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Reviews for "Pico's Cousin 2"

It's okay

Rather boring, not the best graphics and pretty buggy. But better than most pico fan content so i'll give it a 5. Nice job still.


I also liked that in one part there is a clok and it is the correct time.

Magna responds:

yay! *gives you a cookie for finding that*

Excellent .. but theres a glitch

right as u go to the rooftop the game loops back into the intro .. awesome otherwise


This is excellent work and a sweet addition to the Pico series. Great plot, great length and not too hard. Graphics were good and puzzles were enjoyable. This is fine stuff.

Not as good as the Score might lead you to think..

I am sorry, but if it wasn't for the name "Pico" this would just be a generic and highly bugged game. If you were aware of some of the major bugs then this game should NOT have been released until they were worked out. But even so, the redundant music, the poor graphics, and the boring gameplay make this game generic.

The graphics were simplistic and felt rushed. They obviously became a side thought rather than an importance. The animations are extremely simple where most deals with simple tweening methods. The character art is sloppy and shows little effort to show character personality. Backgrounds looked like they were drawn by a five year old.

It is never a good idea to take 5 seconds of sound and repeat it over and over and over again. The majority of the game had this same repetitve music. Since there is hardly any use of sound effects, I opted to turn down the volume.

So what makes a game fun to play? Well it has to be interesting. Unfortunately "Pico's Cousin" didn't live up to the name the Author is trying to use. The majority of the gameplay consists of clicking the mouse on an arrow to move to different rooms, picking up items, and figuring out how to use them. Now there is nothing wrong with this form of gameplay, but at least try to be innovative instead of copying other similar games out there. Not only that, the author recognized many of the bugs in the game, but sends it to Newgrounds anyways. So we have the generic gameplay mixed in with bugs that make the game a hardship to play.

I didn't get as far as the shooting parts (which I am assuming there are since there is a health indicator) because of the poor presentation and the amount of bugs in the game. For example: I do not feel like repeating the same steps over and over because the item I just used appears in my inventory once again.
This game does not deserve a score over a 3.00 in my opinion. But because the author branded this "Pico's Cousin" people like it. It is nothing more than a simple fetch me game ridden with bugs. Yes, you got the title right, it is Pico's Cousin, and his cousin is one ugly person.

Magna responds:

i love constructive critisism(sp).
Couple things in rebuttal. 1: the real reason i used the name pico in the title was not so i could increase my score but because i'm an untalented hack. When i made the first game i couldn't think of any ideas for a character so i pretty much modified Pico. In my oppinion, i don't think the score would be different by more than a couple points because when was the last pico's school released? In terms of programming and animation, this game IS arguably better in some levels than the original Pico's school. 2) the quality of the gameplay is only handicapped by my skills as an animator and programmer with flash. I noticed you do not have any flash on the portal. This leads me to believe you know nothing about game design. When you play a console game (or even some high end flash games) they are made by teams of people. Most big-name games have teams of over 20 people. I'm a one man team. Pox only drew 6 pictures. I did the rest, art, level design, bosses, programming. EVERYTHING (except music which i admit does suck). Doing all that requires patience and a lot determination. I cannot remember how long this took me to make but it was well over 3 months. When you try to keep yourself entertained while making a game sometimes you sacrifice. If i spent more than a week perfecting the look of the character, i would be driven mad with boredom. Now, i'm older, and a better artist, and i have even more determination than before and i spent more time designing my character's body's and faces. I am not much better at level designs but i'm getting better.
Bugs? Well, bugs i wouldn't mind fixing except, its hard to test a game when i'm only one person, and it takes 3 minutes just to export the game to test it. So everytime i fixed a bug, i had to wait three minutes to test it and then look again for more bugs. In closing, your whole review is mute because you didn't play more than 3 minutes of it. You didn't even get to the shooting parts (which is where it really starts to suck lol)! How can you take your time to write a review just because of a couple glitches (speaking of which, i wish you would go into more detail as to which bug you encountered. If i was aware of such a bug i would fix it but you are the only one to complain about it so far)?

If you wish to reply, please send me an e-mail at magnoman1309@yahoo.com