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Reviews for "Oh My God - Pilot"

Needs more zest...

I'm very torn on this submission. On one hand, the graphics were outstanding and the introduction really grabs your attention, yet the rest of the animation seems to fall kind of flat.

The voice acting, while it certainly didn't seem forced or scripted, was, I'm sorry to say, extremely bland and left my uninterested. The timing and execution of the jokes throughout the movie also seemed to fall flat as a cause of this.

The plot seems to have potential, although nothing about this pilot was particularly awe inspiring or laugh out loud funny. Whilst you do already state that all will be explained in episodes two and three, you need to understand that the aim of a pilot is to grab the attention of the viewer and make them want to come back to watch the next episode. Your 'cliffhanger technique' would have worked, given that the animation was more structured. Particularly when the main character is hit by a car and suddenly realises he's god. This is in NEED of almost imediate explanation, on how he came to realise this in some form or another.

You have a lot of potential here, and obviously talent. Don't force yourself to churn out subpar animations due to your weekly dead line. Take more time on the script, pick up the pace on those jokes and you've got yourself a very proffesional looking and feeling animation.

Overall, I give it a 4.5. A lot of room for improvement, but you're halfway there.

-- GodsMistakeStudios


I don't know what to say about this flash except very nice drawings but a pilot needs to be like a real episode...just as long and really needs to introduce the characters and bring in the story. but i couldn't rate this very high due to the shortness and few jokes in it. better luck next time.


Terribly unfunny and lame. Tries hard at making something of a plot and to create some humor, but fails miserably. Art and animation are decent, but the voice acting is pretty shitty. Here's hoping you guys either forget about the whole idea and trash the series or come up with an interesting plot and some fucking humor. Or drama. Just something interesting, because this isn't.


hey i dont like to sound mean but how did this make the front page? ur movie was pointless. there was no real reason for why anything happened. i know u can do better than this.


The graphics are awesome but, the voices don't work.