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Reviews for "All Your Base DX 2006"


This is a great tribute to AYBABTU, Good artwork,Lip sync version, "video filter" used in flash...Excellent preloder , the credits and the menu were well designed too..also the new AYB images rocked xD, i cant beleive 1/2(half) of the newgrounders down-voted this because its an AYB parody.

Sonucais responds:

Oh, if you mean the Flash 8 filters... I havent used them so much :P

I'm a fan

I love this, and I am a fan. I love those pictures it's halarious cause it' so stupid hehehe

Sonucais responds:


All my 5's are belong to this!

Yet another All your Base masterpiece! Gotta love it! <3

You might wanna warn people about those easter eggs though! That first one almost gave me a seizure! x.X

Sonucais responds:

Oh noes! That was going to be a epileptic easter egg but without seizures! just experimental :(

picture of my hands: clap clap clap wooooooooo!!!!

good job,no great job as a fan this is an excellent edition to the
ayb legacy. i bow to your skillz!!!

Sonucais responds:



yet another classic has been made to add up to the collection.. keep up the good work man..

Sonucais responds:
