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Reviews for "Tails OTWOR 2"

Tails-fan, my ass.

Tell me, what thought did you put into this movie? Was it choreographing the repetitive, bland fight scenes we've all seen before? How about the badly formulated plot, or perhaps the dumb voice overs? Well done, you can lend Shadows voice to someone who it least fits. Now hang your head in shame while you head back to the drawing board.

And before you start with the "you're obviously not a Tails fan, what do you care?", I am. I find that there are few flash movies involving Tails, and less presenting him in a positive manner, and that irritates me. But worse is a movie which gives people the idea that the average flash-using Tails-fan can't even make a decent movie about him. It devalues the character almost as much as those made by the typical prepubescent retard of a flash "artist"; you know, the kind who spells like a turd, plays RPG's from dawn to dusk and gets called "noob". on all the forums..

But in all seriousness, if you are planning on making a sequel, and it appears so, just slow down. Leave flash alone for a week and design it, write it, plot it. Scour it for plotholes, repetition, dumb jokes or deus ex machina. Give the story reason, and try and be truer to the character (Tails would show hesitation (or at least regret) in killing Eggman, regardless of anything else, for example. Breaking his neck (or whatever) just isn't in the Tails mentality).

Make sure you read all that.
I don't like this flash; try harder.
Good luck.

Tarnish responds:

Oh yeah, FINALLY a REAL TAILS FAN who reviews my movie! (Bet you didn't see that coming..)Coz you know what? You're totally right about what you wrote. Don't expect me to 'hang my head in shame' tho, coz I have no regrets (yeah, I learned it from Sonic), but in time I realised too that I got a 'little' carried away with things. So I think you'll be happy to hear that I'm remaking the whole thing before I continue it. This will contain many improvements, mostly things that you wrote (but like I said, I realised my mistakes before you wrote your review, so don't think it's coz of you), that is improved sprites, probably voice actors, slightly changed plot, more details into the plot & stuff, battles in a more Sonic-style way, things will be taken more gradually and the most important thing: Tails will be truer to the character we all know (& love), in sense like his attitude, mentality, skills and moves. However I'll still do some things in my own 'Tarnish' style, meaning that there will be some changes in connection with Tails, but in a positive way, at least imho. Can't gurantee you'll be totally satisfied with the remake, but it's 100% it will be better than these 2 eps. That's all I wanted to say, but if you wanna reply or anything, just PM me, I'll be waiting..And like I said, cool to find a big-time Tails fan. ;D


tails and Cosmo were only good friends.