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Reviews for "Brother Battle"

Good effort

^^Good Points^^
It seems as though you put some effort into this. The sprites were well animated and the movements looked somewhat realistic, good for what can be done with Mario sprites. The sound effects were right on queue and sounded great. I liked the different music used as well. This flash just feels good to watch because there isn't any obvious errors.

^^Needs Improving^^
This idea is really overdone, I see stuff like this all the time in the portal. It wasn't too exciting and nothing really out of the ordinary happened. Next time make something with a more original storyline.

Guitardude responds:

Originality on NG?

well that's just crazy talk.

but seriously don't worry about it. i'll try...

It's alright

The sprites look great and the sound effects are well done. But theirs no story,Why were Mario and Lugie fighting?,how did Bowzer lose his Bowzer mobile? The part with the Kooper Trooper made me laught.Over all It's quite good just needs improvment.You should do A sequel.

Review request club

Guitardude responds:

interactivity a 0 eh?


A pretty cool sprite

~The good~

This was a very cool little sprite flash. They moved very smoothly and I enjoyed the clear backgrounds. The music was did good to the mario name, it fit right into this flash. The sound effacts were put in exeptionally well, the jumping sound and bomb sounds were in synche with the movements perfectly.

~The bad~

No voiceover, so there were a couple parts where it was very quiet and it got pretty dull with no sound or music. Also, a better plot, more in-depth plot would've been cool, in this they just seemed they were fighting pointlessly, and Mario was randomly in the Bower Mobile. Some more action would've also been cool.

Overall, a pretty cool sprite flash that really didn't get the recognition it deserves. I hope this review was helpful!


Guitardude responds:

I know what you mean about it being akwardly quiet at times. I'm now working on perfecting the use of certain music clips to avoid that. Thanks for the tip

As for the story, I'll be honest.

They were fighting pointlessly. XD

But I was aware of that since the start. I never intended it to be a flash movie for NG but in the end I made it one. Hopefully my next movie will have a more intresting plot to it.

Thanks for the review.

Great sprite flash

~The Pros~

Well, for starters, that was a pretty great sprite flash. The sprites were really well done, and they were really clear and not pixelated like in other flash movies. The sprite backgrounds were done really well, and the sprite water reminded me of the good old days of all the Mario games. The music was done really well, ane the sounds of Luigi and Mario were too. This flash was really funny as well, especially when Bowser cried at the end.

~The Cons~

This flash was really wasn't that bad of a flash. However, there were some flaws that were present throughout the flash. First of all, there wasn't any voice acting throughout the flash. Voice acting is a very important feature in flashes that feature dialouge, and I think that you should have added some voices.

Oveall, a really clear flash that wasn't pixelated, but need voices to make the flash more exciting. I hope you benefit from this review! XD

P.S- I'm from the Reviewer request club!

4 out of 5

Guitardude responds:

a lot of people seem to say the same regarding the voice acting. And I understand the way you feel. The only thing is that I perfer to keep the voices as mario sound effects from old mario games because the way I see it, it's consistent with the style i'm trying to use. Alot like the way Randy Solem was able to make such brilliant sprite movies almost all without a single voice over.

still I will keep what you said into consideration and drop a few spoken lines here or there in future projects.

Thanks for the review. Have a good day.

Good for a first

Nice sprite animation, but it was too short. I won't hold that against you because it's your first flash, but you do have room for improvement. It needed to be a little faster paced, and some actual voices would be nice instead of ones found in video games. The movement of the sprites and the sound synching was great, but some of the jokes I didn't find funny. Overall, great sprite animation for the first time, but you know what you need to improve.
Grade: B-

Guitardude responds:

Thank you for the review. And you know, you are right. I know I can improve. the second sprite flash movie i've been working on already has many little improvments. So by the looks of it, the next one should be better, and hopefuly longer.