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Reviews for "Weed Harmless 3"

Terribly Misinformed

I just have to say that was probably the most ill-informed incorrect pro-weed propaganda Ive ever seen. First of all, I love how you call it harmless when one weed cigarette is 4 TIMES as carcinogenic (that means cancer causing, dumb sh%t) as a regular cigarette. Not to mention that yes weed is a gateway drug. Say what you want but you know as well as I do that people who are open to smoking weed are also open to other drugs. I may just come from a place with way more money than you, but around here college kids start with weed and once there stuck into that then do you know what they upgrade to? Coke. 99% of people who do coke started with smoking weed. Your facts were terribly incorrect, googling " government marijuana conspiracy" is not considered research and I feel sorry for the fact that you believe its true. Weed doesnt kill you, what it causes and what comes after will. What a waste of basic flash animation / actionscript talent.


Gee. I wonder if this is perhaps a wee bit biased.

So in order to be cool I need to be high?

I just don't get this stoner point of view. Why do you pretend to be all high and mighty about something that just makes you lazy and stupid? I mean do you honestly think that making pot legal would solve more problems then it creates? I also don't buy that pot is'nt a addictive. It is stated many times in the flash that "hey I smoke every day and I'm such a rebel". How is that not an addiction?

Sure, make people against drugs look stupid...

Why bother give lines and screen time to the "against" guy if all he says are the dumbest excuses there are? Not to mention you make his voice sound rediculous while the "for" guy is the good guy.

You know what's propoganda? Your stupid movie is. Your movie looks like Nazi propoganda, or other stupid f**ked up groups.
You don't really want a fair discussion.

It's bad, just that, like tobacco, alcohol or any other drug, no avoiding this simple fact- it's bad.
Should people be denied the chance to take it? No, just let them die and ruin their lives as they wish. The same with comitting suicide- let them do it.
But they can't use it when driving etc. and they can't come begging for help afterwards so the gov. cleans them up of drugs.

I was hoping for something with a bit of class, but I've seen fart-jokes with more of it.

No thanks.

Marijuana is bad. I've never tried it and I never plan to. That was just stupid! Who supports the legalization of something that destroys your brain!? Yes, it destroys your brain. I've seen pictures of a normal brain and the brain of someone who's been smoking weed. It disgusts me.