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Reviews for "YAAFM 9: Michael Moore"

How can you say this?

This flash is hilarious yet all you people are like, "how can you make fun of mister moore like that?". These submissions are meant to be funny, not to be taken seriously. I don't hate Michael Moore, but i found this to be really funny whether it was lies or not. America is full of complainers. Look at me im COMPLAINING about complainers. We all are fucking morons!!

good job

I'll keep it short. Moore is a liar; a rich one. Which enables him to broadcast to the masses, which as a whole are uninformed and believe anything they hear.

lethal_enforcer is a fucking moron

You write:

"....if you werent sucha gung ho american who loves his country and blindly follows his leader into the depths of hell.You're scared of Michael because he is exposing the dark truths behind your backwords country and you just cant stand to see that. Choke on your own sperm and vote kerry

P.S Just so you dont have spome stupid american smart ass remark to this. I judged your movie fairl...and put aside my anger til this part

- A Canadian"

Fuck you. Fuck your ice skates. Fuck piece of shit country whose too pussy to go to war.

Now I have to say that your the blind one. There are plenty of internet sites out there with information that PROVES that Michael Moore [cock] lied left and right in his piece of ass movie. I don't appreciate your smart ass remarks about all americans being stupid. Your hasty generalization makes me hate you even more. Kerry is a peice of shit too. He lies just as much as Moore. I hope you burn in hell for this shit you posted. Even Jesus hates you.

Friggin' Emmense

I can't seem to understand why people like michael moore, who are blatently still living in their petty teenage rebelion stage don't actually try and run for presidency. If he cared so much about the welfare of the U.S, why does he waste thousands of dollars making a friggin' movie......? He could have spent that money on helping the homeless or other such people, but no.
I believe in obedience to authority, the reason the president is the president is to lead the U.S, whether good or bad. Personally i like Bush, and although i live in the UK (socialist capital of the world) i must say that the majority of anti-war protesters here, were smoking some form of drugs while protesting.
Moore supports terrorism by what he is doing, this movie was emmense, keep it up guys.

very informative!

I did not know this much about this side or Michael Moore. I only saw "Roger and Me" and commiserated with his case, considering my father also works for a car company. Though finding out how on one hand he tries to "Fight for the common man" yet on the other side he makes millions, and appears on major celebrity events now...it does sound kinda suspect. Maybe he'll spend the money on throwing a pie in ol' "Dubya"'s face? That would be hillarious. Good job on the movie, I found it very good, and I do think you deserve high scores for your hard work. The only problem I had was during the viewer mail, I couldn't make out too much of what Reginold said other than some choice lyrics.. but it didn't really detract from the animation much at all. keep up the good work!