I need more of these games.!!!
World Reaction is a complete reaction time game. You can test your reaction time of many ways. Including light stimulus, sound stimulus and compete against all the world in real-time.
I need more of these games.!!!
is it natural
when you get .104 on one round in sound and it says (alien)
It's good game to check your sense of rhythm.
yeah nice game.!
Neat Idea
This is one of my favorite games finally brought to the virtual world. For A while I didn't think that my opponents were human. I couldn't rationalize that I was beating them by .40ths of a second. Or that they were beating me by .1ths of a second. Didn't actually realize it is actually a global competition until I saw people changing names to profess how someone who was spanking them "Sucked Big". So nice one. Love the game man. Keep it up!