game though.
While it is a pretty good game it requires much patience so if your willing to give the game time and actually play it for awhile I'd recommend playing this game from time to time again nice job YouGame!
-TY Reviews