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Reviews for "Rise of the MK: Part 1"

For the most part, I agree with Sesshomarus Dream.

The only thing I don't agree with is his 'blam' as you say against Teenagers. I'm a teen too :), only for 2 more years but hey :) Anyway, I'm posting to state my opinion, obvious to most people but as Sesshomarus Dream said, there are a lot of idiots here. This was one of the best flashes I've seen yet! I grew up playing Mario on Nentendo (R) *sorry, don't know the computer code to make a full circle around the letter* and the music for the second sceene was just... splended! I was reminded of Mel Gibson's movie, 'Brave Heart', I actually cried on his death sceene!

I have only one real complaint... THE NEXT ONE ISN'T OUT YET!!! I'm going to be waiting for it Randy, I'm really going to be waiting!

Oh, and to explain why I gave you a 10 for Graphhics is because if you used modern Mario Graphics it would have wrecked the entire flash. I think you picked the right way to go by using the old style graphics!

LONG LIVE MARIO! Oh ya, he is already dead :( MAY SOMEONE RESURECT *spelling?* MARIO!


The most awesome flash movie Ever.


This movie Rocks... seroiusly - how long did it take you to make, Solem?

10 outta 10!

that was the best

seriously. this really does deserve second place of all time, if not first. I loved it. I think that Mario's Funeral was the best part. Please, do make a number two.


make more damn it! that was good shit


By far, one of the best parodies I've seen so far. Great job.