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Reviews for "good times 27"


DUUDe.... friggin sweet. HAHA that was funny and... ive watched every peice u put in it. naruto, athf, and evangilon... and the rest. Pure humor... and radnomness.


...what just happened?

dude how much crack were you smoking when you made

it had some funny parts. I was hoping the rabbit would go all monty python on Naruto. Very weird but good graphics. Not a list but hey if prople no the exact words to an attack from a anime in jappanise (sorry for the spelling) then they either need to get laid or drink a gallon of gas and toss a match down thier throat. Peace


Wow. This was funny. I thought this would be a music video of Good Times by Finger 11.


............ uhhhh ya lets go with that