he never made the full version
arrow keys to move
r to reste level
w-a-d to shoot spores/teleport
this is (at most) 50% finished.
Things to come:
- a storyline (skippable, dont worry)
-more levels
- arrowshooting frogs (or whatever, some projectilethingys)
- soundeffects
- music
- loadingscreen
- maaaaaybe a level select
- and whatever cool stuff you suggest
he never made the full version
I like it! I wait for 'ver1.0'.
I think I won. I beat a really hard level and then the screen faded.
This seems misunderstood. I get that people don't want to see unfinished games, but people are overreacting. Even half-finished, this is a very interesting game, very original. I can't think of anything else quite like it. I think you'll need to include a small tutorial in the final version, because it took me a while to figure out how to play. It's not entirely obvious that you need to shoot spores and then use the same key to teleport to where you shot, nor is it obvious that you have to make contact with the big scary thing that looks like it would eat you. There are some other control issues that might be confounding people. For example, it seems like a control error that you fall straight off ledges, or that there's jump, or that you can only fire off once in each direction (assuming there are no snails), but all of these things are necessary for the gameplay you've dreamed up. The control is actually very tight and everything worked as intended. If the controls were too sluggish or responded poorly, the last few levels would have been impossible to win, but I finished with no trouble, other than trying to discover what to do. A few pop-ups describing what the lifeforms do would help too. "Colored mushrooms will remove barriers of the same color!" and "Disturbing a snail will reset all spores!"
The challenge is potentially very high. I like how using the snails can be good or bad depending on what you need.
I really don't think there's anything wrong with the visuals. They could be a little sharper. You could add some nature-themed backgrounds, maybe spice up the platforms. But I like the look of the mushrooms and other plants.
Keep at it. This is a clever concept!
Great concept
very nice, can't wait for more levels!