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Reviews for "The Gayest Showdown"

Spoof indeed

Hello fellow newgrounds users, here is my review of this particularly bad submission.

Graphics: artwork which resembles something produced in kindergarten, I gave it a 1 which was generous. It was the kind of thing that a 5 year old would take home to show mommy.

Style: although it had no style to speak of, I gave it a 1 as it was atleast 'different'

Sound: Somebody under the influence of class B drugs or alcohol was trying to form semi understandable sentences, even tried to add a little tune, I gave a 1 as you did try.

Violence: it had afew stabbings, and even afew penises being used as weapons. This kind of toilet humour is typical of such a backward 'cartoon', so I gave it a 1 as it was atleast in tune with the rest of the submission (calling it a cartoon is a little generous)


Humour: Ah, humour indeed. To be honest I did crack as smile when I saw the average rating of 1.7. I also smiled during the submission, as the sheer idiocy was overwhelming. I gave it a 1 anyway

Overall: I gave this a 1. I should really have given it a 0. But something like this which truly lowers itself into the bottom 3% of newsground entries atleast deserves some recognition, some infamy. I guess Tom knew that when he made it front page. Something like this almost HAS to be seen.

Anyhow, I must thankyou for making this. Every so often we need something like this to break the tension. What I mean is, a no holds barred, no strings attached trip into how stupid and pathetically pointless a submission can be.

I get ya

come on guys it was just a joke. Of course the movie sucks like shit but that doesnt mean it was not intended jesus

PowerRangerYELLOW responds:

It don't matter. I'm just eatting these reviews up.

All the attention is making me excited

o.o oh great another power ranger... ¬_¬

As soon as I saw this on the frontpage I got suspious... a parody on the frontpage?! Has someone finally made a hilarious parody to an over rated movie!? The answer is well hard to give really, true to the 'power ranger' style this has all the finese of some piss head school kids high on some drug or drunk from some booze they managed to get hold of trying to animate.

As strange as it is for me to say it though that's the first time I've seen a masterbation gag that actually fits where it's used! People seeing the ultimate showdown being like "OMFG! Look at all these famous peeeeeeeps YEEEAAAAHHHH!!!!!!!11" I could soo see some sad tards actually doing that! XD

Overall what to say in short really? A great idea but this was the wrong person for the job... it was probably just how daring this flash was that got it on the frontpage in fact; although from a 'power ranger' that's nothing new, you guys give a shit about anything.

All that's left to ask is if any other also random person had done this movie would it have still got on the frontpage? Because this is certainly not there based on your skill XD

PowerRangerYELLOW responds:

what ever dude. Power rangers are a hella lot better than unorignal sonic recolors.

I remember you used to have that stupid avatar.

Your a green tails and i don't like you. Thanks for the review anyways.



That was hilarious.
Does no-one have a sense of humor around here?
I was laughing so hard until I read the reveiws for this flash, its a joke people!
Lighten up!

Good Job :P

PowerRangerYELLOW responds:

"Does no-one have a sense of humor around here?"

Nooo I'm sad to say these fanboy faggots do not. :(

"...moving!... ...brilliant anus!" (NY Times)

One woman's triumph against a yeast infection set against the background of the Hindenbergh disaster.

I feel that this movie satisfied the cravings of short, red-haired persons who bear an unexplained tendency to have names that start with an "R" and prehensile nipples underneath the soles of their feet. I should stress, however, that I could be wrong.

PowerRangerYELLOW responds:

You could be sir, but you are not!