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Reviews for "YAAFM 12: Muslims"


you make me pee my pants, seriously

The flash was good...

The flash was good but I don't really agree. I mean is it really that hard to grow a beard and say that you're muslim while bombing places??

Saying all muslims are terrorists is like saying all blondes are stupid or all americans are fat. Infact islam is a peaceful religion but people tend to take it the wrong way as a result of a lack of knowledge.

I don't think so. Personally, I live in Egypt and I'm around muslims all the time and they don't cover their face since its not something they must do (i asked) but some do cover their hair as a form of respect to god.


Great Show

I have been working in the middle east for about a year now. So to anyone who has not been to any middle eastern country and tries to defend the "Muslims", GO see for yourself. Yes its true, the GENERAL population does get overly upset about silly shit( banishing your relative for accidently eating a pork hot dog), lack common-common sense( like letting/watching their children run right-in-front of a 14,000 lbs vehicle going 45mph on the highway) and are hypocrites (grown men fighting/stealing Maxim mags for the half-naked american girls, selling it and then condemning us for having them). To the anti-american American and second or more generation muslim-american who hasnt lived in the middle east that says "so is the american general population". Again, find away if you really care and GO see for yourself. The level you experience in the States is like watching Scarface on ABC, very mild. Great show and awesome sponsors.

Awesome and true

I just love how Muslims come here, give this a 0 and yell their butts off, just proving every word this flash says. Seriously, Muslims should lighten up, and "stop bombing shit." First Amendment ftw! The right of free speach>>>Some religion that says: Do not force your religion on others, but if they refuse to give into Islam, you can kill them. Keep up the good work!

My 2 cents...

The point is that Reginald is saying that the extremists are fucking morons, not the people in general. There is a little something called "freedom of expression" that plays so well into this. What is shown is a matter of opinion, and as we all know, everyone has one. You so colorfully gave one yourself. I personally have no problems with Muslims. It seems to me when Muslim extremists get mad, they have every right to be, but no one seems to care when those people slander other faiths. Give me a break.

To TheMoD: By the way, in some areas of the Middle East, children ARE given guns AND are taught to kill and commit Jihad from a very young age. There are even children's television shows that talk about Jihad and killing people who don't believe in the same thing as them. Some places are mass producing future terrorists (yes, like robots). Some parents even encourage that behavior.

To Jaylex: I agree wholeheartedly. As hypocritical as it may sound, we are intolerant to intolerance. Imagine a whole nation getting mad over some stupid drawing. Reality check! It's just a picture! They get mad over a drawing when they behead people on national television in the name of their religion. I'm not sure which would be more insulting. No wonder they wear masks.

To Reginald: Keep up the good work!