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Reviews for "MGS: The Twin Noodles"

Crap crap and more crap

The sound was good but that's about it. Everything else sucked. I'm always a fan of smart ass humor, but this shouldn't have evn made it on the front page. Sorry, dude. Better luck next time.

I don't understand how this got on the front page.

I don't understand how this got on the front page of newgrouds, it was a complete waste of time. Graphics are bad, sound is bad, it isn't funny...
Theres a plot, but its to stupid to follow. At least if you going to make a flash animation make something good about it. Example: Make it funny.

Excuse I have to vomite...

smiffy-uk responds:

Welcome to Newgrounds.

Vary Very odd

this was overall pretty crappy, you can tell the author went for randomness, but that was very subtle. It did a good job on the Metal Gear theme, but overall it was not very good.


Just be lucky there are no negitive noumbers I can choose from. It sucked. Retarded, sick fart joke humor for clildren, nothing I'd ever watch again. I am so sorry you wasted the lasy 3 months of your life on this... and stole Waterman's theme in the process.

smiffy-uk responds:

WTF? Stole Waterman's theme?

They didn't make the song "Reel Big Fish" did. Plus I just needed some corny trumpety music. ;)

I didn't waste 3 months of my life at all, just look at how many people who left good reviews and a hell of a lot of people have it in they're favourites.

What did you do over the past 3 months? You had oral sex with your dog I bet. Was it good?


soo funny!

I really hatedthe bit when he wobt fire the damn missile!