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Reviews for "The Gayest Showdown"

This is proof god doesnt exist...

because if he did, i doubt he'd allow such idiocy to exist on this plain or the next.

honestly there is nothing wrong with disliking a flash that is submitted, and of course there will be parodies, but at least try to make it better than the original, that way people will be more interested in you flash and not theirs.

the graphics were poor to say the least, however you did a fair effort at chuck norris' facial features, and possibly the power rangers, but thats about as detailed as it gets. in future try to work on that.

the style was non-existant. hate was apparent and thats it. you could have at least shown some form of applied anger, maybe the reason to why you dont like it. and whats with the anime mockery? in the ultimate showdown goku shows up, thats about as anime as you get in that.

sound was there, though i found it almost impossible to hear a decent portion of it. I'm going to consider that a saving grace for me, since any more and i would have been forced to remove my eardrums with a rusty fork.

violence: nothing. pure and simple, people moved, sonic and mario had a bitch slapping fight. that doesnt even get 1 point in my opinion.

interactivity was at an all time low. as a previous voter said, a play button doesnt count.

humour: im sure you found it funny, but that doesnt cut it with me. another 0 to add to the list.

overall you get 0, honestly I dont fully understand why you have such a problem with so many flash artists, nor do i understand your blatant homophobia. in future try to improve on your graphics, sound, interactivity, style and most importantly, humour.

PowerRangerYELLOW responds:

I didn't have intentions of people liking this more than the ultimate showdown in fact i wanted you to be pissed off.

I don't have a problem with as many artists as you think i do than otherwise i would go after every artist that won a daily feature.

Chances are if the artist's work and the artist themselves aren't spoofed in my movie than it is most likely that i enjoy there work and see some legitimate talent there.

Check out the works of SickDeathFiend, RTIL. MrChocobo, J-Mar, Livecorspe, Kol, Kospas and many others as examples of artists in the portal.

You have to realize that if noone mocked the artists that get more than they deserve than things on this site will all be the same and boring.


I've seen many parodies of popular work......

But this was by far not worth watching. I saw a good portion of about 10-15 sec. (why would i bother looking at a clock when i could be searching for the "close window" button.....) I do not know if you made this flash to sequel in some horrible way to "Ultimate Showdown", or maybe you hate it. I do not know, neither does it matter, why you made this flash. An even more important question is how in the undeniable power that is Newgrounds did this flash make the front page. Now, refering to a comment that you made on one of the first review's for this flash: You do have the freedom of speech. There are far worse works than this that show up on newgrounds based on just that philosophy, but Tom Fulp forbid that you get mad, or even slightly upset, if people don't like this flash. It screams "Immature, unrefined, and an offense to a society that comes to this website to watch a movie for the sake of having a good laugh." It was made to be dumb and offensive, even the title says so! So for the sake of sanity, do not get mad. You've brought it upon yourself. Now, the scores i have granted dutifully reflect upon the work. Bad art. Bad audio. No style, except for, of course, that your a genius of making yourself look worse. Violence got a 2, it is a showdown as i would probably assume from the title, however, i didn't finish the movie to find out exactly. 0 humor. 0!!!!!!! I don't review too often, as you could tell by my score and level. I only review because i have something that i wish to be heard, by the author, and by the community. And about the fact that "we can't do anything about it....." People blam stuff on Newgrounds all the time. That statement was obviously void of any observation of past incidents all-together. I'll see ya again when you have another speech to use our valuable freedom to make.


... how to put this nicely... well... um...

You should take some vocal lessons, from a music teacher, it would be an asset. Your animation can only get better ^_^.

Um.... yeah..... practice makes perfect?

PowerRangerYELLOW responds:

If you want to me to practice more. I hope you do realize that you might have to put up with my singing some more.

I think I understand now...

Watching some of your other Flash work, I can see that you only think you're cool because you take other people's more popular flash work and cover it with cruddy artwork and heaps of the word "faggot".

Try to do something more constructive.

PowerRangerYELLOW responds:

I thought you were going to be one of pseudo intelligent reviewers that tends to follow the crowd with no opinion of your own but i looked into your reviews and you actually left bad reviews to movies that went over well as well as poorly.

I'm still not going to do something more constructive when movies i made just to annoy people get more attention than works i put more effort into.

I can try to make something up to your standards of quality but chances are you will still hate it.

It isn't really fair to make judgments of my work on moral grounds for example usage of the word faggot since that is only a reflection that is offensive rather than a reflection of quality.

Everything else such as the singing, lazy animation and the bad drawings are up for grabs as criticisms.

I've more than accomplished what i set out to do with the gayest showdown.

It gotten popular, annoyed people and it has still been getting reviews since 2006.

all i was expecting was maybe 25 reviews at the most in a week and the gayest showdown fading into obscurity rather quickly.

Most movies stop getting reviews when it's only a day old so it a reflection that the public hasn't forgotten the gayest showdown.

You can say it is because it's on a section in newgrounds but there is something that i can't explain that attracts so many people to this movie like flies.

Like it or hate it.

At least you remember it.


uh mkay

yeah this is not worth a star dude, you are teh gayest showdown :P so please try to make a good flash >.> NG has enough bullshit as it is