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Reviews for "A diary of an unborn kid."

Nah man

Seriously, until you have been in that position yourself, you cannot possibly understand the gravity of it. A baby can be a great fucking thing, but it's something you have to be ready for, and sometimes, despite best efforts, someone will get lumped with one that they're really not ready for. Personally, i would rather a child was aborted, rather than a woman have to go through all the pain and potential danger of pregnancy, only to have to put their child into an institution and quite possibly never see that child again.
Personally i find the prospect of forcing that on someone because your imaginary friend told you to far more evil than removing a cluster of lifeless, conciousless cells. Fuck this religious bullshit, a foetus IS technically a parasite, for without it's host it could not survive, and in the inital stages of pregnancy, it behaves EXACTLY like a virus to bypass the body's immune system. There is no 'god's will', and the 'miracle of birth' is no more than 'the miracle of shit' every time you put food in your mouth.


on this subject

of course none of us know what its like to do somthing like this cause hopfully you people plan this shit out i mean honestly if you are gonna have intercourse wait till marage andif your you cant seem to manage that then use protection for the love of god people stop and think for one measley moment ok think that hey im glad my parents let me live cause like thousands of unborn chirldren they never had the chance to laugh to cry to love so be glad you did and dont take abortion lightly cause its one of the most hardest things some one can do in there life and hopfully youll never expierience it.
P.S. Great job on the whole thing Yotam Perel great video has some comedy value but alaround good.


Strong christian over tones


you made a mass of cells sing... cool...


kinda depressing...
To all the pro-lifers:
1. People who do abortion either are not able to raise a child...
2. OR try to think it this way... in your eyes... Do you want a mother to have a child which she would be able to "kill" it?
3. A fetus a at all time, until it is able to live in the outside world, a part of the mother. They are connected and therefore one. What's next? Pro-life for cancer because it's alive? The fetus therefor is not alive and has no capability to think (in the time when abortion is legal)... Is it alive? In my eyes, killing animals slowly by testing new chemicals on them is a bit more brutal...
4. To the ones of you who argument with their "believe" in the bible... And take it literally... If human is given the capability to "sin" or choose the wrong thing so that the "love" to "god" is not forced... How can you think that you are higher than god believing that you could force people to do the "right" thing?... That's kinda paradox to me...