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Reviews for "Weed Harmless 3"

Good, but no...

Dude, i kind of understand where you are coming from, but then again, i really dont. You really went overboard with a lot of stuff, and cut parts out which i thought you honestly couldnt crap your way out of, with crap, i expected the guy to try to pick up the kid from baseball, like, in his car, but of course he would have driven well, like every pothead does while stoned, he would have driven, gotten the kid, and taken him home while stoned, which is obvious that most people cant do, so i thought, wow, how is he gonna get out of this one. Then you pull that crap with the police making unfair judgements, but i wanted to see what you would have done if the guy got out the door, please tell me what you would have done, since you are all about making statements.

I think you have been rubbed the wrong way by police a few times, and watched a bit too much dave schapelle, hey, maybe you can get stoned and be ok, but you cant do everything a person who isnt high can, if we put you in a helicopter with a stoned pilot saying 'its cool man, its cool, hop in', i honestly doubt you would get in with him. I honestly thought you would stay on topic and bring up a few good arguments, but you really didnt, diverting attention, police prejudice, yeah those are issues, but you blew it out of proportion, a lot more than the drug campaigns i have seen.

But you do seem to be an intelligent stoner, maybe if everyone was like you, and was calm about it, made their arguments using creative media, pot would be legalised and used responsibly, but, laws are made for the worst of people, and it would be a lot worse if pot was legalised.

sorry if i contradicted myself anywhere or said stuff twiced, im baked out of my mind.... just kidding, i'm actually tired, just got back from the skate park, getting my 'high' off bmx riding, hanging around potheads who i honestly dont think should have easier access to the drug.

Feel free to review my review.

lookitsgecko responds:

I'll probably say this a few times but, you want overboard? Turn on your TV for a few minutes, go to a couple of websites including this one, open aim yahoo or any messenger and look at the ads, there is a blitz of anti-marijuana propaganda and no counter to it, especially not on the level they're bringing it at.

[Regarding the skit]

I was going to have the guy pick up the kid when I first started this skit, but then people would get on me about how "you can't drive while your stoned what are you some type of crazy person?!" So I decided to give another reason why he wouldn't have made it there on time in the first place and also show that he also could have made it if he wasn't stopped. The commercial basically says he "forgot". If you've got something like that planned, don't smoke, I mean you make the decision to smoke while your sober. Or just find a way to alert yourself. There are also plenty of scientific studies on the effects of driving under the influence http://www.marijuana.com/Exposing_12_1095.html click the little numbers for sources, although I dont recommend driving under the influence and thats why it's not in the video. I've planed a whole series of skits based off scientific information like the Overdose skit also, people love those facts/sources, they just don't like to read it for themselves.

[Da po-po]

I actually haven't been rubbed the wrong way by the police yet, I've met quite a few nice officers in the area from skating everywhere and doing school projects, I do watch a lot of Dave Chappelle though! You say someone who's stoned can't do everything a person who is sober can do, your right, and a sober person can't do everything person who is high can do. But it's not like I'm perma-high and I'm clearly not perma-sober, I can chose what activities to do in either situation. If someone flys a helicopter when they're high and they're not used to smoking well they're an idiot, and you'd be an idiot to get in with him, no argument there. I think people smoking would be flying a helicopter in maybe a video game, at home though... Don't you think?

[But, laws are made for the worst of people, and it would be a lot worse if pot was legalised.]

Really for the worst? Wasn't slavery a law? Women voting, did you watch all the videos? Now I'm saying stuff twice and I'm stoned out of my mind too! If pot was legalized it would be sold in stores not by drug dealers so how would the situation be worse? If by worse you mean the government would lose out on a large chunk of money that we pay in taxes for needlessly jailing people just for possession, then yes it would be a lot worse.

Funny you mention the skate park too it's my other high http://www.whatthefawk.com/SBC/ , if people think smoking pot messes with your reflexes watch those I guess, I may not be able to fly a helicopter, but I can do one on a skateboard, Kid: "Hey, can you do a helicopter?" Me: "No but I can kickflip back lip this rail." Kid: "That's weak, I can do a 900 boneless flatground in tony hawk."

I did enjoy your review though it gives me an idea of how different people feel about the subject, what direction to head in, and doesn't go, overboard. :)

Why isn't this on the front page?

I found your flash to be very informative. A few minor issues would be the voice acting (It's passable, but not too good), and a few spelling errors on your text. Another somewhat larger issue would be that you didn't provide us with names or sites where you found this information. "I saw it on TV" and "Google" are not acceptable answers.

oh ok

i dont give a fuck about marijuana cuz its shit for me , i dont like it , but if it would be legal probably more ppl would smoke and more often so your country yankee would become a fucking hippie world , who would be working then ? it would slow down progression of civilization

one question...

Why the hell didn't this get front page?!?
Loved this so awesomely... Damn I can't even say how awesome this was.
What I think is funny though, is that when people drink alchohol, it's actually WORSE than what weed ever does to people. So my question for all those drinkers who drink yet for some reason hate weed smokers is...
Why drink and drive people, when you can smoke and fly?

Ths flash is crunk, but shuldnt be taken seriously

as flash, it's excellent, i loved the graphics. voice acting was good, and you captured nick as a wanker very well (well done to whoever did nick)

however, as far as political movement and a serious attempt to sway the masses, it is both flawed and effective. i think that this flashed is biased and ineffective.

besides, consider the inpracticalities with legalising it, most people are "scared" of anything wild, and your average non stoner thinks that weed is a vine to beelazbub, so it would be very hard to legalise it.

i think the main thing we have to focus on is weather it is bad for you or not, and when you see one guy with a phD tell us it's safe, then a bum telling us it kills us, before being handed a big bag of money, i know who to trust.

if you were trying to make a flawless, well constructed politaical point about the legalisation fo weed, you failed. if you were trying to make a light hearted flash, as a bit of fun, well done.
