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Reviews for "Jack Russell"

Repetative...but so darn cute!

and ofcourse theres always the anticipation for seeing what message will apear when you finish!

could do with a change in music at some point...

Pretty damned good

a very nice little game - and a new idea - something which is hard to find nowadays (everybody go out and buy psychonauts - fantastic game, and very original) - anyways there is a glitch where if you have a logitech mose with mouse acceleration (about 50% of people) then if you move the mose quickly to draw the line, it uses up very little of the bar at the bottom so in effect you get unlimited line capacity (im not sure if this is only my mose - you might want to try it out even if you have an MS mouse of other such)

But yeah congratulations dude on a quality game

A very nice idea

Jack Russel is a great idea...I personally would love to see the game in an expanded version on the Nintendo DS...anyway:

Very creative concept and well-executed. I can see why you would spend so much time debugging the thing, but the work shows. The sound track is good and adds a lot to it. My 2 main grips: the graphics could use an overall and some more features should be added.

The current graphics work well enough, but even some simple reanimations and improvements in scenery would go a long way to making this a prettier game.

As for more features, the main thing eventually gets kind of old and it can be rather limiting because you have to repeat elements a lot. You don't need a lot either, just some simple devices. An example might be plat forms with conveyors that force your dog one way or another instead of having the dog simply go straight. Another might be an item in a level that partially refills your line meter.


dont klik on teh jak russzorz wehn teh game es loedin!

Kenney responds:

Talk normal, you're not...
* Funny
* Cool
* 1337
* Emo
* 31


i killed the jack russel :,(

Kenney responds:

Now you gotta die! Muhahaha!