Needs a lot of work. Interface is clunky and confusing, it took me a while to realise there were actual dice rolls happening up above. The tutorial kept telling me "roll as many dice as you have tanks" when I only had one tank. As soon as another tank of mine showed up, the tutorial had moved on to something else. Later on I had what appeared to be 2 tanks, but I was rolling 4 dice. Only then did it occur to me that the shield icon above the tanks (which I'd assumed was "armour" as is traditional convention) might have been the number of tanks in a battalion. A small tank icon might have been better there, or better still why not have the icons on the playing field look the same as the completely different icons in the tutorial window, which seem to be more informative and show the number of tanks as individual tanks.
Clicking on an enemy tank (which I thought would move my tank into range to attack) just skipped my turn entirely (why? There's a 'pass' button). It never seems to be explained just how combat is initiated. When I'm clicking the enemy it seem to skip to their turn, but then they attack me and it prompts ME whether to attack or not. It's all very confusing.
I got a 'flanking' buff despite both tanks facing each other.
I messed up a mission and couldn't for the life of me figure out how to restart. I found it eventually by clicking on the 'Combat' button, which sometimes says Move_Ment, and rather than initiating combat it took me to the most confusing settings screen I've seen in my life. I still don't know what half of that stuff does but I found the restart button eventually...
Speaking of interface...your music/sfx icons are the wrong way around in settings. There were a ton of greyed out OpenGL options too, which couldn't be activated (and I don't honestly know what they would improve on a largely 2D game. And you really ought to choose a font and stick with it. Are you going for the military typewriter look? Or the fancy modern look? There's quite a few visual styles going on and you would probably be better off choosing one (I'd recommend the military) and sticking with it instead of having space age fonts and buttons for some things and then tattered military fonts and grimy war-beaten paper style buttons for others.
That said it /looks/ as though it could be a promising game, but as it is it's too messy to keep my interest long enough to get to the so called strategy elements.
Oh and