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Reviews for "29 Day War"

Very very good writing!

This is one of the best flash presentations I have seen on Newgrounds, so far. - I am reviewing this so long after it was first presented I'm sure that you don't need any critical remarks from me - You warn us that this is a long piece but it is so interesting it flew by - another submission of yours that I am passing on to my old timer peers. You are my favorite artist on this site - I'll be watching for you for years to come - Keep writing !

Flyborg responds:

Yay (again) - that's the kind of review I will take precidence over "omfg u suck u liberal" by 14 year olds. (Not that I hate 14 year olds)

My first ten in the portol

This is the best thing on Newgrounds I've seen, i don't know what else to tell you. I have no idea why this isn't on the top 50, every shot almost perfect. Maybe it is because of the averagish-animation style, witch I, agree isn't the best it could be. I can't get over the amazing story: I a liberal but I don't think Bush planned 9-11 (though obviously he benefited from it), but the idea of such thing happening could make a feature length film, and is inginiously executed in this short. I like another war but this is quite abit better.

Flyborg responds:

Thanks. And the score is because: 1) This was my first serious movie I made, and I thought the graphics were fine at the time, but now I see they are southpark-ish and 2) some people took it the wrong way and got upset, voting zero. By the way, I'm only hinting at the conspiracy here - I'm not actually claiming anything, it's just sopposed to make people actually think instead of assuming things mindlessly (as is the cause for about 90% of the problems in the world...) I'll almost definately remake it once I'm done all the other stuff I'm working on, but at the moment someone else is actually remaking it without my assistance - which should be interesting.

(Yeah that was a long responce... meh)

Great movie, great message

This is one of the (if not the) best flash animations I have ever seen. The message speaks loud and clear to me, always be vigilant for you never know just who is behind the mask. The sattillites to me kind of look like eyes, and when they turn on earth it looks like the eyes of America are turning to watch humanity for any sign of resistance.

Great movie, great music, great everything, keep up the good work Helmi!

(P.S. This movie kind of reminds me of the episode of Stargate SG-1 where Daniel Jackson has a dream where he turns evil and builds a sattillite network supposedly to defend earth then turns it on the cities of earth in a bid for world domination)

Open up

Seeing is not always believing...

This movie is not talking about Bush creating 9/11 or anything like that. It's telling us that you never know who/what could be hiding behind the bend...
It does not have to regard America but, possibly, the Human Race.

What if?

Flyborg responds:

Yay you got it! Although there are some allusions to the USA in reality, the movie IS simply about the "what if" statement. The very fact that some people seemed furious that I would even question their country's motives made me glad I made the movie.

It's not about what is being questioned, but about the questioning its self.

jesus christ

that was fucking awesome
all you american dipshits who think that your the boss, bite me
america has killed thier own soldiers before, and i would not be surprised if they do it again
may i direct you to dday
a suicide assult made buy the us army